Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 333: Meridian Yin Yang Order

Entering the second floor, the pagoda that stands in the center is the first thing that catches the eye.

Gao Zhuxu, the color of Wujin, shining, stood on the ground.

You don't need to take a closer look at it to see that it is a treasure.

The two couples of the Long's have been holding the treasure house for many years, but they can only see and cannot touch it. Now when they see this pagoda, they have a joy in their hearts and they have to step forward to collect it, but just as soon as they move, they think there is a Fang Qingshan next to them. For one meal.

"Let Fang Daoyou forgive me!"

Dongyang grinned a little.

"There, when two Taoists saw the magic weapon, they were able to restrain the desire in their hearts, which shows that they have a good heart."

Fang Qingshan first admired, then explained,

"The place where the real treasure is still behind, the two still don't fight the idea of ​​this pagoda. This thing is the treasure of Zhenhai. Suppress the sea eye. Once it moves, there should be an unexpected disaster!"

The Longs and the couple heard the words and were immediately shocked. If they had just rushed to move this treasure, once the Haiyan riots, they would be deadly and deadly, committing boundless killings. At that time, the two do not say that they are pursuing immortal paths. I am afraid that even when disaster strikes, ten deaths have no life.

They knew that it was Fang Qingshan's revenge that had not previously reminded him.

They both sighed and couldn't help it.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

The Longxuan couple tempted themselves. Although they didn't care, they didn't go indecently, didn't deter them, and thought they were bullying.

After reminding the two, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but look up to the top of the cave, where ten feet above the high ground, there was a sharp, sloping, six-inch-long figure with a human ear at the front. The ebony oil itself only showed low light, but it became stronger and stronger, and the light turned white, making the whole hole bright as day.

Fang Qingshan knew that this object was the card to open the second door.

Reach out for a claw, use the five elements to catch the hand, and hold it in your hand.

Seeing the Longxuan couple look over, they couldn't help explaining it.

In this second layer of Dongfu, there is nothing except this card.

Therefore, after Fang Qingshan took it away, when he and his wife continued to move towards the next level of Dongfu, they were really a treasure house.

Entering the third-level Dongfu, and the array of bans at the beginning of the stele are generally the same. As soon as Fang Qingshan and others entered, it seemed to trigger the authorities, and ambush all the way up, down, left and right.

It's just that the only difference from the last time is that this time it's not starlight, not firelight, but thunderfire gold sword, Xuan Bing.

Rolling like a tide, a wave is higher than a wave, and at the same time a force of space imprisonment erupts, holding the three in place. They can only resist and cannot dodge.

In the cave, there are many organs and everything can happen. Although this scene is equally unpredictable, the three of Long Xuan didn't have any panic, because the defense magic on them has not been removed since they came in. Some consume mana but are more secure.

Fang Qingshan, for his part, is well-informed, and waits for these attacks to fall, and sacrifice the newly obtained card to sacrifice a mana to activate it.


A strange wave of time erupted, and a rainbow of light flashed. Not only did the attack disappear, but the force of imprisonment also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the two of the Long's couple suddenly lighted up and followed Fang Qingshan toward the front.

This third floor is generally the same as the previous second floor. There is only one card that closes the third floor door and a Baoding.

But the second-tier pagoda is a thing that suppresses the sea eye and cannot be moved lightly. This is the Baoding, but it is the real treasure in the treasure house.

Inside, not only are there hidden panchi seven treasures, but also their own Yuanshen and Taibai Xuanjin essence.

Fang Qingshan reached out and removed the card. Just then, the mutation suddenly occurred.

However, when the second level of cards are opened and the cards just obtained are like the two levels of Yin and Yang, they snap together, tightly and tightly, as if they were one.

But the newly-formed token was seen, and a group of brilliance shaped like Taiji appeared on the front end.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan remembered for a moment that the magic card that opened the Dongfu seemed to be an incredible magic weapon.

Combining these two tokens with the Meridian Order of one of the seven treasures in the cave, a new magic weapon, the Meridian Order of Yin and Yang, can be formed.

This treasure is similar to that of the ancient ancient treasure disc. Can emit the rays of the yin and yang of the noon, which is specially designed to break the aurora too hot.

In addition, this treasure has a combination of offense and defense. When attacking, it turns into a big day. When defending, the moon is empty.

If you really name the magic weapon in Panyu Treasury, this treasure is still on the blue flame.


When Fang Qingshan was preparing to use the card to open the treasure house, Dongyang's eyes flashed, but he suddenly stopped to say.

"what happened?"

Fang Qingshan frowned, looking at her a little puzzled.

"Below is where the treasure house really is!"

Dongyang ignored Fang Qingshan's puzzlement ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and asked softly.


Fang Qingshan nodded.

"Okay, so, let's first discuss how to divide this magic weapon!"

Dongyang Road.

"Yes, my brothers settled their accounts. Let's talk first, then don't mess."

Long Xuan could not help but nodded.

In fact, they have not moved other thoughts, because at this time, if Fang Qingshan is removed, they will be able to enjoy the treasure house exclusively.

It was just that the idea only circled in their hearts, and they were thrown out of their minds.

First of all, Fang Qingshan has Taiyi Wuyanluo as a side door to defend the treasure. The heavenly sword in his hand is full of coldness with the body of the Dragon Xuan Demon Dragon. It is obviously a rare killing treasure. It was not easy to win him.

Another thing is that there is a real bliss person behind Fang Qingshan. Although they do not know the mysterious relationship between Fang Qingshan and the bliss real person, they can come up with an identity token, which is obviously very close.

If they kill Fang Qingshan, if the blissful real people are annoyed, then the second old man in the wilderness may not be able to save them.

However, the most important point is that Fu Fu, which seals the two swords of Tiandu and Minghe. They can't stop it at all. Once inspired by Fang Qingshan, I am afraid the net will be broken.

Therefore, the two husbands and daughters of Xuan Longxuan forcibly suppressed the greed in their hearts and wanted to discuss the distribution plan with Fang Qingshan before taking the treasure.

"What do I say, that's it!"

Fang Qingshan couldn't help laughing when he heard the words of the two couples,

"If that's the case, you don't need to worry.

"I came here for the main purpose of Taibai Mysterious Gold." Free Reader !!

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