Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 370: burn one's boats

Seriously, in fact, this soul-eating sacred animal is a Duobao Sancai boy for Qingshan.

The six-headed Fengshen monument in his hands will not talk about it.

He is in charge of a map of the Tianwu Treasury. The main reason why Fang Qingshan did not have a great world tour this time was to go to the map of Tianwu Treasury.

When you get this thing, you can do more with less when you use the ancient waste furnace in the upper hand of Han.

Besides, the cultivation of the soul-stealing beast, his cultivation is based on the death of all beings, and every time he appears, he will take away the souls of thousands of souls.

Killing addiction is like karma.

Destroy him, I am afraid that he will have more luck and merit than conquering Devourer.

Coupled with him, he can also be used to make Jiuzhuanhunhundan. This is Tianjidan medicine. Although the grade is not as good as elixir, the preciousness is not weak in terms of efficacy.

But with one breath remaining, you can come back to life.

The so-called life and death, the flesh and bones is by no means a lie.

Just like the Big Five Elements and Big Seal Divine Techniques can complement each other and nourish the five internal organs.

Jiuzhuanhunhundan can also be used in conjunction with Qimingxuanmendan, which is more effective in helping to break through the secret of longevity.

In the original trajectory, in order to get rid of Su Xiuyi's siege, Fang Qingxue used his small fatalism to die, so that he was dying.

Fang Han captured the Soul Eater and refined it into Nine Turns and saved it. Soon after, he broke through the immortal body.

Of course, although this object now has no effect on the other side's Castle Peak, but as a treasure, the collection value is still very high, you can not use it yourself, you can also use it for exchange, or as the background.

Not to mention Fang Qingshan's eyes flowed, and he quietly looked at everything that happened on the Dragon Star.

But he said that the Soul Eater saw that the shadow of Cang and Luo Shuibei fell into his own gods array, and immediately issued a proud smirk,

"The killer, the man always kills it, the great name of the Promise Star Palace, the great power, issued a decree, the world hunted, almost let me go to heaven without a road, no way to the ground. How? Unexpected! "

"Hey, destroying a country, let me devour 60 million people, and sacrifice the six-mud Fengshen monument to become a Taoist device, arrange the Fengshen array, and let you taste the taste of being unable to survive, not to die. . "

"Nearly a hundred Jindan, there is a heaven and earth, two eternal giants, have swallowed you, presumably I will be able to become an immortal soul, and then go to the Chunan Prince to revenge."

Speaking of this, Soul Eater stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, swallowed his mouth, and sly, greedy, and hatred burst into his eyes.

"Dead, all die!"

With the words of the soul-stealing holy beast falling, the Fengshen array was launched, and the six-seal peak-sized Fengshen monument was severely suppressed. The overwhelming pressure led to the constant explosion of the light of the shadows.

At the same time, the magic fog emerged from the void, and it was dark and dark outside. No fingers were reached, and there were ghosts crying everywhere.

This is the spiritual realm of Soul Eater and Soul Eater. It can also be regarded as a gift of supernatural powers. It can do more with less and has more power.

"Huh, the world is infinite, the sky is infinite."

The two shadows of Cang Yin both sang loudly at the same time, showing their primordial gods, the infinite starlight gathered, and a large book like the origin of the stars slowly unfolded.

This is the proverbial Dafa Stars Promise Book of the Promise Star Palace, also known as the Great Star Technique.

At the same time, the two sacrificed a piece of Taoism.

But when I saw a star flicker and cut through the sky, if the meteor was fast, I couldn't find it without paying attention.

"Comet Needle!"

Compared with Fang Qingshan's hands, the power of the earth's needle is better than that.

It's not that this comet needle has a higher grade than the earth's needle.

But because the full-time Shenzheng full-time job is to open the mountain, the attack is naturally weak.

More importantly, the comet needle and the magical powers of Luo Shuibei complement each other, and the power is naturally increased by three layers.

"The Arctic Knife!"

The Big Dipper is seven stars high, and it is a polarized sky knife.

But when he saw the shadow of Cang Chong in his hand, the shadow of the Big Dipper appeared on the sky. The sword light broke, as fast as Aurora. The sword had not been cut off, and the entire Soul Eater began to tremble.

Just when the Soul Eater and Luo Shuibei confronted each other, Fang Qingshan finally started.

But seeing Haotianbao's mirror slipping and turning, showing his true body, reflecting the sunlight, the dragon pattern and the phoenix, the brilliance flowing, the mysterious sounds are endless.

Followed by, a sky full of gods' light soared into the sky, soaring, and swept towards Wang Fulong, who blocked the space near Xinglong Xing, and others, and the time was wiped out, showing a clear sky and clear air.

Wang Fulong and others were suppressed in Haotianbao Mirror without even having a chance to respond.

Following this, when Da Pudushu was exhibited, everyone had no resistance at all, and was saved by Fang Qingshan.

There is a steady stream of willingness to converge towards Tianchi.


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan couldn't help laughing and singing.

Although the willingness provided by Wang Fulong and others is far less than that of Poor Qi, Devouring Emperor, and even Fan Qingying, it is no less than that of Tianlong World.

After all, this is all the elite strength of the Promise Palace Beidou Dian, the weakest is Jin Dan Realm.

At the same time, these people also share the Qi of the Promise Star Palace.

If any of these people can continue to work hard and grow up, Fang Qingshan will gain more.

"Go, keep blocking the space!"

After saving Wang Fulong and others, Fang Qingshan did not put them away, but let them out, letting them continue to put down the Beidou array and block the space, but he himself touched in silently using the large lurking technique. In the battle of Fengshen.

At this moment, the battle between Soul Eater and Luoshuibei has reached its limit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Soul Eater is the most fierce thing in the world, devouring the souls of all beings and growing up, wit is like a demon, comparable to Saint Beasts and beasts are more powerful than ordinary elder giants.

Luo Shuibei, the shadow of Cang, the deputy chief of the Beidou Hall of the Promise Star Palace, holding a Taoist instrument, practicing the Promise Book of the Stars, and the richest one are not fuel-saving lamps.

The two sides are the best players in the match.

The only thing to worry about is that the soul-stealing sacred beast is calculated intentionally and unconsciously, so Luoshuibei fell into the downwind.

The master is over, and the victory is only in the moment.

Similar people fight, once they fall into the downwind, or are in the other's ambush circle, then it can be dangerous.

Luo Shuibei and Cang Yin were both ruthless. Seeing the deceased balance tilted towards them, they stared at each other, gritted their teeth, throwing out millions of pure Yangdan, and burned. Then they were all driven into two Taoist comet needles and Arctic knives. Finally, they smashed into one of the six-eyed Fengshen monuments.


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