Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 390: Take treasure alone

Sure enough, he shot with all his strength, even communicating with the gates of the fairyland, lowering the boundless thunder penalty, all just repulsed, not even wounded.

As for chasing, it is even more impossible.

The first is the hybrid Yuan Promise map, which is a heavy treasure to suppress the Promise Star Palace, even the air transport without great world, which cannot be used easily, otherwise, the air transport is unstable and there are unexpected calamities.

This is also the reason why Tai Yimen is the only one who owns fairy wares, but basically does not use them to spread.

In addition, the immortal is simply not something that the three thousand worlds can possess, and it will not be said in ancient times, at least for now.

Since the World Tree was cut off by the Protoss, the immortal world has been separated from the three thousand worlds, and the laws of the world have changed.

It is unimaginable to use a fairy to digest it once.

Just communicated with the gates of the fairy realm, and repelled Linglong Xianzun and others. Although the power of pure sun consumed was not at least tens of millions compared with the Jiuyang holy water stolen by Qingshan above, there are still too many elders in the Promise Palace. The reason for assisting the impulse at the same time as the palace master.

If the hybrid Yuan Wuji plans to leave the infinite world to hunt down Linglong Xianzun and others.

Not to mention the loss of the support of the pure sun and the sea, they are equipped with intelligent operation. Can they withstand this consumption, nor do they lose the heavy treasures of suppressing air transport. Will there be unpredictable changes in the great world? .

Is Linglong Xianzun waiting for someone?

What if their retreat is to show weakness to the enemy, what to do to lure the enemy deeper?

Moreover, there is no great world, and the Promise Star Palace is not without enemies. Many other worlds, other martial arts, and other people are jealous of the hybrid Yuan Promise. Once there is a problem, it is a group attack and it will be true at that time. If you are willing to kill, you will not be able to return to heaven.

Therefore, Qi Ling directly rejected the proposal to hunt down Linglong Xianzun and others.

The members of the Promise Star Palace are too elders, and the master of the palace is not a brainless person. At first, he was just stunned by victory and hatred, and was awakened by the spirit of the instrument. Although he was unwilling, he calmed down. Began to clean up the old mountains and rivers.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan asked the Devourer Emperor to use the Haotian treasure mirror to apply the law of space, tear open the barriers of the void without a great world, and return to the Xuanhuang world.

After returning to the Xuanhuang Great World, Fang Qingshan did not return to Yuhuamen. Even Fang Han and Fang Qingxue did not notify, but went straight to the sun and moon void.

Originally, Fang Qingshan was preparing to join Fang Han and Fang Qingxue to take treasure together. Once Fang Han's ancient waste furnace was related to the key of the waste god, the second was all his own.

However, Fang Qingshan gave up after thinking about it, and Fang Qingxue stopped. If Fang Han followed along, how would he divide the treasure?

I don't value other things by myself, but there are only two things that I really want.

One is the most important key of the barbaric **** in Panwu Treasury, and the other is the suppression of two large arrays of treasures around the Tianwu Treasury, exquisite devices, the black emperor's tide, and the Emperor Fire Dragon Ding. If you can get it, you will have unlimited blessings for practicing the Five Elements Method.

What I want most is the key to the God of Desolation, which is made from a huge world tree. Once swallowed, the world tree can grow in a very small way. This time, the harvest in the pure sun sea is incomparable.

But he wants and is important to him, Fang Han also wants to be important to him.

After all, he also has a world tree, and the key of the desolate **** is a unique magic tool, a half-step fairy, only because there is no law of fairy road, there is no transformation, more importantly, he is the key to open the gate of the fairy world.

The black emperor is tidal, and the emperor is a fire dragon tripod. The same is true. He practiced the Five Elements Method by himself. Fang Han also practiced the Five Emperor Demon Magic Power. These two unique Taoist instruments were also very important to him.

In particular, Pan Wuxian Zun originally made five five-element treasures, but when Huang Quan emperor was young, his magic failed, and he stole three and is now in the treasure house of Huang Quan.

Fang Han is the heir of Emperor Huang Quan. He definitely wants to gather the five treasures together and assist in the cultivation of the five demon supernatural powers. At that time, his five elements will really make rapid progress, step into the unbelievable realm, and even understand the five elements. Extreme change. If you practice to the extent that Emperor Huang Quan of that year, even the immortal thunder punishment can be regarded as nothing.

People are not for themselves, they are destroyed by nature!

Although Fang Han is from the Fang family, he has a good relationship with him, and even his luck is connected.

But man is selfish, the road is struggling, he is not alone, he does not want to test human nature.

So in the end, Fang Qingshan thought it was better to go alone, so that he could move forward and backward freely, and he was more worried about the news leaking and shocked others.

After all, as the son of luck, Fang Han didn't know how many eyes were staring at him. I was afraid he would shock others when he moved.

I originally wanted to go to the Tianwu Treasury to pick up treasures, but I still have to wait for a while, when the time and space tide comes.

The library of Tianwu operates with the help of a time-space tidal force between the Xuanhuang Great World and the immortal realm, which is extremely powerful. Usually, even a character like Linglong Xianzun cannot enter.

Unless the use of fairy wares, or fairy shots, but obviously this is impossible, because the movement is too large, accidentally there will be leaks, the harm outweighs the benefits, so everyone is waiting.

When the force of time and space is relatively weak, use the treasure to tear open the space and enter the Tianwu treasure house.

But if you only go at this time, even if the muddy water touches the fish, there is no better place than yourself to dominate the treasure house and slowly scrape it?

After all, at that time, there will be people from the dragon world, the Buddha world, the **** world, and the sharks vying for food. Although Fang Qingshan is surrounded by poor people, he ca n’t guarantee that he will return in full.

Fortunately, although Fang Qingshan has no immortals ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and no immortals, although this time stole a large amount of Jiuyang holy water, it will take some time for Qiongqi to recover to Xixian Xiu, but if he waits for the poor Qi recovered, and the opportunity he wanted to seize was lost.

But Fang Qingshan still has Fuyu.

Yes, Fuyu!

Of course, this rune is not the one that was given to him by a real bliss.

That one, but even Tianxian can hurt, as long as it is not at the top, it is also dead or dead.

In order to find the Five Elements Treasure, Fang Qingshan went to Tiedaoxia to take the Taibai Xuanjin essence. He originally planned to do nothing else, but for the sake of reassurance, the two couples of Xuan Xuan asked him to copy a copy of the Panshu Tianshu and took part of it.荤 荤 荤。

Although these falcons are only equivalent to a blow of Sanxian, dozens of them are different, and they can barely tear the tides of time and space.

In addition, there is also a master Qi Qi Qi, there is such a treasure as Haotian treasure mirror, into the Tianwu treasure house, but there is no problem.

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