Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 628: Sentence you to destruction

Just when everyone seemed to have lost hope, when it was bright, only Fang Qingshan was calm and calm.

This is not forcing, but because he is the master of Lingxiao Town, and has a close connection with the spirit of Qiyun and the meditation of Qiyun Tianchi.

Although in the current situation, it seems that the spirit of luck has been destroyed.

If this happens, he, as the master of Qiyun, will be backswept. Then, the converged Qiyun will begin to dissipate, and Qiyun Tianchi will collapse.

But none of these things happened.

And as long as the luck is not extinguished, the spirit of luck will not die.

Even if the spirit of Qi Yun is blasted into ashes in an instant, it can be reborn with blood, even if it is a little bit left, it can be recovered in a short time with sufficient air transport.

Of course, there is no shortage of smart people in Lingxiao Town. Similar to Fang Xuanling and others, it was only difficult to accept the fact at first. When I looked back, I immediately discovered that something was wrong, and saw that Fang Qingshan was still as stable as Mount Tai. As soon as he looked like this, he couldn't help but raise a hope, his eyes stared into the void.

Sure enough, everyone was not disappointed.

Not long after, the mutation suddenly occurred.


A dragon yin suddenly sounded.

At the beginning, the sound was like a mosquito, and gradually, the sound was raised, as if a sharp sword came out of the sheath. After the beard drew, Long Yin Daze rang through the clouds.

Following this, everyone just felt that there was a sudden flash of golden light in front of them, and then they saw a drop of golden blood shining in the dark clouds, exuding a scorching, grand, magnificent, majestic breath.

In the middle, a mysterious milky power descended from the sky, covering the sky, covering the blood. A myriad of mysterious forces are constantly flowing into it.

This power is the power of luck in Lingxiao Town.

Of course, it is not just the power of luck, but also the power of heavenly praise after the thunderstorm.

With the infusion of these two forces, here is the moment to witness the miracle.

Phoenix Nirvana, reborn!

This drop of dragon blood is like a seed, reborn under the pouring of air force and the power of heaven.

Turned into a golden carp, transformed into a ichthyosaur. It seems like a re-taken life.

In the end, the ichthyosaur transformed again, transformed into a large golden yellow python, with golden scales exuding a stream of light. In particular, a small golden horn on his forehead adds three-point majesty and three-point power.

Golden Dragon Snake!

Although it is still a snake, it already looks like a cricket.


Seeing this scene, I heard that the flying dragon was in the sky, Long Yin was in the sky, and the town of Lingxiao was silent first, followed by a loud cheering sound through the clouds.

Everyone was crying with joy and singing and dancing.

The promotion of the spirit of luck means that Lingxiao Town has taken a step forward and they will get better and better.

The dragon is everywhere, the body is strong, the Tianchi is widened, reaching 998 feet, and the milky air is red.

Everything started to develop in a good way.

Just as everyone was cheering, Fang Qingshan's face was a little dignified.

Because he knows that Lingxiao Town is promoted to Lingxiao City, and the spirit of luck is only one aspect, and the next big test is coming.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ren and others standing beside Fang Qingshan clearly felt the solemn breath emanating from Fang Qingshan, and everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

Fang Qingshan did not speak, but pointed to the top of his head.

But when the clouds of jealousy disappeared, the anger and black qi that were invisible to the naked eye still surfaced, and they grew thicker and thicker. Revealing an ominous and depressed.

"How is this going?"

Feeling this scene, everyone's hearts could not help raising it again.

"Is it the same as last time, the robbery of the spirit of luck is only part of it, and there is greater danger next?"

Fang Xuanling's face changed.

As soon as the words fell, everyone seemed to feel that a strong crisis was coming. Can not help but a restless, restless.

"Be quiet and restless. The soldiers come to cover the water and cover the soil. There is nothing to worry about."

Fang Qingshan was comfortingly.

After hearing Fang Qingshan's words, Fang Xuanling and others settled down a little.

At the same time ashamed. There is stillness in every major event, the thunder rises from the side without being shocked, Taishan collapses without moving, and they still don't do enough to cultivate themselves.

The cheering crowd seemed to feel the dignity of several leaders. For a time, the voice slowly weakened, and an invisible killing gas was spreading.

Lingxiao Town, in the sky.

No strands of black gas could be seen converging, and suddenly turned into a large group of nine small, a total of ten light clusters, of which nine small groups shot out, transformed into nine dark gates, together with the dim, unknown and unpredictable Void.

As for the biggest mass of black gas, it turned into a dark vortex, like a black hole, like a return, as if connected to the darkest side of the day and place, where the light is not there, night is the normal state, and darkness is the main color. .

Rumble! !!

First of all, the nine portals similar to the gates of the demon suddenly rioted.

A sound of killing sounded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ horn, golden drum, battle flag, iron hoof.

There was a cry and growl.

Followed by, saw countless skeletons, the undead swarmed out of the portal, and then the tide water swept towards Lingxiao Town, densely packed.

"Archer, crossbow, shoot me! Twilight Morning Bell, ring me!"

With the experience of the last village promotion to town, everyone in Lingxiao Town did not panic.

The order was forbidden, and the most fierce response was given directly under Zhang Ren's order.

Dangdang! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

The twilight morning bell rang, the archer, the crossbow, and the thunderbolt struck.

Bang Bang! !!

For a while, these newly emerged monsters could not help but be devastated.

Under the attack of the twilight morning bell, as well as the bow and arrow, bed crossbow, it exploded and exploded into blood mist.

The dense arrow rain, like harvesting straw, completely shot and killed numerous enemy troops, nailed it to the ground, and blood stained the earth.

Although these undead, skeletons, and puppets still unknowingly moved forward and succeeded, they were still contained by the attacks of the army of Lingxiao Town.

However, for all of this, neither Fang Qingshan nor Fang Xuanling were too concerned.

Everyone set their sights on a vortex larger than the portal.

From there, they felt great terror, and a strong sense of death emerged for no reason.

Did not let them wait long, a cold voice came out in the whirlpool,

"The eternal people, trying to turn against the sky with the aboriginal body, sin is not tolerated, today I sentence you to ruin!"

As soon as the voice fell, a fishhook emerged from the vortex without warning. The fishhook looked small and exquisite, and the hook was connected by a transparent fishing line.

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