Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 360: Perception space

A round of treasure mirrors hang!

It's not gold or jade, it's not stone or copper, and it's not made of any material.

Its back is densely packed, with countless astronomical and cloud-like dragon birds. It looks like a relief bulge, and it feels no trace.

Non-engraved and unpainted, deeply immersed, it is very surprising.

Looking at the mirror, at first glance, Qingyangyang is a warm brilliance.

Shining in all directions!

The black water below is turbulent, deep and faint, hanging obliquely from the sky, for thousands of miles, dead gas, corpse gas, resentment, poisonous gas, ghost gas, etc., turned into a demon head, roaring and roaring, all directions heard, endless purgatory .

There are 36 days in the world of desire, sixteen days in the world of color, four days in the world of color, four days of Brahma, three clear days, and Da Luotian. Made of glazed glass, Baoyu makeup, marshal of the sky, the top beam leaning on the pillar, the golden armor god, the halberd hanging the whip, but it is the holy scene of the palace Yaochi that day.

The East is a blessed place of immortals, Taoist caves, sucking the spirit of heaven and earth, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, participating in the Huangting, worshiping the Qing Dynasty, travelling to the North Sea, twilight to the vicissitudes, meeting the friends of the three mountains and the five mountains, and the Taoism is natural.

The West is the pure land of Buddhism, Elysium, Brahma array, Zen chanting, on the golden lotus stage, under the bodhi tree, in front of the eight treasures, pondering the past, realizing the present, and the future, and becoming a Buddha.

Of course, these visions are all illusory, but some previous scenes are reproduced by the power of space.

Although this Hao Tianbao mirror is not in the hands of the Emperor Jade Emperor, anyway, it is also made by the Emperor.

The emperor, the bell of heaven and earth, is that the saint will give them three points of face.

Therefore, he used this treasure mirror to look at the Three Realms, and everyone was in his favor. Anyway, he just looked at the surface, but did not involve the core, and the power of this treasure mirror was not so great. However, the other side is enough for Aoyama.

The treasure mirror hangs high, blooming thousands of luxuriant lights, fine scriptures circulating, and communicating incredible power.

With the refinement of Fang Qingshan's prohibition on Haotianbao Mirror, his Yuanshen's imprint penetrated a little bit. Began to realize the changes in space.

Three thousand avenues, time is respect, space is king!

As one of the top avenues, the space avenue has infinite power. Of course, it is also difficult to understand the corresponding nature.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan himself has cultivated a lot of space magical powers, such as the Great Cleavage, the Great Collapse, the Sword Technique, the Great Move, and even the Great Devour.

In addition, because Fang Qingshan communicates with the heavens and the world from time to time, he has to cross the space tunnel from time to time. Although it is because of the realm and reason, he still leaves a trace of traces in his heart.

Nowadays, the space treasure of Haotianbao Mirror is used as a carrier. For a time, all kinds of past sentiments have come to my heart. With the marks of the space in front of me, they have begun to turn into Fang Qingshan's laws and practices. , But slowly converged into a trickle.

Originally, Guanghua's space wall, like a glazed treasure mirror, suddenly made a clicking noise, followed by it, like a domino, with one point as the center, and began to spread out like a spider web. However, the entire space burst openly between the beards. Come.

Space is broken!

There was a stab, like a sword shining in the world, a blazing white, and I didn't know how long it was, or where the cracks extended suddenly appeared. At first it was like hair, and finally it was like a dragon. There were unevenness on it, but it also looked like it. Sharp concave and convex gear teeth.

Space cutting!


The landslide broke and the sky subsided.

There was no defense, no worries, and he just appeared in front of him.

There is no preparation for fragmentation before the space is broken. It is also different from the extension when the space is cut. Only one moment, it collapses and forms a black vortex. Together with the unknown return, it devours all the power that can be swallowed.

Space collapses!

Space moves!

Space is still!

Space accelerates!


The entire Haotianbao mirror seems to have become a kingdom of space. The laws of space have evolved one by one, flowers and rain are colorful, Jinxia films, wind and water, everything is reproduced in space, changing at any time, and changing endlessly.

Fang Qingshan was so immersed in the space avenue.

At the same time, it is not only Fang Qingshan's perception of the law of space that has been improved a little bit, but also the magical powers related to space, such as the Great Cleavage, the Great Collapse, and the Great Removal, have also risen to heights and bloomed brilliantly.


I don't know how long it has passed, it may be an instant, but it may be eternal.

Bao Jing issued a clear and clear whistle, awakening Fang Qingshan from the space avenue.

At this moment, his expression was emaciated, and he was exhausted. Even Yuan Yuan was a little bit weak, and he didn't know he thought he was over-indulgent or was tonic.

Only one pair of eyes shone like the sun and the moon, revealing their light.

The reason for this is actually inseparable from Fang Qingshan's perception of the space avenue.

At first glance, Wu Da seems to be very tall and beautiful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Speaking of Wu Da, the first thing we think of is that the Buddha became a Buddha under the linden tree.

However, things in the world are two-sided. There are good and bad.

Yes, once Wu Da succeeds, he is naturally rewarding, and he can even reach the sky in one step.

However, the premise is that you want to succeed.

Jun doesn't smell, Chao smells, can death be dead?

Although this is a thirst for the avenue, if you are really completely immersed in the avenue, you may also be really not far from death.

There is no pie in the sky, there are gains and losses.

Cultivation is the same.

The law of perception, it seems that you are getting, but you are also consuming.

It's just that you are consuming the power of your primordial spirit. As long as this kind of thing does not exceed a certain limit, it will not hurt you, so it is not noticeable.

But once you wake up immersed in the avenue, Yuan Shen consumes too much, and it is over there. The final result is the Taoization, which is true to the Tao.

Fang Qingshan, the current situation is that some consumption is too large, Yuan Shen is weak.

Fortunately, Haotian Baojing wakes him up in time, otherwise, other treasures will also be shot, such as the chess board of the heavens, such as small fatalism.

"Well, it's still worse!"

After adjusting his breath for a moment, Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh.

Hao Tianbao Mirror did not disappoint himself. After refining, he made a qualitative improvement in his avenue of space. Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan progressed too fast before he was promoted to immortality. Although there is no foundation instability, The promotion to the Heaven Realm is now a little missed.

"I have been in retreat for so long, and I have refined Jiu Su Ding, just go out and see!"

The path of practice was relaxed one by one. After Fang Qingshan decided to refine the nine doubts, he walked around the customs to find opportunities to break through the sky.

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