Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 391: Space-time tide

Sun and moon are empty!

Unlike other worlds, other worlds generally have only one round of big days and one round of bright moons, and once they cross the boundary, disaster will occur.

Just like the floods, when the sky is empty on the 10th, if it is not the day after the shooting, I am afraid that many races have only one way to go.

But the Xuanhuang world is different. It is not just a round of sun and moon, but a lot, hundreds or thousands.

These sun and moon are hidden in a mysterious and vast space and time outside the nine-day scourge of the Xuanhuang Great World. They operate according to a certain law. Here is the sun and moon void.

The space-time tide of Tianwu Treasury connecting the fairyland and Xuanhuang World is also here.

Fortunately, it is not the time, so no one pays attention here.

After all, the tide of space-time is weakened once every 10,000 years. The time for each weakening is only three days. Only then will it be followed by everyone. Therefore, as long as Fang Qingshan does not make too much movement, he will not What caused the commotion.

After entering the sun and moon void, the first thing Fang Qingshan felt was the immense amount of frozen air and flame air.

There are too many suns and moons here, hundreds and thousands, and the sun, moon, and stars are huge every moment. Compared with Dragon Jupiter, it is not too lenient, but there is only one Dragon Jupiter, but the sun and moon here are It's dense.

The big sun, the sun, the sun, the sun, the pure sun, and the true fire of the sun are one of the top flames in the heavens and the earth. Compared with the red lotus industry fire, Nanming is not inferior to the fire.

Haoyuezhe, too Yin too, too Yin, to Yin, pure Yin, the entire Yin star is frozen like two poles, all year round is cold, the atmosphere of the Yin, frost cold world, is also the world's top cold things.

Therefore, the appearance of the frozen air and the fire air did not surprise Fang Qingshan.

On the contrary, if it wasn't for this time that the harvest in the Promise Star Palace was too great, and time was too late, how could Fang Qingshan stay to take care of it, or realize it for a while.

After all, the operation of the sun and the moon contains the principles of heaven and earth, sun and moon, yin and yang, black and white, day and night ... If you can understand one or two, it will be of great benefit to your own path.

Although Fang Qingshan didn't stop there deliberately, when he went to the place where Tianwu Treasury was located, he stopped by the way.

Of course, the nature that can be scraped by him is not those ordinary frozen air and flame air, but the elves born in the ice and fire, or Jinwu, or Bifang, or Phoenix, or Suzaku, and Or Yutu, ice dragon, chinchilla, basalt and so on.

Even Fang Qingshan also caught two natural gods. They are the creatures bred in the sun and moon tides. They are born naturally, draw the vitality of the immortal world, condense the magical power, and have no boundless life.

With them, Aoyama behind the sun breaks through the realm of kings and opens up a small world, and condensing the sun and the moon does not have to be so troublesome, you can use them directly as the overcast sun.

Of course, these are now side by side. Fang Qingshan uses the Haotianbao mirror to urge the movement of the big move, and rushes to the tide of time and space with a mind.


Step by step, step by step!

Although Fang Qingshan came a step ahead to open the Tianwu Treasury, he didn't know if the butterfly had an effect. There would be slight deviations in history, so he had to race against the clock. Only by holding the baby in his own hands was he foolproof. .

I don't know how long, maybe one day, maybe longer, Fang Qingshan finally stopped at a boundary.

I looked back, but I saw that I had left the Xuanhuang World. With thousands of huge suns, the moon had been left behind by myself. As for the Xuanhuang World, it was more like a chicken, and the sun, moon, and stars were like eggshells. .

But in front of Fang Qingshan, it was a gray one. With Fang Qingshan's current practice, he could not see anything, as if wearing a layer of tulle, but in the chaos, from time to time, a few emerged. A wave of waves, a story after story, seems to be able to consult everything.

Time and Space Tides!

Time and space are the top two avenues between heaven and earth. If the immortal world is not changed, or the pioneers are obtained by fate, otherwise the power of fate will never be above time and space.

Although the spatio-temporal tide is not a long river of time and space, the time and space contained in it are not trivial.

In particular, the tide of space-time was formed by the ancient three thousand first-world twisting forces of the immortal world and the Xuanhuang world.

As soon as Fang Qingshan had penetrated into his thoughts, he could not help humming.

There is an immense power in it. What kind of star emperor, Feng Baiyu, and even mixed with Taoists and Devourers are not worth mentioning in front of this power. It is Linglong Xianzun, it is poor and strange, and it is far less than this force. Compared to the time and space tide, the hybrid Yuan Promise chart is also worse.

The only power Fang Qingshan has seen that transcends here is the blissful real person in Shushan.

But what a blissful real person is, Jinxian is in sight.

The golden immortal is the immortal world placed in the immortal world.

Fang Qingshan actually enjoyed Yuanshen to explore the truth, and naturally it was whether the meat buns had hit the dog or not.

Nevertheless, Fang Qingshan was not surprised.

If it weren't for the power here, it wouldn't have blocked those who are like the treasures of the river.

"My son, our power here is too vast, even if I am afraid I can't tear it apart!"

Fang Qingshan released the poor strange, he frowned a bit.

"Haha, poor, you can rest assured, of course, I know that there is a gap in your strength alone."

Fang Qingshan laughed indifferently to this,

"But with them?"

Fang Qingshan flipped his hand and took out dozens of runes.

But seeing these falcons as non-jinfeifei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ non-different and non-iron, I don't know what material it is made of, but it contains a vast force, although it is not as good as the time and space tide in front, but it is absolutely No worse than the poor Qi or Linglong Xianzun and others.

What's more, these falcons don't know if it's because they were made by the same person, or if they have been mutated, and the air and machinery are linked, they can be superimposed, but the power is even higher.

"Okay, with this thing, Qiqi has the confidence to tear the time and space tide and enter the Tianwu Treasury."

Seeing Fu Qin in Fang Qingshan's hand, Qiong Qi first had a pupil tightening, he also felt the power contained in it, and immediately rejoiced. With this object, he added the Haotian treasure mirror and entered the treasure house, but it was unimpeded.

"Son, you should first enter the Haotianbao Mirror!"

Poor Qi took Fu Lu from Fang Qingshan and said to him again.

"Okay, be careful yourself."

Fang Qingshan naturally had no objection to this, nodded his head, turned into a streamer and got into the Haotianbao mirror.

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