At the moment when Taibai's black gold essence was condensed, Jin Peng's swallowing power suddenly increased. If the previous swallowing power was one, then it is now five.

In an instant, this swallowing force swept the entire Jinding space, and all the pervading Taibaixuanjin essence was like a stream of rivers returning to the sea, flowing into Xunpeng's mouth continuously.

For a while, I saw that the golden beads were getting bigger and brighter, and there were faintly, there were countless runes flickering, and the core point gave birth to a Fa phase, like an instrumental spirit.

This is a golden emperor, like Jinzhong Supreme, who can control the world's metals.

At the same time, in the halo of Fang Qingshan's five elements, four spirit beads flew out.

An evolving sea and ocean, blue seas, full of water, disillusioned to softness.

A sea of ​​evolving boundless fire, Tianhuo Yuanyuan, burning mountains to cook the sea, and raging hot.

A mountain that evolved 100,000, stood up to the sky, suppressed the Quartet, and was fierce without casting.

An evolution and a portal, the mysterious and the mysterious, if there is a continuous, endless.

These four beads are the sea beads representing the water attribute, the Qianyuan fire spirit beads of the fire attribute, the western **** mud **** of the earth attribute, and the black pearls of the wood attribute.

The five elements gathered together, a mysterious and mysterious, inexplicable, the breath of the unknown began to spread.

The five Lingzhu establish a connection with each other, if any, and slowly rotate around Fang Qingshan.

Breath resonance.

The five spirit beads first let each other's attribute breath be at the same frequency, then slowly fluctuated and adjusted, slowly adjusted to a level with the breath of Fang Qingshan's body, and then approached a little bit, it seemed to be integrated into the body in.


Fang Qingshan suddenly sighed and forcibly interrupted this promotion with his willpower.

He knew that if this situation were allowed to continue, he would be able to make a breakthrough breakthrough immortal, but unfortunately now is not the time and the place is wrong.

After all, here is still an old monster of Tianxian level who is about to get out of trouble.

"Who are you, kid?"

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan just suppressed Xiu and opened his eyes for a breakthrough, then he saw a pair of dazzling lights.

But the eyes of the Yuanshen who saw the pan of the central Jinding that was sealed by the Taibai black gold essence were already open.

Three feet in size, just like a fruit. He is dressed in a Taichi gossip robe, looks very ancient, and looks at him facelessly. Although there is no movement, Fang Qingshan feels suffocated like a mountain. , Such as Weiru prison, Fang Qingshan really saw in his life.

Compared to the exquisite fairy statue in the immortal world, not to mention the difference between Haoyue and Firefly, but also a world of difference.

Although the blissful real man is much more powerful than Pan Pan, he has not shown his power at all.

As for the green robe, the severely wounded body is not in its peak state, the ascetic head is ashamed, but it is a clone. And the realm of both of them is in Dixian, and there is still some distance from Tianxian.


Fang Qingshan grunted, and the means came out.

First of all, the five discs representing the Guanghua evolution of the five elements behind the grinding disc slowly grinded away all the momentum that enveloped Fang Qingshan.

Following the swords of the heavens behind them, they also issued a rushing sword spirit, crisscrossing, cutting the four directions.

Then there was a colorful cloud of smoke rising from Taiyi Wuyan Luo, which dreamed like a dream and protected Fang Qingshan in it.

With this triple isolation and protection, Fang Qingshan finally got rid of the shackles of immortality.

"Well a domineering martyr, that's how you deal with life-saving benefactors?"

Although it was only for a while, Fang Qingshan was sweating all over, as if dehydrated. He finally isolated the immortality of Tianxian, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but he was not good at looking at Pan Huan.


Pan Yan's eyes looked at Fang Qingshan slightly, but there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

Although he is only a prince, it is the way to break through the bottom layer of Tianxian except for the ghost fairy, but anyway, it is also Tianxian. Fang Qingshan can be isolated, but it is amazing, especially that one attack and one defense are two. , I am afraid that there is nothing in his treasure house that can be compared.

The Five Elements Avenue behind it has reached the point of manifesting Daogu, even if some Dixian may not have this realm.

None of this is a reason to undermine his plans.

After thinking about it for so long, the final result was that the seal was still open for a while, and the person who came should be his old friend.

"The first floor of the treasure house clearly records the date and coming of the ban on the next few layers. Do you dare to save yourself?"

The cold light flashed in Pan's eyes.


Fang Qingshan smirked, shook his head, and asked without answering.

"The warnings were calculated by the seniors themselves!"


Although I don't know why Fang Qingshan asked so, Pan Ye nodded, and at the same time, he speeded up the recovery speed.

Yes, after Pan Yu sobered up, he saw the strange number Fang Qingshan. The reason why he did not directly capture it was because he was sealed by the Taibai mysterious gold essence for thousands of years ~ ~ He was not at the peak.

He was originally a prince of Yuan Ying. He spent thousands of years and loved his feathers. He didn't want to have accidents anymore, so he made noisy with Fang Qingshan. He recovered in the dark and waited for the heyday to thunder.

"Then you know why I came?"

Fang Qingshan asked a question, and he didn't wait to answer it, then he said it himself.

"I got the guidance of a real bliss, did you say that you are accurate, or is his old man fine?"

"What? Real Bliss?"

Sure enough, just like the Longs, when they heard the name, they could not help but exclaim and couldn't help recovering.

"Yes, otherwise why do you think I came here to take the treasure?"

Fang Qingshan said in a light breeze, taking the Bliss Rune out of his way.

Originally panic was still doubtful, and felt that Fang Qingshan seemed to be pulling the banner.

However, when he saw the jade amulet in Fang Qingshan's hand, the pupil tightened suddenly, and a silver light like a flame enveloped it instantly.

The two couples of Long's can sense the heaven above, Minghe Jianqi, and the pan is naturally more capable.

Especially thousands of years ago, the heavenly capital of blissful real people, Minghe Sword is no worse than Ziqing Sword. Killing demons and removing demons is even more thunderous, making people scared.

Panyu is a character who has come from that peak period, and naturally understands the power of this Fuyu.

He even shot at someone other than Qingshan, who was not a fairy, and he had to wait for himself to recover.

But now that Fuyu can harm Tianxian, he will certainly not risk it by himself.

Taking a deep look at Fang Qingshan, Pan Yan suddenly smiled,

"It turned out that Xiaoyou got the guidance of a real bliss, no wonder, no wonder!") !!

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