"Well, there are many things that are not satisfactory in life. It is a great joy to be able to get the ascension, but it is not good and too demanding."

Talk to myself with emotion, and then the other side of Qingshan Road,

"Little friends have great luck, Dafuyuan. Let's meet again in the fairyland in the future!"

Having said that, Pan Yan never responded to Fang Qingshan, and immediately released his whole body.

In the next moment, the sky was falling wildly, the earth was flooded, the golden lotus, the golden boy and the girl, holding incense burners, persevering, Tianbing Tianjiang, blowing Dafa snails, knocking Dafa drums, heaven and earth celebrated.

A mysterious and mysterious breath exudes from the pan.

He had just broken through the seal, and there was still a bit of a sense of futility. Under the power of this world, he suddenly became deeply quaint and unpredictable.

Speaking of time, it ’s fast, Longfeng and Fengxiang, Ling Xiaoyaochi's visions flashed across, a beam of light like a jade falling from the sky, one end covered with coils, and one end was connected to the deep, I do n’t know what time and space In front of a portal.

Lead to fairy light, the gate of fairyland!


That is to say, between the electric light and flint, it led to Xianguang's collection and disappeared.

If it was thousands of years ago, Fang Qingshan dared to undermine his own plans, and he was trying to pick up the cause and effect, and he must also give Fang Qingshan a good look.

However, the millennium grinding has consumed its will, without the momentum of the battlefield.

He knew that if he tried his best, Fu Lei, a real blissman, might not be able to do himself, but he was afraid to take risks, not only did he dare not take his own shots, but also feared that Fang Qingshan's shot would destroy his thousand years of meditation, so he couldn't wait to rise.

As soon as the pan was gone, there was only a pale cyan skin in Jinding. The skin was covered with fine scales and glittering, about two feet, and it was not sealed.

Fang Qingshan reached out his hand and took it into his hand. Without looking closely, he turned out of Jinding.

When they came outside, they found that the Longs and the two were standing at the gate of Dongfu, trembling, and seemed to be fleeing in the next moment.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan couldn't help it.

"Fang Daoyou, inside"

Before Fang Qingshan asked, Dongyang stumbled and pointed at Jin Ding.

Fang Qingshan raised a brow, and then he realized what was going on.

It turned out that after Fang Qingshan entered Jinding, the Dragons and their couples also completed the noon yin and yang rituals. The two originally planned to enter Jinding with Fang Qingshan to break the essence of Taibai mysterious gold as soon as possible, and to fix the three elements Dan got it.

But don't want to be at this moment, Jin Ding suddenly sent out a magnificent momentum, such as the mighty prison, such as the mountains and the sea, the two couples only thought it was Mount Tai, shouldering the sky, their pupils tightened, and their faces were shocked.

This momentum is Dongyang's mother-in-law, and Lu Ye, one of the top two masters in the Shushan Mountains, is also worse than Lu Ye.

They think of the first floor of the treasure trove. They did n’t know that this was the birth of Panyu. This is a real fairy. If they waited for someone to break his plan, they must have angered him. The hearts of them immediately rose. With the idea of ​​running away, fortunately, I didn't leave Qingshan below and fled alone.

"Hyun-chan doesn't have to be nervous. Cocoon has soared."

Fang Qingshan chuckled, comforted, and threw the skin in his hand,

"Sanyuan Gupo Dan is among them. Take it!"


After hearing the first half of Fang Qingshan's words, the couple could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and in the second half, they let out their eyes, quickly took the skin bag, reached out and touched out the contents.

But there were two black gold bottles inside, only a few inches tall. This is obviously the Sanyuan Gupo Dan.

Long Xuan was so agitated that he opened the golden bottle, and a refreshing fragrance was released in a short time. Both Fang Qingshan and Dongyang were okay. Long Xuan was almost intoxicated. If it wasn't for knowing that this is not a good place to retreat He now wants to swallow it.

After all, the Longs have waited too long for him.

Another Taoist book made of bamboo slips is 73 pages in total.

Except for the first three Zhushu ancient seals, which contain the magical use of Tibetan treasures and elixir in the library, each page below is a magic charm.

On the next page is the ancient book of Zhu Shu, which records the origins of Panyu and the smiling monk. ?

"Well, we have successfully completed the treasure hunt. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow. We will have a period later!"

Seeing the excited Long couple who could not calm down for a long time, Fang Qingshan immediately resigned.


Dongyang heard the words, and was immediately excited, took a picture of Long Xuan, awakened him, and then the other side Aoyama said apologetically,

"This time I was able to find the treasure successfully. All the friends of Fang Dao were successful. My husband and wife are not unknown. This day, Taoist friends made a copy of it, and we will add two to five."

"No need."

After hearing Dongyang's words, Fang Qingshan nodded secretly in his heart. The husband and wife are not the kind of greedy and deceitful people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We already said, how can we have more? Moreover, there are vows, Daoyou need not say any more. "

"Taoyou said this."

Long Xuan came back to God and heard the dialogue between Fang Qingshan and Dongyang, and immediately shook the faint dragon's head, the other side Qingshan solemnly said,

"If you can get Sanyuan Gubao Dan, Dao You will recreate my husband and wife together, let alone give up all these treasures. If my husband and wife really enjoy all these things in peace, then we are still human. ?"

In fact, the reason why the two couples came here in the end was because they did not trust Fang Qingshan and almost left him to escape the crime.

There is also a good destiny, after all, Fang Qingshan is rich in talents and rich in richness, but he is the pride of heaven, not to mention the blissful real person standing behind him.

"As for the previous transaction, Daoyou doesn't have to worry about it, it's everything."

Long Xuan laughed,

"The transaction has been completed, and now my husband and you will ask you to copy the heavenly script and collect the falcons. This is another gift we gave. The transaction has no vows."

"That's right, Daoyou just accept it with peace of mind, so that we can be more at ease, so that we won't have magical obstacles in the future."

Dongyang echoes the road.


Feeling their fist meaning, Fang Qingshan hesitated.

The heavenly book is not important to him, but it can be used as a bypass to increase knowledge.

Fu Xun is even better. Although it is not as good as the Fu Xun's Fu Xun, he can also achieve the normal attack of Sanxian. If he gets it, he will add some hole cards out of thin air.

"If you do n’t accept it, do you look down on our couple?"

Seeing Fang Qingshan's appearance, Long Xuan immediately added a fire. ) !!

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