Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 358: Degree of Poor Strangeness

Zhu Tianfeng!

Fang Qingshan returned from the Jinxian Temple, and went into the back room again.

Although almost everyone has identified him as the first deputy since he was named deputy head, he has a bad name and a bad word.

This time the three saints of Feather also seized him as the first vice president, but their luck was further strengthened.

In particular, it also gave the Feathered Ascension Sutra and Yin-Yang Vacuum Road to give a glimpse of the mystery of Yin-Yang Avenue.

Despite the realm, the combat power has not improved. However, the five elements and yin and yang transform each other, allowing Fang Qingshan to further understand the Tao.

Today's Yuhuamen, unless he inherits the position of head, basically nothing can be seen by him.

Therefore, despite being named the first deputy, every day, countless elders and true disciples came to the DPRK and wanted to end him, but Fang Qingshan ignored it and left it to Fang Han and Fang Qingxue.

Fang Qingshan remembers a sentence called boxing is power. A fist is a power. Powerful punching is power.

As long as he has strength, then naturally there is power. As long as his strength continues to increase, the power will naturally rise. On the contrary, if his strength does not work, then there is a monstrous power and it will fall apart.

Therefore, he does not manage power.

In the closet, Fang Qingshan threw out Qi Qi with a wave of his hand.

He should have been saved earlier, but it was only because of the call of the head that he resigned to the present.

"Qi Qi has seen his master!"

Poor Qi was originally confined in a space of the World Tree by Fang Qingshan and blocked with Taiyi Wuyan Luo. It seemed as if he had returned to the tomb of the Holy Emperor. The only difference was that there was no assault matrix.

But again, without Fang Qingshan's permission, he cannot leave, and his strength cannot be restored.

Under the roof, people had to bow their heads.

Therefore, as soon as Qiongqi Fang appeared, Fang Qingshan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, flashed in his eyes, so he couldn't take a breath, followed, and respectfully respected the other side.

Although Fang Qingshan did not find the fierce light in poor Qi's eyes, he could also know with his toes, that once he was given the opportunity, he would certainly be better off dead.

"Do you know what happened when I called you out this time?" Fang Qingshan asked lightly.

"Qi Qi doesn't know, but he also asked the owner to make it clear." Qi Q shook his head.

"You let go of the gods," Fang Qingshan ordered.

"Let go of the Yuanshen?" Qiongqi suddenly made a big alarm bell in his heart.

Although he assigned a ray of Yuan God to Fang Qingshan, but it was only an expedient measure. As long as he was allowed to cultivate to a certain level, he could fight hard and get rid of control.

However, if you let go of Yuanshen and leave them unguarded, not only will your mind be completely exposed to Fang Qingshan, but if Fang Qingshan moves his hands and feet, he will not be able to eat and walk around.

"I don't know why the host wants me to let go of the Yuanshen?" Poor Qi apparently reluctantly asked.

"Nature is to better control you." Fang Qingshan said saltily.

"I have a ray of my **** in your hands, and it has been able to make me survive or die, isn't that enough?" Qi Qi wondered in his heart.

"Of course not enough!" Fang Qingshan said firmly. "After all, my cultivation is much worse than yours. Once you recover, this ray of gods is like nothing, so I need to fully control you so that I can be completely at ease. "

"Extremely me?" Poonki suddenly widened his eyes, shuddering his voice, and sharpened again: "No, absolutely not!"

"No? This can't be done by you!" Fang Qingshan smiled coldly, opened his mouth and spit, a small version of the poor Qi flew out, a series of tricks hit on it.

Yuan Shen's method of restraining control should even be activated.


A scream screamed from the poor Qi's mouth immediately.

Holding his head with his hands, his blue veins were bare, his teeth grinned, his head was rattled, and he kept rolling on the ground, twitching, and grabbing his head with his head. It was simply impossible to survive and death.

At first, Poor Qi still gritted his teeth, but for a quarter of an hour, half an hour, half a day later, he couldn't hold on any longer.

He had never been seriously injured. If he was tortured in this way, he would hurt the source, and he might even lose his heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that this prohibition is too much torture.

"I'm willing to let go of the gods, willing to let go! Stop and stop, I'm willing to accept the degree!" Poor Qi couldn't bear it any more, and growled with a hoarse throat.

"That's right. As long as you sincerely let me live, we will be one in the future. You can rest assured that you can restore your strength boldly, and I can also use you boldly."

Fang Qingshan laughed, stopped tortured Poor Qi, sat down with his knees crossed, one gasification of three Qing Shi unfolded, one black and white two avatars came out of the body, and the heart moved the Devourer and Fan Qingying Throw it out.

For a time, the five people surrounded the poor and the odd, and at the same time, they performed Da Pudu and remembered the Scriptures of Scriptures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

Suddenly, the entire secret room seemed to have become a state of bliss Buddha.

Surrender, indifference, sincerity, transcendence, an indescribable meaning of indulgence, descended into the whole secret room.

Numerous bodhisattva's imaginary figures are constantly chanting and reading in the light. The Sanskrit sounds, and the runes flew from the mouth of Fang Qingshan and others, converging into a huge sound wave. Of the Yuan Shen, wrapped in it.

The voice of the twilight morning bell came from the void, and bursts of Buddha lotus swelled in the void.

Poorly's face, the painful expression from the beginning, with the light of the Buddha, the scriptures, penetrated into his destiny, and gradually began to become peaceful.

From the outside to the inside, like the Buddha's golden body, the entire Yuanshen seems to be plated with gold.

This general practice requires attack without attack and defense without defense. The reason why it is still in the top 100 of the Three Thousand Avenues is because of this degree of power.

Regardless of whether you are sincere or false, as long as you have no resistance and let it be saved, the final result is that you are willing to die.

Although Qi Qi is not resisting, it is not easy to save him. After all, he is still the origin of Jinxian, and the five of Fang Qingshan can only use water to grind and penetrate a little.

One day, two days, ten days, half a month, half a year, one year.

It took Fang Qingshan a full year of work to finally completely destabilize the poor.

But at a certain moment, Qi Qi's face showed Dachen Dawu's expression, and he stood up with a sigh, and the other side Aoyama gave a salute, "The world has a big dream, and the life has been cold for several times. In the past, such as death yesterday, from For the latter, for example, today, I would like to thank Fang Daoyou for pulling me out of the red dust. From today on, I will work with you Daoyou to atone for sin. "

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