Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 627: Thunder


The thunderstorm took shape, and the fish and dragon could not wait to jump from the Qiyun Tianchi, soaring upward, and the dragon was in the sky.

Unlike the new-born gold carp, the ichthyosaurs after the experience not only knew that after the thunderstorm, they had great benefits, but also the will to face difficulties and ride the waves.

As soon as the dragon came out, it seemed to cause a chain reaction.

next moment,

The thunder was shocked, and the light shone, causing people to squint.

At the beginning, if the sound is like a mosquito, it will ring through the sky after the beard.

Rolling among the dark clouds, the thunderous thunder of the Golden Snake struck violently, overwhelmingly, densely packed, just like a horse.

Thunder and fire, there is fire with thunder, and thunder invades everything, and the momentum of the sky fire swept away toward the dragon.

The power contained in this thunderbolt saw Lin Ruhai and others bewildered, because even if they were not paying attention, they would be blasted into pieces. Fallen on the spot.

This is just the first thunderstorm. So what's behind? For a moment, a cloud of haze rose over everyone's mind.

Fortunately, I turned around to see Fang Qingshan standing in the center like Optimus Prime, and his face did not change at all, so everyone could not help but relax a little.


Turning around, the thunderbolt fell firmly on the dragon.

No matter what kind of thunder robbery, as long as it is turned on, unless it is a method of hiding the sky and crossing the sea, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to avoid only hard resistance.

Because at the moment when Tianjie takes shape, your Qi machine is locked by the thief. Even if you go to the ends of the earth, don't even try to hide away. In the end, what should fall on you will fall on you.

Ichthyosaurus also did not dodge, but straightened the bar, and the Thunder fell on him.


Lei Guang walked like a dragon like a snake, making a crisp sound.

Countless scales constantly blasted out under the thunder, and the fish and dragon could not help but utter a painful moan.

But did not give up the struggle.

He also used the power of luck to heal his injuries while training his body with Thunder.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong,

The thunder collided, and Mang gave no light.

Thunder quenches the dragon body, and luck trains the soul.

After a while, the thunderbolt dissipated, revealing a new ichthyosaur, entangled Wolong.

Everyone in Lingxiao Town couldn't help but be pleased to see the situation, but the joy was too late.

Click! !!

The second thunderbolt has followed, following.

The first thunderbolt was fire-type, and the second thunderbolt was among the five elements, with the most aggressive metal attack.

That's it, the power of the Thunder has doubled directly compared to the first.

The first thunder was just exploding with ichthyosaurs flying horizontally. When this thunder fell, it was not only the scabbards flying horizontally, but the flesh and blood was blurred and the muscles were broken.

Fortunately, the town of Lingxiao has strong luck and a steady stream. Although the fish and dragon looks terrible, as long as it is not a single blow, it completely disintegrates, and you can recover between the urns.

Sure enough, between breathing, majestic air flow merged into the body, and the fish and dragon quickly recovered. Swim in the void as if it were a substance.

However, compared to the beginning, Yulong's body was significantly smaller. But it seems more solid and more powerful.

I didn't give Yulong a chance to breathe at all. The second thunder was just finished, and the third thunder came after him and fell.

The power of looting mines is getting bigger and bigger, this one is even more overbearing, and has doubled compared to the previous one.

Many people could not help but look pale when they saw this scene.

This time, the ichthyosaur was almost split directly, leaving only the skeleton.

Fourth way,


Sixth way,


Thunder and lightning continued to fall.

Even though the ichthyosaurs were almost split, they were not fatal.

Don't break and stand, break and stand!

Instead, the fish and dragon got great benefits in thunder and thunder again and again. Inspired his fighting spirit, so is Tianjie. Rising to fight with heaven, its endless joy.

This scene saw a shock in the hearts of everyone in Lingxiao Town.

The poorest is nothing but begging.

In spiritual practice, although luck is very important, so is the will. Only with a firm will can we really have the possibility to reach the top. Otherwise, even if it gives you great luck and chance, in the end, you can only make wedding clothes for others.

Rumble! !!

Imperceptibly, the thief of thief arrived at the ninth road.

Nine are extremely numerous. Generally speaking, there are only nine ways to rob a thunder for the first time. As long as this is done, thunder robbing is considered to be successful.

However, many people are often planted on the last thunder.

Unlike the previous Thunder, the power increased step by step, but the power of this thunderbolt was a geometric multiple.

Sure enough, the thunders in front are coming one after another, not giving you the slightest chance to breathe.

The last thunder, however, is ready to go, and the backlog keeps coming.

The robbery clouds rolled violently in the sky.

Countless thunderbolts are constantly shuttled, the clouds and black clouds are pressing, bringing people an unimaginable depression. As if the entire void had to freeze, all creatures had to suffocate under the cloud of destruction ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, even Fang Qingshan's face could not help but reveal a dignity.

Success or failure is here!

Although Fang Qingshan can, like the last time, rely on the power of the Lord of Qi Yun, secretly help the spirit of Qi Yun.

But this is only to stop thirst. If you help him again, this is not helping, but harming. Once you have dependence, once you have no fighting spirit, and you pin your hope on others, then the spirit of luck will be deformed. As a result, the resulting chain reaction is not what Fang Qingshan wants to see.

"It's up to you."

Fang Qingshan silently thought in his heart.

It seems that Fang Qingshan's mind was sensed. Instead of panic, Yulong has a mentality of fighting backwaters.


A dazzling thunderbolt draws a gorgeous trajectory in the air, turning it into a white ball of thunder, descending from the sky, and blasting towards the dragon.

When he arrived in front of him, the thunder ball burst into a blast, turning it into a celestial net, which instantly connected the ichthyosaur to it, and then continued to shrink. A line of thunder nets was sharper than the previous thunderstorm, and it was easily cut. The ichthyosaur's defense.

For a while, fish and dragons were in danger.

Shrink and cut!

Ichthyosaurs are like grasshoppers after the autumn. Although there is a continuous supply of air fortune, they only delay the arrival of the last moment.


At one-and-a-half moments, Thundernet seemed to shrink to the extreme, and the fish and dragons were finally overwhelmed, and a scene of crackling in the crowd in Lingxiao appeared.


The ichthyosaur was split in pieces, and it exploded into powder. Destroyed completely under the thunder. The whole spirit of luck is destroyed.

For a time, the entire town of Lingxiao was silent, and almost everyone lost its light.

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