Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 371: 2 defeats

"not good!"

Seeing the actions of Luo Shuibei and Cang Shadow, the Soul Eater screamed suddenly.

He knew that the two Luoshuibei wanted to detonate.

"Damn, **** it!"

The Soul Devourer jumped angrily.

After devouring hundreds of millions of souls, he finally managed to practice the Liumufeng Shenbei sacrifice into a Taoist tool, and also led to the pursuit of the Promise Star Palace.

However, when the Luoshuibei and the two did not reach the end of the mountain at all, it was such a decisive self-destructing device. When he was caught by surprise, although the Arctic Knife and the Comet Needle were not his, he already regarded them as Own booty.

Watching the enemy destroy their spoils, it's no wonder that the soul-eater can feel good.

The most important thing is that once the Taoist device blew itself up, it would be very powerful. Not only could it change the situation in which it was besieged by them, but it could also damage its own six-headed seal monument.

In fact, for the Luoshuibei, although they are not willing, but weighing the pros and cons, the self-destructive device is the thing that is most beneficial to them at this stage.

Both the Arctic Knife and the Comet Needle are only sacrifices, and once you have reached the elder giant, you can practice them.

The Arctic Knife and the Comet Needle are destroyed. As long as you spend a lot of time, you can naturally get a new tool.

And if, like a miser, hold on to the Taoist device, once the best time is missed, and the Soul Eater has the absolute advantage, then it is not just a question of Taoist device for them, but The blow of destruction.

Even taking a step back, even if they were okay, just letting the soul-stealer escape, it would be a major blow to them, especially if they were in Chunan.

Lost land, both people and land are lost.

Keeping the Taoist will trap yourself in the dead, and self-explosing the Taoist, you can fight back.

Faced with this situation, I am afraid that individuals will have the right decision.

Besides, you can buy it even if you do n’t practice it yourself. For others, the price of the lower grade Taoism is enough to make a lot of money, but the Promise Star Palace is rich in oil. If it is a medium grade Taoism, just buy one. The quality of the piece is more than enough.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

They can use the money to kill the Soul Eater, and they naturally break off.

In particular, as long as this time the mission is completed and the Soul Eater is captured, the reward from the son of Chu Nan will never let himself down.

Therefore, the two Luoshuibei did not hesitate. When they saw that they had fallen into the trap of the soul-stealing beast, when they blew themselves up, they not only urged their mana with all their power, but also burned millions of pure Yangdan blessings. , The power is even more three-pointers.

"Feng Shenjie!"

At this time, the Soul Eater knew that he could only fight hard.

Because it was too late to withdraw, and once the Fengshen monument was withdrawn, the power of Tao Qi's self-explosion spread out, and he had no defense to treasure.

Then, the Soul Eater spurred Fengshen Stele to attack and attack.

But I can see that it has already been brushed like the six blocks and six eyes of the hill on the hill, and it has begun to rise in the wind, soaring into the clouds, covering the sky, and banging down.

The whole void collapsed suddenly, forming a vortex like a black hole. I don't know what space it leads to. The strong air currents formed cracks in the space, swept across all directions, the void around the world was torn, and the storm of time and space burst out from it.


It was as if two hammers collided and formed between the Soul Eater and Naluo Shuibei. The fiery light splashed, but then, the two men and horses groaned at the same time, and backed up, one by one as if they were being delayed. Generally, the whole body is covered with blood, and naked bones can be seen in many places.

The Arctic Knife, Comet Needle, Million Chunyang Dan and Luo Shuibei fully blessed themselves. The power of self-detonation is equivalent to that of an eternal giant. It can explode heaven and earth, and can destroy thousands of miles. It directly caused a country to sink into the ground.

And the six-mud Fengshen stele at the level of six Taoist instruments simultaneously shows Fengshenjie, and the power will not be weak there. It is shocking, and the river is just idle.

Chess meets opponents and will meet Liangcai.

Both sides are half a catty, and no one takes advantage of anyone.

The two Luoshuibei unexpectedly detonated the device, hit the soul-stealing beast by surprise, and at the same time the attack power was relatively large.

The Soul Eater uses the advantages of the formation method and his own invisible characteristics. In the aftermath of this collision, the damage suffered is not as large as that of Luoshuibei.

But in general, this time the fight was a result of both losses.

Although the two Luoshuibei changed the results of the siege, they blew themselves up and were hit hard by the aftermath.

The same is true for the Soul Eater, even though Liumufengshenbei has not been destroyed, it has also been severely damaged, and Fang Qingshan's heart is dripping with blood.

Like the Soul Eater, the Arctic Sword and the Comet Needle, the Liumu Fengshen Stele is still in the hands of the Soul Eater, but it has long been considered by Fang Qingshan as a thing in the bag. He is distressed.


Looking at the two Luoshuibei who emerged from the trap, the Soul Eater knew that he might have lost his wife and smashed the soldiers today, but he missed it and immediately lost a thousand miles. After all, this is still the site of the Promise Star Palace. After a long time, there will be a steady stream of reinforcements, and it will be difficult to fly by itself.

"Well, the people at the Promise Palace are really rich, and this time it's all right. The landscape meets, let's play next time!"

As soon as the voice of the Soul Eater fell, the whole body suddenly shook, turning into thousands of shadows, and flew in all directions.

"No, he's running away!"

Seeing this scene, the two Luoshuibei exclaimed at the same time, and they were seriously injured again today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is a self-destructive device. If the Soul Eater escaped, it would be a bamboo basket. It was empty.

"Wang Fulong, the infinite star array, fasten the sky!"

The Soul Eater was too decisive. They didn't have time to stop it. Fortunately, they left Wang Fulong and his team outside to arrange the formation and block the space. It was just right now.


As soon as the voice fell, I saw above the sky, the stars shone like the infinite starry sky, and a scroll like the Emperor's Book slowly unfolded, except that it was n’t the Xuanhuang world, but the infinite starry sky, which was Zhou Tianxing, Sun The month Ziwei three talented.

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, the two Luoshuibei yelled at the same time, without a word, the two also flew up at the same time, and flew towards Wuji Star array.

Although the Promise Star Array is powerful, it can only stop the Soul Eater for a while. If they do not take the trick of the Soul Eater, they will be out of trouble in a short time.


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