
The more desperate, the more crazy.

Seeing his thousand years of spiritual practice, it will be ruined once, how Ruyizi will be reconciled, especially when he finally loses to Fang Han, who has not been in his heart at all, he feels unwilling and unwilling.

"That being the case, I'm dead and will pull you together."

With Ruyizi's crazy laugh, he directly wanted to make a contribution.

"Both heaven and earth live together, die!"

The physical body, the phase, the Yuanshen, the magical power, the life span, etc. Ruyizi directly sacrificed it in order to pull Fanghan together, and even if he couldn't pull a back, Fang Han would have to get rid of it Layer of skin.


With a loud noise, Ruyizi's entire body was directly disintegrated, and directly turned into an arrow.

Ruyizi is an eternal giant in the end, really regardless of the desperate struggle, the power is still huge. At least the death of the Seven Killing Swords was one of them, and there was even a faint feeling of being hit. Fang Han even felt that his physical body seemed to be disintegrating.

"Heaven, avenge me!"

At the same time, Ruyizi took the opportunity to throw out the ancient wasteland.

This Taoist device was originally owned by Huatiandu. He did not want to let it fall into Fang Han's hands. This was a capital enemy.

Of course, the more important thing is that this Taoist device is an important certificate to open the Panwu Tianzun treasure house, and it will be troublesome to fall into the hands of Fang Han.

How could Fang Han let the ducks flying away?


With a sneer, Fang Han sacrificed Huang Quantu and Babu Tutu two Taoist vessels.

There are instrumental spirits in Huang Quan's picture, there are also wooden Taoists, runners and other people in the eight-buried floating slaughter. It is not necessary to spend Fang Han to work together.

In fact, this is the difference between instrumental magic and no instrumental magic.

There is no magic weapon for instrumental spirits, and you can only urge yourself. At most, you have a strong spirituality and can automatically protect the master.

This is a disadvantage, but also an advantage, that is, you don't have to worry about the backlash of the instrument.

Of course, in eternal life, it is rare to hear that the instrumental spirit counterattacks the master, otherwise, the instrumental flow will not prevail.

With the combination of Huang Quantu and Babu Futu two treasures, the Seven Killing Sword will kill Ruyizi without any suspense!

"It's naive to want to leave at this time!"

Seeing that the ancient wild furnace is about to fly out of the Tianxingtai, and fly towards the Yuhua Temple, after all, Huatian Capital is now in the middle of it to break through the secret of longevity.

Fang Han shook his hand to sacrifice Huang Quantu, but Naiqiao flashed, and Changhong usually penetrated it, suppressing directly on the ancient barren furnace.


The instrumental and desolate **** of the Great Wild Furnace struggled for a while, but he was hit hard by the Seven Killing Sword first. How could he fight Yan at this time?

Seeing this scene, Feng Baiyu's brow could not help but slightly frowned. After Ru Yizi was suppressed by Fang Han, he withdrew the seal on the Tianxingtai, but did not want to let this magic weapon fall into Fang Han's hands, but did not expect Fang Han shot so decisively and so quickly.

Immediately, however, his eyebrows stretched out, as he sensed a familiar air machine.

The change of Feng Baiyu's appearance has not been hidden from Fang Qingshan, but in his heart he chuckled, and secretly said that he was sorry, because his idea was doomed.

"Fang Han, you **** it!"

At this moment, the ancient barren furnace that had been suppressed by Yan suddenly erupted, and suddenly opened the Naihe Bridge, and then flew into the hands of Changhong flying from the Yuhuan Temple.

At the same time, Huatian was full of three-point anger, three-point suffocation, three-point killing thoughts, and one sad voice uttering through the Tianxingtai.

Mana billows, compared to the previous Ruyizi.

Huatian is out.

With his own background and the support of Taiyimen, Huatiandu broke through at the last moment and became an eternal giant.

It's just a pity that he didn't have the luck of Fang Qingxue, and a breakthrough is immortal.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. If the immortal body breaks so well, why are the three deputy heads of the Yuhuamen Gate, the elders of the punishment, and so on?

You need to know that even when Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingshan broke through the secret of longevity, they only broke through the peak of Wanshou, and Huatian was able to keep up with their footsteps.

Unfortunately, if Huatian broke through before the battle between Fang Han and Ruyizi, or if Fang Qingshan did not return today, or it was not repaired after returning. Perhaps the situation is quite different.

But now, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Huatian has broken through the secret of eternal life!"

"Although there is no breakthrough in immortality, it is also the pinnacle of Wanshou."

"There is a good show now."

"Yuhuamen really is in the sky, first Fang Qingshan, and then Fang Han, and now Huatian has become an eternal giant."

When everyone saw Huatian flying out of Yuhuan Tiangong, everyone who had just been shocked by Ruyizi's defeat was another uproar.


At this moment, Fang Qingshan snorted suddenly. I stretched out my hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The desolation of the Great Wild Furnace could not help but pause, as if imprisoned in the air.

Then, they saw the sky above them, suddenly there was a big hand covering the sky, the palms were chaotic, with five fingers and many colors.

Hunyuan Yiqi five elements capture!

With a little fishing, the Fang Qingshan was held by Fang Qingshan without any resistance.

"Three realms of heaven and earth, up and down ten sides, seal!"

Follow, but listen to Fang Qingshan's whisper, and perform a large seal to seal the ancient waste furnace in an instant.

"Hold it!"

Fang Qingshan flicked his fingers, the ancient waste furnace fell into Fang Han's hands.

There are too many accidents today.

Whether Ruyizi's decisiveness and reluctance, Fang Han's Jedi counterattack, or Ruyizi's accidental killing, Huatian suddenly broke through the Changsheng exit, which made everyone unexpected.

But did not expect that at this last moment, another Cheng bite gold.

It wasn't just other people who didn't think about it, but Feng Baiyu, who was sitting beside Fang Qingshan, also didn't think about it, so he didn't have time to react at all, to stop it.

In fact, the reason why Fang Qingshan shot was simple.

Ruyizi and Fang Han were born with death and death. Although the Great Wild Furnace is a magic weapon of Huatiandu, since he lent Ruyizi to take the platform, then this thing is now Fanghan's trophy. Take it back?

What's more, Fang Qingshan asked Fang Han to keep the map of the Yellow River in Jiuqu. If he wanted to come over, Ping Bai took a piece of middle-class Taoism. Although Fang Han might not mind, Fang Qingshan still felt bad and could not take it for granted So, this ancient wild furnace was given to him as a gift.

In addition, Fang Han is a member of the Fang family, so why can't he let his people suffer?

And this time he came back, he wanted to rule the world, and the first sword was naturally to Huatiandu.

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