Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 626: Advance to a level

The wind is blowing in the day, and the scenery is flowing.

Unconsciously, it's another annual New Year's Eve.

For others, this is no surprise, but for Fang Qingshan and even the people of Lingxiao Town, this is the first real Spring Festival in the eternal continent.

On such an important day, Fang Qingshan is naturally impossible to miss. It seems that under the action of reversing time and space, he has re-trained to the realm of earth fairy.

Although the realm has not improved, as far as combat effectiveness is concerned, it is possible to play five or even ten at a time.

The reason for this is naturally because it is more handy, and the magical powers are more efficiently used.

At this time, the mosquitoes also returned, and Xiuwei had broken through the heavens and reached the true immortals, although he had been sealed under the Fa.

However, it is also known from this that I don't know how many aliens have fallen out of blood mold.

The development of Lingxiao Town is even more rapid. It took several months to go from the village to the town, and it didn't take much time from the town to the town of Banbu.

Yes, now the town of Lingxiao has reached the edge of promotion, reaching the point of half-step city.

It can be said that Sanxi is coming!

In this regard, Fang Qingshan naturally wishes to celebrate.

We not only sent benefits to each household, but also set up a running table in Lingxiao Town.

The fire tree and silver flowers are always in the dark, and they are staggered, and the wine is not drunk. There was laughter in the streets.

In a troubled world, everyone can see such a scene, and they can't help but feel like dreaming, their eyes are blurred.

Think about falling into the hands of aliens, or living in the wilderness, life is worse than death.

Look at the present, the world of the country, the birth of children, Jinyiyushi, Futai Ankang.

Everyone was intoxicated, and at the same time, their hearts were secretly determined to guard this tranquility even if they were dead. Anyone who would destroy all of them were their enemies, enemies, who tried everything to destroy them.

Dangdang! !!

When the bell of the New Year struck through the morning bell, everyone had no time to realize this rare peace, and their hearts were lifted instantly.


It was almost the moment of the New Year. In the void, an invisible coercion swept the world like a tide, just as when the last market was about to end, the heavens manifested.

The difference is that this time with a new outfit.

A bronze gate similar to the gate of a market.

It is engraved with thousands of totems, countless demons, thousands of fierce beasts, battlefields of demons and demons, and races of all races.

Bone like a mountain bird flies, blood flows into a shipwreck.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The battle flag swept through, the horn blew, Jin Ge iron horse, swallowed thousands of miles.

Terrible and terrible killings echoed between heaven and earth.

There was a rush of blood and rain that made people shudder and tremble with fear.

This newly emerged gate is naturally the gate of the demon and demon, that is, the passage to the battlefield of the devil and demon.

Tiandao set out such a big movement, and naturally caught everyone's attention instantly.

"For five years, the battlefield of gods and monsters has opened, and the gates of gods and monsters have been opened. Anyone who wants to go to the battlefield of gods and monsters can just open the gate of heaven and set foot on the battlefield of gods and monsters.

"Life and death are by fate, successes and failures are in the sky, thousands of races fight for the hegemony, gods and demons fight, and only the strong survive. After nine days, the gates of the gods and monsters are closed. Be careful!"

The cold voice echoed in the void and instantly swept across the eternal continent.

Especially the last two words, careful entry, emphasized a bit. Most people's hearts can't help but agitate, but also inspired more people's fighting spirit.

The so-called knowing that there are tigers in the mountains favors Hushan, such people are never lacking, especially in the eternal continent, more people have confidence in their own strength.

The big waves rush through the sand, depending on how many people can reach the end.

Once fully out of the battlefield of gods and demons, the name and the benefit will be both.

Regarding the matter of the battlefield between gods and demons, Lingxiao Town had already been prepared.

Army, weapons, logistics, master ready. Only after Fang Qingshan gave an order, he would go on a song.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was not in a hurry.

He is going to do another drill before entering the battlefield of the demon.

Let Xiaoxiao Town be promoted to Lingxiao City first.

In the core space of the mayor's mansion of Lingxiao Town, there are now two creatures, one of which is the spirit of luck, ichthyosaur, and the other is the spirit of skynet, crystal, this guy and the eternal spirit thunder of the other shore The emperor is average, with high cold.

But at this moment, Crystal is both worried and excited at the fish and dragon.

After all, every promotion of the village order is a disaster. Pass, rain and sunny, the rainbow is high, but you ca n’t survive it.

Now that Skynet is integrated into the Qiyun Tianchi, the more Qiyun, the better the spirit of Qiyun, the better he is, and vice versa, the same reason, one glory and one glory, one loss and one loss.

But Yulong didn't take care of him, and at this moment, he was looking forward to it.

When Fang Qingshan saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile. This was the Qiyun Tianchi overflowing with water, reaching the extreme.

Without delay, Fang Qingshan took a deep breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Communicated with the order of the village, loudly:

"Tiandao is above, the master of Xia Lingxiao Town, Fang Qingshan, Shangdi Tiandi today. Although the establishment of Lingxiao Town is short, the time is short, but whether it is from the people's livelihood, or military politics, business culture is qualitative. Change, especially the Qiyun Tianchi is full, and the spirit of Qiyun has reached the edge of transformation. I hereby implore the heaven and earth for permission, and Lingxiao Town will be promoted to the fairy city. On behalf of the heavenly herd, look for the heaven and earth to permit. "

As soon as the words fell, everyone within the sphere of influence of Lingxiao Town heard it.

"it has started!"

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky.

Compared with the uncle when Lingxiao Village was promoted to Lingxiao Town for the first time, at this moment, although everyone is serious, there is no uneasiness in their eyes, and some only have firmness and fighting spirit.

Obviously, after this period of experience, people in Lingxiao Town have made great progress again. Not only the confidence in their own strength, but also the strength of Ling Xiaozhen.

At the same time, Tiandao responded and the calamity stood up.

Just like last time, between the clouds, the clouds rose to the southeast, the fog rose to the northwest, the dark clouds over the city, and the lightning flashed and thundered.

The difference is that this time there is no Dragon Gate manifestation, just a simple thunderstorm.

Although compared to Longmen, thousands of horses and thousands of horses across a single-wood bridge, thunder robbery seems easier, but that is also relatively speaking.

Especially the promotion of this spirit of fortune and fortune, the power of Thunder Robbery is enhanced.

But seeing that the thunderstorm has not yet begun, the manifestation is not the ordinary thunderstorm, but the attribute thunderstorm.

Nevertheless, Fang Qingshan was full of confidence in ichthyosaurs.

Without training, Jinli could almost transform into a fish-dragon. After this period of training, plus deeper knowledge than that of Xuanhuang Town, Fang Qingshan has every reason to believe that there is no problem with the transformation of fish-dragon.

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