Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 348: Jedi Counterattack

"Fang Han, his mercy!"

Just then, Fang Qingshan's mouth moved slightly.

Of course, he didn't want Fang Han to show mercy to his subordinates. It is the Taoism of the Yellow River Map of Jiuqu.

Thinking of the map of the Jiuqu Yellow River, Fang Qingshan's first reaction was in the battle of the gods, and the Jiuqu Yellow River array that shined in the hands of Sanxiao.

This array method is second only to the Xianxian Sword array and Wanxian array which are second to the Confucianism.

But it is hundreds of mortals who line up. They use top-level innate Lingbao mixed Yuan Jindou to suppress the large array, which contains innate secrets, life and death institutions; outside according to the nine palace gossip, access to the portal, serial advance and retreat, well-organized. Then she let Zhang Xuan intercept the twelve golden immortal wolves to rush into the process, and she was eliminated with three flowers on her top and five spirits in her chest.

The **** who can lose immortal, the spirit that eliminates immortal, the form of trapping immortal, the spirit that damages the immortal, the original that lost the immortal, the body that damages the immortal. The gods come here to become mortal.

If there is a map in this array, then replace the mortal of the array with the golden immortal of the Zhou Tianxing array, Da Luo, and suppress it with the top congenital spirit treasure. Just think about it, you can know the type of array. power.

Although the Jiuqu Yellow River map is a little lower in quality, it can be continuously practiced. The most important thing is that it can really be used as a map of the Jiuqu Yellow River array, so Fang Qingshan was a little emotional.

So after Fang Han destroyed the instrument spirit, let his men be merciful, do not destroy this Tao.

Fang Han, who had been preparing to slay the Jiuqu Yellow River, suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ear, and could not help but hesitate, and the action in his hand was a pause.

"When is the third son coming back?"

Fang Han had a thought in his mind. But just think about it, after all, it is still fighting life and death with Ruyizi.

Although he didn't think Ruyizi could turn the sky, the Lions beat the rabbit with all their strength.

As for what Fang Qingshan said, the other party's cold is just a matter of hand and taking advantage of the situation.

For a split second, Fang Han's wrist fluttered and he played a sword flower, picking out the yellow river map of Jiuqu, and behind the door of Abi issued a swallowing force, swallowing it into the middle and suppressing it.

From Ruyizi's fierce self-explosion, the Jiuqu Yellow River of Zhongpin Dao Qi was about to die in the cold.

When Fang Han suddenly broke out, he sacrificed the Seven Killing Sword, a high-grade Taoist tool specially created for killing and cutting, and broke through the encirclement of the Jiuqu Yellow River map in one fell swoop, destroying the spirit of the device and the pure Yang Yuan that had not been thoroughly digested. God.

Everything is just up and down between the rabbits, between the electric light flint.

Then everyone saw that Fang Han's counterattack didn't reverse the situation, that was, the Yellow River in Jiuqu was taken away by him for suppression.

This is not to say, Fang Han is not a person who only knows that he was beaten and does not know how to fight back.

Kill him while he is ill.

Lost a pure Yang Yuanshen Fa phase, lost a life-saving medium-grade Taoist device, Ruyizi was already in a low tide.

The Fang Han sacrifice the Seven Killing Swords, but it is like the sun and the sky. After a while, there will still be such a great opportunity.


While Ruyizi was still strangling God, Fang Han burst into a sigh and cut out the Seven Killing Sword again.

Jian Qi is like frost, murderous is like rainbow.

The evil spirits converged, as if the dark clouds overwhelmed the city, gradually reflecting the gloom of the sky, as if dripping water.

Jianguang billows, like a long river of history, including Jue Ui, sweeping in all directions.

The surrounding air was absorbed by that sword light, and everyone's gaze, including the divine will, was drawn together.

The space is shattered. The seal enchantment arranged by Feng Baiyu and the Tianxingtai seem to be overwhelmed, and they are also shaking.


A series of seven bangs raised seven mushroom clouds.

In addition to the original **** of the Ruyizi, one of the nine gods of the Nine Temples cultivated by the Great Origin Technique was sacrificed, and the remaining seven are at the moment under the Seven Killing Sword.

Then the remaining momentum was chopped on the ancient wasteland.


With a sound of Huang Zhongda Lu, through the enchantment, the thinking of the surrounding audience could not help but pause.

A dazzling beam of light, such as a thousand meteor showers, fires in all directions.

Although the Dahuang Ancient Furnace is also a high-quality Taoist device, and its quality is still superior, it is obviously a little different from the top-level Taoist devices such as the Seven Killing Swords.

The instrumental and desolate **** of the Great Wild Furnace issued a painful roar, violent shock, and retracted into the furnace body.

With this sword, the instrumental spirit of the Great Wild Furnace left an indelible damage. Without hundreds of years of hard sacrifice, don't even want to recover.

After all, the Seven Killing Swords are killing the sky, killing the land, killing people, killing the gods, killing the ghosts, killing the Tao, and killing themselves.

The gods here are not only directed at the immortals, the gods, but also the sacredness born naturally, as well as the genus of instrumental spirits, Dan spirits, and book spirits.

Therefore, it is not only the power of the Seven Killing Sword, but also the reason why the instrumental spirit was targeted.


Accompanied by the ancient spirit of the Great Wild Furnace was Ruyizi's scream and an unbelievable howl.

The organs were too clever to calculate, and Qing Qing's life was mistaken.

The three immortals and two veterans teamed up to output the destiny Jingyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Pure Yang vitality, exerting the power of the Great Wild Furnace tenfold and hundredfold, suppressing Huangquan Tu and the Eight Buoys in one fell swoop. It is the self-destructive Yuan Shen and Taoism.

However, in the end, not only did the bamboo basket fetch water, but he also lost his wife and died, and even died before leaving the army.

Without the map of the Jiuqu Yellow River, and the ancient furnace of the Wilderness, facing the full-blown outbreak of the Seven Killing Swords, Ruyizi could still resist it, and could not help but reveal a despair in his eyes.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Yeah, how is that possible!

Not only Ruyizi couldn't believe it, it was the audience. Many couldn't believe what happened.

Ruyizi is a giant of ancient times, and is not a dragon Taoist. The casual Taoist monks are the elders of Yuhuamen, the master of Huatiandu. Such a character, who has a large ancient furnace with a Taoist instrument, has actually lost to Fang Han. In the hands, it is a complete defeat, a dilemma of life and death, and Fang Han is now only a heaven and earth law, how can everyone believe?

"Another Fang Qingshan!"

Seeing this scene, the congenital demon Zong couldn't help but sighed.

Of course, this is because he didn't know that Fang Qingshan had broken through the mystery of longevity, and had also broken through the immortal body, that is, it would not take long to break through the realm of cave heaven.

"Head, how?"

At this moment, Fang Qingshan laughed softly, and said to the side of the wind and white feathers.


There is a regret on Feng Baiyu's face. After all, Ruyizi is also an eternal giant. It is a pity to die in any martial arts. It is a pity that he died in the infighting, especially now that the Protoss calamity is about to erupt .

"The tree has large branches, and proper pruning is more conducive to the growth of the tree, and it cannot be turned upside down."

Fang Qingshan heard the words, but just said something lightly.

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