Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 332: Break the ban

Chapter 332 Breaking the Ban

Jingtian Lake!

Fang Qingshan, Long and his wife are all here.

Because Panyu Treasury is under the lake.

"Let's go!"

Long Xuan said to Qingshan.

A bright, dazzling blue pearl rose from the top of his head, and came out of a mask, covering Dongyang in it, and then drifted into the lake.

This is the dragon ball that Longxuan captured the House Demon Dragon, born to control the water genus.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, the black halo behind the halo representing the water's properties flashed the same way. He divided the lake into two points and stepped in.

Long Xuan led the way and Lao Ma learned the way. Fang Qingshan and his party soon came to the Panyu Treasury.

Panyu Treasure is divided into four layers, including the outer hole one layer and the inner hole three layers.

On the first floor of the outer cave is the place where the Longs and theirs have broken the ban. There is only one sacred monument with Zhu Shu ancient seals engraved to record the treasure source.

The second layer is the first layer of the inner hole. There is only one treasure of Zhenhai, except for the magic card that closes the door of the second floor.

That Zhenhai Treasure and Ziyun Palace's Jinting Jade Pillar are generally effective in suppressing the sea eye and the center of the earth.

Otherwise, the mountain tsunami and the earth shaking will inevitably lead to the death of a large number of living beings, bringing together a large amount of karma. If there is no such thing as supreme virtue, do n’t say it is immortal, even if you can die forever after death Is an unknown number.

The third floor of the treasure house, which is the second floor of the inner cave, is where the real treasure is.

In addition to the magic card that closes the third-level hole door, there are seven magic weapons, and Taibaixuanjin essence envelops the Yuanling itself.

As for the last layer, there is a Taoist book, which seems to be related to Lingyun, Qingyun, Ziling, Renying, Yingqiong, Yunfeng, Zhu Ping and other old couples in the water palace. The book should be obtained by sister Yingyun.

"right here!"

After arriving at the bottom of Jinghu Lake, Long Xuan stopped in front of a cave house, the other side said,

"This first floor has been broken by my husband and wife, but there is nothing but a stele telling the history. As for the second floor, we have worked hard but we can't get in. The prohibition in the hole is extraordinary, You have to be careful."

"rest assured!"

Fang Qingshan nodded, indicating that he knew.

Followed by the Longs to enter the first floor of the Panyu Treasury, but saw a giant stone monument standing above it, Zhu Shuguyu, detailing the origin of the Treasury and leaving it to fate.

Fang Qingshan just hurriedly glanced, instead of paying attention, followed the Long Xuan couple to the second level of prohibition.

I don't know if it was Fang Qingshan who touched the organs or whether the prohibition here was spiritual.

When Fang Qingshan just entered, they saw the back of the stele, and they released the light, the essence, the magnificence, and the vastness of the stars. They were shot out of the matrix, and seven stars jumped out and formed in midair. With a huge spoon, following the countless stars falling down and swept towards the three of Fang Qingshan.

"Be careful!" The Longs took a slow step, and when they saw the scene, they shouted quickly.

But their worry was obviously superfluous. Although Fang Qingshan did not expect that the ban came so suddenly, he was always cautious and there would be no defense there.

However, seeing the words of the two couples of the Long family, they saw Fang Qingshan's five-color smoke cloud rising from the top. The smoke was as thin as a veil and rolled in the wind. No matter how bright the stars were and how sharp they were, they could not help Fang Qingshan at all. Resist the outside.

"Taiyi Wuyanluo!"

For the well-known treasures in Shushan, the Longs have also heard of it. When they saw the shape of Fang Qingshan's body and the effect of treating the forbidden attack as nothing, it was not known where this was the first defense of the side door. Arcane.

At this time, the two finally had more confidence in Fang Qingshan's take of treasure.

Before Fang Qingshan was attacked suddenly, they actually did not tell Fang Qingshan intentionally, but the purpose was to test the bottom of Qingshan.

After all, they didn't know how many times they came here to break the ban, and there was no idea that the attack would come as soon as they turned around the stele.

However, they are not to hang Fang Qingshan. They mainly want to see if Fang Qingshan is a cannon. He still has this ability. After all, he is too young to repair.

Fang Qingshan knew this, but didn't take it seriously.

They nodded back to them, and jumped into the burrow, the Longs and the two looked at each other closely, followed closely.

Under the cave, don't have a cave.

The space is not large, but the formation is dense, and the prohibition is heavy. However, seeing the runes that are suffocating, Fang Qingshan nodded secretly.

"Fang Daoyou, that's it. Blocking out my couple, can you be sure?"

After looking at Fang Qingshan's scrutiny, Dongyang could not help but speak.


Fang Qingshan nodded, to the two,

"Wait a moment when I find the weak points forbidden by the formation method, everyone shots together to break it, or else the formation method is continuous, and we can't afford it!"

"it is good!"

The Longs and Fang Qingshan were so confident that they nodded quickly.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, he turned around immediately and shot two fine lights in his eyes.

Suddenly, the Longs and the couple seemed to feel that Fang Qingshan and the entire space were integrated into one body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two looked at each other secretly, but they added a little confidence.

But seeing Fang Qingshan's eyes alternate between black and white, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the light of his eyes flashes like a sword.

But it is once again to cast the Qikong Jianjue.

Compared to Fang Qingshan's time in Nobita's Treasury, this time it has improved.

However, this pan treasure house is a bit weaker than the Buddhist mantra in Nobita treasure house.

Over time, Fang Qingshan quickly found the nodes prohibited by the formation law.

"Go here, shoot together!"

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan suddenly gave a loud shout and sacrificed the swords of the heavens. A round of the big sky was lifted off immediately, and the big sky was turned into sky.

The two couples, Long Xuan, were waiting for Fang Qingshan's call long ago. After hearing his words fall, the two immediately hit their best magic weapon towards the place where Fang Qingshan attacked.


All of a sudden, the entire forbidden formation was stimulated, endless fire sprayed, the three seemed to be in the oven of the heavens and earth, and the fire was mixed with countless fireballs. The three were wrapped together with the fire, as if the rain hit the banana Usually hit the magic weapon.

Fang Qingshan has Taiyiwuyanluo, and the two couples, Long Xuan, are more experienced. They wrapped themselves with Bao Baoqi, although these prohibitions are powerful, they cannot hurt them at all.

After being so violently attacked, the two husbands and daughters of Long Xuan were not surprised, they knew that this was the return of light.

Sure enough, when all the dust settled and survived the last explosion, the second-level ban had disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the three were happy at the same time, looked at each other, and rushed in.

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