Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 639: specialty

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Driving the aliens out of Shura City does not mean that Fang Qingshan and others occupied the city.

For example, if the house is repaired, a real estate certificate is needed.

To occupy it completely, there is another important thing to accomplish, and that is the commander of the Refinery City.

Only by thoroughly refining the city's decree can the city be completely occupied.

These cities are not the same as ordinary cities. They are battle cities, and the city is full of prohibitions and formations.

This is the only way to be used as a stronghold and to rob.

Otherwise, if an ordinary city is thrown by a spell, it will collapse directly. It would be better for the army to camp directly.

"Some of the four major legions cleared up the city, others were stationed on the walls, one legion and one position."

After Zhang Ren passed down the order, he came to Fang Qingshan and hugged his fists.

"No shame on the mission, please ask the lord to enter the city, refine the city's command, and take complete control of the city."

"The general is working hard."

Fang Qingshan nodded with satisfaction.

Together with Zhang Ren and others, slowly head towards the main city.

After a short while, the founder of the city was found.

Talking about a token, it's more like a stele. The whole body is blood red, just like beautiful jade. There are impressively engraved with three ancient urns of Shura City.

The blood stains and cracks on it were obviously severely damaged before. Damaged.

The city commander has been severely damaged. After so long, it has not been repaired. I can imagine that he experienced too many fierce fights in the past.

Seeing the city's order, Fang Qingshan didn't delay. When he raised his hand and pressed on it, mana surged and colorful light bloomed, completely covering it.

After a short while, he saw the scarlet on the blood jade stone gradually receding and replaced with colorful fluorescence.

The thing without the owner, but in the moment, was completely refined by Fang Qingshan.

Let's go!

The stele turned into a token and fell into Fang Qingshan's hands.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan is in complete control of the entire city in his hands.

After the refining city command, it is not just the complete control of the city.

You can also see a list, ‘Hong Meng All Spirits List! ’

It was the list that was hanging on the floating island when I came to the battlefield of Gods and Demons through the way of Gods and Demons.

There are impressively engraved words on it, which are the names of various races entering the battlefield of gods and demons.

Of course, this is not a real list, just a projection of that list on the floating island.

The ranking on the list is naturally based on contribution points.

Killing an enemy in the Shenhai realm is a tribute. Destiny enemies, ten points of merit, Destiny enemies, one hundred points of merit. Enemies of the state of France, 10,000 points of merit.

The top names on the list today are Fairy, Holy Spirit, Three-eyed Protoss, Dragon, Phoenix, and Kirin. Beamon, Lion, Blood, Undead, Werewolf, Wing, Shura. Angel Protoss ...

As for Terran, I don't know where.

In the original trajectory, the reason why the human race can later take the lead, even occupy the top of the list.

However, because Yi Tianxing smashed the Xingmen, one door was able to meet the hard work of a race.

Compared with other races, especially dragons and phoenixes, the human race has a poor heritage.

Now that Yi Tianxing has not yet shown his power, it is impossible for the human race to rank high.

Another point is that only by occupying the city and only by opening the meritorious list can you be eligible for redemption of treasures.

Rao is enough of Fang Qingshan himself to see the strange treasures he had seen. After seeing these strange treasures in the treasure house of Gods and Demons, he could not help secretly taking a breath. Excited. I have a thought that I can't wait to own it all.

You should know that these treasures are all left over from the battlefield of the last age of the gods and demons. They can survive the end of the epoch and are precious.

It is a pity to think about the power in the sea of ​​blood, and to think of heaven, Fang Qingshan can only suppress the greed in his heart completely.

However, although the treasure trove cannot be robbed, there are more benefits that can be obtained through regular channels.

But this requires contribution points, and how do they come?

Kill people, kill enemies, kill aliens, and kill Yongye clan.

However, whether it is to kill the aliens or the people of the Yongye family, it will take some time. Now in Shura City, there is another harvest waiting for itself.

That is a specialty of Shura City.

Such as the large sun grove of the sunset city, sunset hot springs and red flame fire crow trees.

As for the special product of Shura City, Fang Qingshan just took advantage of the function of the city's chief order, but he got to know it.

There is one more kind than the setting sun city. There are four types, namely: Scarlet Shura Tree, Quenched Blood Pool, Abi Hell Tree, and a Pool of Blood Lotus.

The scarlet shura tree is similar to the big sun gold tree, but the fruit on it is not the big sun gold sword, but the real soul Shura.

According to legend, the breeding of the elves is not yin and yang, but they grow directly from trees.

The elves had an ancestral tree, and the elves came from above.

This tree is in perfect harmony with the eternal sky boat sail sail blood unit that Fang Qingshan just opened.

After all, the Shura people and mosquitoes generally grew up from the sea of ​​blood.

As for the quenching blood pool, as the name suggests, it is used to temper the body.

This is a wonderful place for those who practice, especially those who practice the body.

However, there is no such thing as a pie in the sky, especially the practitioner.

Forging a body with a pool of blood is extremely painful.

However, as long as it goes on, not only will it be a major advance, it may even become a Shura war.

Unfortunately, the blood pool is small, and only one hundred people can enter it at a time.

But it can be used as a reward. Want to come to all levels of sergeants will rush.

The remaining Abi Hell tree is almost the same as the scarlet Shura tree in front.

It's just that one bears a soul, and one bears a sword.

On the nose of Abi Hell is a stalk of Abi.

There are two peerless killing swords in the hands of the Ming River, Yuan Tu Abi, the killing force is second only to Pan Guzheng, the magic weapon, and the four immortal swords are not necessarily sharper than him.

The Abi sword here is naturally not the one in Minghe's hands, and there are not so many of them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although just borrowing a name.

But the battle sword here is not to be underestimated, a sword falls, like Abi Hell, the edge is endless.

The rank ranks the highest rank of Xuan rank, at the same time, the potential is infinite, and it has powerful magical powers.

It can even help people, temper the spirit, and realize the meaning of Abi.

As for the last pond of blood lotus, it is no less weak than the first three specialties.

This pool of blood lotus can be removed and refined into a magic weapon for defense and unparalleled defense.

It can also be taken down and used as medicine to make a panacea for cultivation.

It can also be used to refine the body, like the lotus incarnation of Nezha.

Of course, to reach that point, it takes more energy and time to cultivate, but ordinary blood lotuses are not. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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