
Upon hearing Fang Qingshan's words, the Long Xuan and his wife were shocked. Fastest update

Today, they have received enough surprises. First, disciple Emei, who was originally a relative, didn't come, but halfway through, he killed Fang Qingshan and got real instructions from Bliss to come and take the treasure.

Then, they attacked for many years, but they couldn't shake it at all, so that the ban they had given up was actually broken in the hands of Fang Qingshan.

Today, what they heard again, Fang Qingshan actually promised a condition, except for Taibai Xuanjin Jingqi, he did not want a magic weapon.

From the first layer of stone steles, they knew that there were seven magic weapons in Panyu Treasury, and all the pieces were fine, even the most precious.

Ordinary people get one, but the baby can't, Fang Qingshan actually wants to give up all, how do they feel like Tianfang Yetan.

"Fang Daoyou, are you telling the truth?"

The Long couple looked at each other for a long time, still questioning doubtfully.

"True than real gold!" Fang Qingshan replied firmly.

"So I don't know what the friend said?"

Long Xuan took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon!

Fang Qingshan would rather give up all the treasures, but he only made a request, or he had other plans, or this request was particularly unacceptable.

But no matter which one, it is not easy to handle.

"Don't be so nervous!"

Fang Qingshan waved and laughed,

"My request is very simple. It does not require you to go to the sword and fire, nor does it require you to do anything detrimental, just a vow."

"What vow?"

Although Fang Qingshan said lightly, the Longxuan couple were more cautious.

There are gods in the world, and vows of spiritual practice cannot be made indiscriminately, because it is very easy to cause cause and effect. Once you have the testimony of heaven and earth, it is absolutely necessary to complete it.

"As long as the two swear an oath and promise to share my luck in the future, I will not take all the treasures in the pan treasure house except Taibaixuanjinjingqi."

Fang Qingshan said with a smile.

Yes, he did it again.

Not long ago, when Fang Qingshan came overseas, Shang Fengzi finally successfully entered Emei.

Why do you say he knew it? Naturally, there was a sudden spurt of luck in the sea of ​​knowledge, although it was not very large.

So, this time, Fang Qingshan was ready to do the same.

To him, in addition to Taibaixuanjin essence, all kinds of magical amulets are good, especially the noon yin and yang orders, but they are not necessary.

The magic weapon is not much.

He now has the swords of the heavens, a sharp weapon to kill, is in the best way, and the defense has Taiyi Wuyan Luo, which is also a best-in-class, designed to defend. He said that he could not be promoted to the middle class.

He has no magic weapon.

Fang Qingshan will not hesitate any more if he uses some magic weapon that is not necessary for a continuous stream of luck.

The Longxuan couple looked at each other again, and the surprise they received today is almost the most in their lives.

They are different from Shang Fengzi, and naturally have a deeper understanding of Qi Yun.

They know how important luck is to a person.

However, Qi Yun cannot be seen or touched. Except for the legendary wisdom eyes, Qi Yun cannot be seen at all, nor can it be used.

However, now Fang Qingshan actually said that as long as he took an oath to share his luck, how could this not make them confused?

Indeed, the way of luck, and the mystery of the mystery, ordinary people, simply do not make an oath, can be reproduced and bear.

But Fang Qingshan is not the same. He can curse the opponent's luck with a large curse. He will also do little fatalism, and he has the luck of the chess board.

"Brother Fang take this seriously?"

Don't ask Jokingly with a look of Long Xuan.

"The treasure house is in front of me, and I can also swear at the same time with the two, and the truth is immediately verified."

Fang Qingshan said quietly and lightly.

"It seems he's here, he won't be burned out!"

The Long Xuan couple looked at each other, and they both saw the same meaning from each other's eyes.

However, no matter what the reason Fang Qingshan came up with, it seemed to them that there was no harm to them!

The seven treasures are still heavenly scriptures, and if they can all be regarded as their own, they have been practising for hundreds of years.

As for the Qiyun Fang Qingshan, if you can get all kinds of treasures, it is not a big deal, it is only one point, not too much, and you have never heard of an oath before you can successfully transfer it.

"How is Xianzhen thinking?" Fang Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Okay, we agree!" The Long Xuan and his wife looked at each other with a sharp smile and nodded.

"Okay, then make an oath!"

Fang Qingshan heard the words, and suddenly felt a joy in his heart,

"So everyone can rest assured."

"it is good!"

In this regard, the Longxuan couple naturally have no objection.

"Tiandao is up, today Fang Qingshan vowed here, as long as the two couples of Longxuan promise to share their luck in the future ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In addition to Taibaixuanjin essence, all other things are take."

Fang Qingshan did not hesitate and took the lead to make an oath.

The authenticity of the vows is natural at a glance. At this moment, the two husbands and daughters of Xuan Xuan have no disagreement and vowed at the same time.

"Tiandao is up, I ’m Longxuan / Dongyang, and I vowed here today. If Fang Qingshan Taoyou really fulfills his promise, except for Taibaixuanjin, all other treasures will be left to my husband and wife. In the future, I will be very popular. He's one point. "

As soon as the words of the two couples of Long Xuan fell, they felt as if they had witnessed in heaven.

"Okay! Two, let's hurry in and get the treasure!"

With one more source of luck, Fang Qingshan was in a good mood and took the lead toward Jin Ding, who was the last treasure on the third floor. Long Xuan and his wife followed quickly.

"Hyunsang should prepare first!"

Before coming to Jinding, Fang Qingshan reminded,

"Once I open the treasure house, if these magic weapons are not collected in time, they will fly away."

"Thank you, Fang Daoyou for reminding me."

Longxuan couple heard the words, they were shocked, and quickly thanked each other.

Then, when Dongyang waved his hand, dozens of triangular flags came out, slamming, and an array of formations closed the door.

"Okay, watch out."

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan nodded, shook the Yin and Yang tokens in his hand, struck a **** and white, and brushed toward Jin Ding.


I saw Jin Ding, who had not been moving like a mountain before, suddenly a masterpiece of Guanghua, full of glowing rays, all the portals opened suddenly, at the same time, Guanghua outside suddenly disappeared. Ding Zhongbao was shining, and there was a sound of golden iron and iron. ) Download Free Reader !!

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