Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 638: Shura City

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The battlefield is not the same as a normal battle.

Ordinary competitions can be used to fight against the weak, and the strong can be defeated with ingenuity ...

The battlefield battle is not the same. Unless it is the first to win, otherwise the two armies will face each other. Unless it's your ability to drop ten sessions.

Otherwise, the next fight is the momentum, the fight is the cooperative combat ability, and the fight is persistence ...

Fighting on the battlefield, a piece of scattered sand, even if there are many people, when you encounter an elite group, you can only be a crowd of black people, just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Now, Fang Qingshan and Zhang Ren are undoubtedly elites. Although there are many aliens, although they also have an army, they do not have a unified command, and they are still in the dark.

But the momentum of the four major legions, a million soldiers, and a neat array, seemed like thousands of towering walls. Although the millions of aliens were like the tide, they could not help them.

One is like scattered sand, the other is as imposing as rainbow.

As a result, it was naturally doomed.

In the beginning, the alien race still had a lot of people and wanted more ants to kill the elephants. However, under the killing of the four major legions, they were defeated, and they wanted to show their energy to milk far away. Escape.

"How could it be, how could the Terran be so powerful!"

While fleeing, my mind was still chaotic, and my heart was aggressive.

Although seeing the human race from the sea of ​​blood, the foreign race has guessed that the human race cannot be underestimated.

But the inherent thinking still makes them think that the human race is weak.

Moreover, they are crowded, thinking that even if the autumn wind cannot sweep away the leaves, at least they will stop the momentum of the human race, not let him break through one by one, and when they are tired, they will be fighting.

It was known there that people directly gave themselves and others a head shot, killing people like mowing the grass, especially the four alien beasts that were condensed by the army, really swept a large area, and in a short time, they killed hundreds of thousands of aliens.

For a while, it was not just life, but heart.

Without morale, nature is changing.

Of course, even if they are intentional, it is useless, and it is completely useless in the face of absolute strength.

The aliens fled and Zhang Ren did not let His Majesty chase him.

Once they had a goal, Fang Qingshan designated the largest nearby city as a base, how could Zhang Ren forget it.

Second, the division of the battlefield is also a taboo.

Although it seems that they have already won.

But don't forget, although there are many aliens coming, there are still a lot of fiercely competing for the city. Once the soldiers are divided, they will fall into the puppet of the aliens and be broken one by one.

Seeing Zhang Ren was not stunned by victory, Fang Qingshan nodded secretly.

Although in the original history, Zhang Ren may only be considered a second-rate figure, but now he is definitely no less than those top commanders and generals.

Not to mention these, but said that Zhang Ren led his four armies, first defeating the siege aliens, and then not chasing them, as long as they did not hinder his way forward, they followed them.

Pushed all the way across.

Perhaps the aliens also found that as long as they did not block the passersby, they would not take the initiative to deal with them.

There were no aliens obstructing hands and feet. Soon, Fang Qingshan and his party came outside the city originally selected by Fang Qingshan.

Shura City!

Yes, this city is the largest city near the Blood Sea.

Of course, there are naturally the most people competing, and the strength is naturally the strongest.

"Good personal family, dare to contend for Shura City, really when we are the same group of Wuhe?"

"Everyone is not busy at first, drive out the human race first, or else the clams compete for the fisherman's profit, and the human race is cheap."

"It's pole, it's pole! Retreat the human race first, in the city."


Seeing the actions of the human race, many alien masters who were vying for Shura City soon reached a consensus.

"Praying arms as a car, you can't help it!"

Zhang Ren Leng hummed,

"Buffalo Legion, attack the South Gate."

"Crazy Lions, attack the North Gate."

"Much like the Legion, attacking Simon."

"Hook Chen Army and attack the East Gate."

Sun Tzu's art of war is very clear: therefore, he uses the art of war, ten of them are encircled, five are attacked, times are divided, enemies can fight, at least they can escape, and if not, they can avoid it. Therefore, the enemy is strong, and the enemy is captured.

It stands to reason that although Fang Qingshan has nearly a million troops, they are still relatively few compared to other races.

In addition, the siege of the city should generally be for the lack of three, so as not to trap the beasts fighting, arouse the enemy's heart to fight against the water, but increase their losses.

However, Zhang Ren did not, and Fang Qingshan did not raise any objections.

On the one hand, he entrusted Zhang Ren to the matter, naturally trusting him, and he would not do the kind of random intervention, and then there was also this approach to Zhang Ren, which he agreed with.

Although there are many aliens here, although the master is strong.

But it wasn't too much, so strong that they needed to worry about it.

What is the reason why Fang Qingshan brought the people of Lingxiao City into the battlefield of gods and demons? Is it for fame, luck, contribution?

No, if only because of this, wouldn't he and the Mosquito be more relaxed and comfortable.

The reason to take them is for experience.

Since there is not much danger, although it is a little bit more dangerous, Bao Jianfeng emerged from the sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance came from the bitter cold. They were behind by one section, and naturally they must catch up.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Zhang Yi ordered that the four legions move together.

The bow is like a thunderbolt, and the arrow is like rain.

The sword is like the sea, and the gun is like a dragon.

The four legions were all armed to the teeth.

These are all high-end products made by Shen Kuo, day and night, and Xing Ye, together with universal printers.

Coupled with the cultivation of the legionnaires themselves, they are even more powerful.

Like the flood at the start of the gate, there is no going forward, but everything that stands in front of them is destroyed.

The army moved forward, and in front of the dense arrow rain sword sea, a large number of alien soldiers were shot and killed. The body fell to the ground coldly. Blood flowed into the river.

Of course, it's not just aliens, the people in the four major legions will inevitably be damaged.

It is only because of the battle array ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ equipment, the loss is far less than the alien.

After the fall, the soul was immediately taken away by Fang Qingshan with a map of the night of the Hundred Ghosts, and after returning, he was put back in the soul-calling maggot.

As for the corpses, they can only be collected after the battle is over, leave the battlefield of the gods and demons, and return to Lingxiao City and be buried in the People's Heroes Monument.

Although there are many people in different races, there are no shortage of masters.

But as long as the master comes forward, he will be attacked by mosquitoes.

Although the remaining aliens do not fight alone but are also united, how can they be compared to the four major legions with battle formations?

Even relying on the city, it is just a dying struggle.

Before sunset, Zhang Ren finally cleaned up all the aliens or killed them.

The big city of Shura City fell completely into the hands of Fang Qingshan and others. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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