Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 359: Rework 5 Yan Luo

The poor Qi is not only solved, but it also solves an unstable factor, and at the same time, he can rest assured that the bold person restores his strength. Once Po Qi is restored to strength, he will surely become an ace in his own hands, and this hole card is still A card of sustainable development is enough to use before Jinxian.

Sending Poor Qi into Tianchi, where spiritual power and fairy energy gather, is the best place to restore strength.

Fang Qingshan took Wu Ding Wang Ding out again, and he planned to re-train Taiyi Wuyanluo.

The magic weapon is not much.

Just like Fang Qingshan refining the swords of the sky, the combination of the pure flying sword, the snake cutting sword, the large chaos thunder sword, and the heavenly sword combined into one, not only restored the power of the heavenly sword in one fell swoop, but also had a victory.

Fang Qingshan is preparing to combine Taiyi Wuyanluo and Wuyun peach blossom tincture together.

In fact, it is not a joint practice. To be precise, it is to use Taiyi Wuyan Luo to devour Wuyun Taohua.

In the back room.

Fang Qingshan was sitting on a futon. Five prison king Ding was in front of him.

Fang Qingshan sat firmly and steadfastly, his gaze was sharp, and fine scriptures emerged from his eyes, constantly arranging and combining, sketching hexagrams, and deducing how to perfectly fuse the two magical pieces together.

Fortunately, this time, Fang Qingshan not only cultivated different words than when he re-refined the swords of the heavens, but also received the Taoist books such as the Sutra of the Yuan Dynasty, Panhu Tianshu, and so on. A good calculation, coupled with just smelting two magic weapons, Taiyi Wuyanluo is far higher than Wuyun Taohuayuan, but it is much simpler than sacrificing the swords of the heavens.

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan seemed to be ready. With a flick of his fingers, Taiyi Wuyan Luo flew out of his sleeve.


There was a trembling, five colored clouds of smoke, the size of the heart. Floating up and down.

At the same time, Wuyun peach blossoms also appeared, slowly unfolding, colorful and colorful.


Fang Qingshan sighed lightly, hitting a series of tricks with both hands, dancing into a shadow, and under the infusion of mana, Taiyi Wuyan Luo swelled and slammed, wrapping Wuyun peach blossoms.


Wuyun Peach Blossoms immediately resisted. Although it had no instrumental spirit, as a Taoist instrument, spirituality was not weak. As long as the spirituality persisted, it would not be arrested.

But when I saw the colorful peach trees in Yingying, I suddenly changed my shape, turned into a tree demon, all roots rose up, turned into whip, and violently smoked towards Taiyi Wuyanluo, like a colorful poisonous dragon. .

It is a pity that Wuyun peach blossom is a defensive magic weapon. Although it has attack power and is very toxic, it is far worse than attacking Arcana and killing Arcana.

Coupled with the problem of grade, Wuyun peach blossoms are too bad.

The most important thing is that Wuyun peach blossom was originally made by Fang Qingshan himself, so although the magical instinct of the magic weapon resisted, it could not reach the level of breaking the net.

So the struggle of Wuyun Peach Blossom has no effect at all.

I only saw Fang Qingshan, Jianmei Yixuan, and Mana together. There seemed to be thousands of arms behind them, each pinching the French seal, and violently hitting them. At the same time, they hit Taiyi Wuyanluo and Wuyun Taohuayuan and Wu prison Wang Ding.

But the effect is quite different.

The method fell on the Taiyi Wuyan Luo, and the light suddenly became a masterpiece. The five smoke clouds evolved into five chains, binding the five-cloud peach blossom to death, and it became tighter and tighter. The root-like fine needles pierced the peach tree, devouring his original power a little bit.

However, the light on the five-cloud peach blossoms faded instantly. The whole peach tree was very beautiful at this moment, but it seemed to wither at the moment. Under the engulfment of Taiyi Wuyan Luo, it kept clicking, clicking, clicking. the sound of.

As for the power of the Five Prison King's Ding Zhen method, it was shaking for a while, the pattern above was vivid, layer upon layer, the flames in Ding Zhong were growing more and more, the light of silver and white, shining in the air. A force of terror is rising and becoming stronger and stronger.

Over time, Wuyun peach blossoms were soon swallowed by Taiyi Wuyan Luo.


Over time, the five-cloud peach blossoms have lost their resistance, and the peach trees and peach blossoms have become fragmented and merged into the colorful clouds.


After receiving the original spiritual infusion of Wuyun peach blossom, Taiyi Wuyanluo did not start to transform again, but the background was strengthened, the smoke cloud was derived, and the space was folded.

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan flicked his fingers, a pitch-black sac-like object that was as dark as ink, like a ball but not a ball, was thrown out.

Zizi Zizi!

As soon as this object was thrown out, a stream of gas mixed with the slightest color in the dark burst out, and it collided with Taiyiwuyanluo, making a sound like the sound of a hot soldering iron immersed in cold water.

This is the poisonous sac obtained from the body of the spider spider when Fang Qingshan snatched the Qianyuan Fire Spirit Bead ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This substance is highly toxic, no less than the thousand-year suffocation of Rotten Peach Mountain. To corrode the defense of Taiyiwuyanluo.

Obviously, it did not cause much damage to Taiyiwuyanluo.

Taiyiwuyan Luo was originally a defensive treasure, not only able to defend sharp weapons such as knives, swords and halberds, but also blunt instruments such as hammer, axe, and stick marks, and even magic techniques such as water, fire, and poison mines were also being defended.

In addition, it incorporates the anti-toxicity of Wuyun peach blossom, Taiyi Wuyanluo. Furthermore, the poison not only does not cause trouble to him, but is a supplement.

I don't know how long, maybe a day, maybe a year, Fang Qingshan opened his eyes suddenly.

The fire went out, Wuding Wang Ding's formation was closed, the poison capsule disappeared, and Wuyun peach blossoms disappeared.

Only the clouds above him floated up and down, colorful and vast like the sea.

Vastness, great shore, change, ancient times.

An incredible power is emerging and surging, and it is no different than the swords of the heavens.


Feeling the changes of Taiyiwuyanluo, Fang Qingshan nodded with satisfaction.

Today, Taiyiwuyanluo is still inferior to the Emperor Mirror in Feng Baiyu's hands, and even the Feathered Heavenly Palace of Yuhuamen, but in terms of defense, it is not inferior to them.

Offensive and defensive integration, what Fang Qingshan will do in the future is to continuously smelt all kinds of natural treasures into the heavenly swords and Taiyi Wuyanluo.

"Next, it's time to worship Haotianbao Mirror."

Fang Qingshan's brows flickered, and a three-eyed treasure mirror flew out.

Sacrificially practicing Hao Tianbao Mirror not only obtains a treasure that is not weaker than the Emperor's Mirror, but also comprehends the laws of space to prepare for the breakthrough of the cave heaven.

Flicking gently across the Haotianbao mirror, took a deep breath, opened his mouth and spit out his vitality, and Fang Qingshan began to practice.

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