Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 350: Mercy

"Who, who?"

Seeing that his ancient wild furnace was snatched halfway, he didn't even react to it, and Huatian was immediately angry.

He broke through the giants of longevity and reached the peak of longevity.

Knowing there is so cruel.

Just after leaving the border, I learned that his master Ruyizi was beheaded by Fang Han.

Before he can take revenge for his teacher, his own high-end Taoism device, which is related to the Tianwu Treasury, was actually snatched halfway. How does this make him not angry?

"Who dares to steal my magic weapon in Yuhuamen?"


Fang Qingshan couldn't help sneering when he saw the anger rushing to the crown, and he could not wait to open the killing ring.

"Your magic weapon? From the moment you lent the magic weapon to Ruyizi, Ruyizi's defeat, this thing does not belong to you, but is Fang Han's booty."

As soon as the words came down, Fang Qingshan stood up from Feng Baiyu's side, stepped forward to the Tianxing platform, stood high, and looked down at the men.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan's momentum was fully opened, and the coercion of the half-step cave heavenly realm shrouded the audience.

Everyone's head seemed to be suppressed by a high mountain Dayue.


"Eternal Giant!"


Feeling the coercion on Fang Qingshan, everyone except Feng Baiyu exclaimed, no one believed that this was all true.

Especially Huatiandu, it is even more incredible that all three views have collapsed.

He is the proud son of Yuhuamen. He has inherited Panwu's powerful magical powers, and has been supported by Taiyi Men. He has not broken through the immortal body along the way.

And Fang Qingshan? It is not obvious at the initial stage, and as soon as you enter the cultivation path, you will be out of control.

Everyone said that Shibuya should treat each other three days. It is suitable for Fang Qingshan.

Every time I see him, the strength has changed dramatically.

The last time he was outside Linglong Blessing, he just changed his life against the sky, and even Wanshou has not yet entered.

Because of the birthday gift, the public provoked too much, so that the mixed Taoist people issued a Heavenly Hunting Order. They also expressed regret to the other side of Qingshan. After all, they were arrogant because they were young.

Since the release of Taiyi's Heavenly Pursuit Order, no one has escaped, except for Linglong Xianzun.

Everyone naturally does not regard Fang Qingshan as the second exquisite fairy, so his ending is already doomed.

Sure enough, after leaving Linglong Blessed Land, Fang Qingshan disappeared into the Xuanhuang Great World, and there was no news, and everyone thought he was killed by Taiyi Tiandao's hunting order.

But where did he know that when he appeared in front of the crowd again, it was such a gesture.

The peak of the undead body, the half-step cave realm, has refreshed everyone's bottom line.

Such a practice can be regarded as the head or too elder in the general martial arts.

Even in the top ten martial arts of Xiandao, Fang Qingshan's Xiuwei can be said to stand out from the crowd, which is unique.

Regarding his cultivation, regardless of Hua Tiandu, Fang Qingxue, Meng Shaobai, and even Fang Han, they all had to stand aside.

"It seems that the future Yuhuamen is his world."

The crowd looked at Fang Qingshan with complex faces, and said secretly to their hearts that even the three deputy heads Yi Jianqiu and Wang Daoling all looked decadent at the moment.

They broke through the realm of Wanshou thousands of years ago, but today they have not broken through the immortal body, and Fang Qingshan not only broke through, but also went further and almost broke through to the sky. This is how they have the courage to compete with them.

It was Fang Han, who was not weaker than others. When he saw Fang Qingshan's cultivation, he could not help but feel discouraged.

Fang Qingshan can be said to be a peak on his spiritual path. He always wanted to surpass him, but where did he know Wangshan ran dead? No matter how fast he moved forward, he was always so far away from him.

The only thing that could not be accepted was Huatiandu.

The script is opened in a wrong way.

Originally according to Huatiandu's understanding, he broke through the mystery of Changsheng and had to fax the empty yin and yang road. Only after Feng Baiyu abdicated, he could rightly take the helm of the giant ship Yuhuamen.

However, the first thing I didn't expect was that it took so many resources, including an elixir, that there was no breakthrough in immortality.

That's it. With the strength of Wanshou, you can lead the way. It is more than enough to face three deputy heads.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the customs, the master hanged up, the magic weapon was robbed, and now he is under the impact of Fang Qingshan's momentum.

"I don't believe it, it's all fake!"

Hua Tian couldn't accept such a fact, and started directly toward Fang Qingshan.

But when Hua Tiandu moved, he went all out.

First of all, he showed his Fa-Xuan Yuan Shen, a body with five heads and nine arms.

Followed, and urged Pan Wu Hercules again.

Yuan Shen is holding various Taoist instruments in his hands.

Smashed towards Fang Qingshan together.

"My mercy!"

Just then, Feng Baiyu's voice came over.

Hua Tian all heard that he felt a joy in his heart. He thought that Feng Baiyu was telling him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan was a paper tiger, and he would break it with a single jab. , So he wanted his mercy.

As everyone knows, this is just his own affection.

Feng Baiyu's words were said by the other side.

Based on the contradictions between Huatiandu and Fang's family, Feng Baiyu has reason to believe that Fang Qingshan is absolutely willing to cut off the grass as long as the opportunity is appropriate.

Now that Huatian is so immortal, he actually shot at the other side. Isn't this to death?

However, despite this, Huatian could not die, just like he protected Fanghan at that time, Huatiandu still had the secret of Tianwu Treasury, and he could not have any problems before the Yuhuamen was obtained.

The Protoss calamity is imminent. In this autumn, not only individuals, but also the martial arts need to make every effort to increase their strength. Only in this way can we survive the catastrophe, otherwise there is only one way to go.

"act recklessly!"

Fang Qingshan faintly looked at Huatiandu, where he broke out, and said it lightly.

I didn't see him perform any magical powers. He stretched out his five fingers and banged in the palm of his hand.


The Tao device made a sobbing sound and was shot directly.

Panwu Hercules has always used force to overpower people, but when it comes to Fang Qingshan's palm, it seems to hit a stone with a egg.

As for Huatiandu's Yuanshen, it was directly hit.

The palm of his hand fell on the Tianling Cap of Huatiandu, and Huatiandu's face showed an angry look, but then his knees broke with a click, and he was forced to kneel to the ground.


There was a terrible earthquake on the platform of the execution, but no crack was born. Fang Qingshan grasped the force just right, no more, no more, no more.

Although there was no earth-shattering momentum, the shock to the crowd was not weak at all. Everyone who saw this scene was in a moment of coolness behind their backs and was shocked.

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