Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 642: Star Gate

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Universal printers are really a good thing.

For individuals, for ordinary forces, the effect of this thing is not so obvious.

But for large forces, for groups that urgently need to equip ammunition, and for resources with abundant resources, this thing is the treasure of the country!

It can be said that with this thing, doubling the overall strength is not a problem.

Weapons, bows, crossbows, magic bullets, knives, armors, shields ...

If you need elixir, heal your injuries, improve your cultivation, and burst out in a short time ...

As long as there is a sample, only with sufficient supplies, a universal printer can print it 100% at the fastest speed.

The only bad thing about a universal printer is that you can't get the quality.

This is understandable.

Pipelines and craftsmanship require either efficiency or quality. Fish and bear's paw are not available, the key is to see if you want bear's paw or fish.

And the universal printer is not only efficient, the quality can also be guaranteed, but the level can only float on the passing line.

With such ample supply of materials, coupled with keeping in line with the city, despite the great pressure, it beat back Yong Yeyu again and again.

Under such a high-intensity combat situation, everyone in the Sky City naturally got the most experience.

The so-called spring, as long as it does not exceed the bearing limit, the harder it is pressed, the stronger the rebound.

The night has not yet passed, and Yong Yeyu has not receded.

The four legions of the Sky City, nearly a million sergeants, most of them, have their own gains.

For small ones, cultivation is advanced, which is equivalent to months of hard work.

The big one directly breaks through the small realm.

Some even broke the bottleneck, not even a three-level promotion.

From time to time, you can see someone breaking through in battle.

The sound of broken barriers came from many soldiers. It has become the best morale war song.

Between life and death, there is great terror and even greater opportunities.

Don't break and stand, break and stand.

Fang Qingshan used this extreme challenge method to maximize the potential of His Majesty's officers, so that they can catch up with other forces as soon as possible, stand on their own, and even win the world.

Because when he and the mosquitoes were there, naturally nothing was a problem.

However, he and the mosquitoes are not babysitters. It is impossible for them to have anything at all. As the Lord, they all use their lives in person. This is very deformed. Besides, they can't stay in the eternal world now.

And what if they are no longer in this world?

Just like the city of Ling Xiao, Fang Qingshan was washed in blood for thousands of miles, killing people rolling and bleeding, aliens ca n’t wait for him to eat meat and bedding, but when he was there, he did n’t dare to move the soil on his head, and evaded him immediately. Once he left, he immediately went away. Get together and attack.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan urgently needed them to grow up quickly, because after the battle of the gods and demons was over, I am afraid he will not be able to stay long.

Fortunately, these soldiers have gone through thousands of dangers. Both their will and body have been tempered. As long as they are oppressed step by step and provided with sufficient resources, their cultivation is not difficult to achieve the Great Leap Forward.

It is said that there is no place to die, and a group of talented people can emerge.

Just when Fang Qingshan was collecting the clan puppets, while saving them, and paying attention to his lords and soldiers.

The sky finally started to shine.

The overcast was falling, Qiming came first, and darkness was dissipating.

The red eyes had been killed, they were numb, and only the instinctual Ling Xiaocheng people suddenly felt empty, and looked intently, but the Yongye clan's attack receded like a tide.

"Its daybreak!"

"The enemy retreated!"



Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

The sound of a series of blades falling to the ground.

At first the people took a moment to breathe, followed by a long spit of turbid air, throwing away the weapons in their hands, sitting on the ground with one buttock, never wanting to get up again, and their free bodies were hollowed out.

Although the harvest is great, even the great progress is also provided by the elixir, but the spirit is too tense.

"General Zhang, put on the reserve team and let everyone have a good rest, but you can't take it lightly, this is the battlefield of gods and demons after all!"

Fang Qingshan ordered Zhang Ren, and then the mosquitoes flew directly out of the city wall, chasing away at night.

For others, it was dawn and everything passed.

For the other side, Aoyama, the feast is about to begin.

His purpose is not only the stubborn soldiers in the night under the city, nor the training of His Majesty, nor the Terran Puppet, sacrificing Taoist soldiers. His goal is to point to the Star Gate and break a door. The contribution point is One billion, how many good things can be exchanged in the treasure house of Gods and Demons!

Not to mention, once people make people at the top of the Hongmeng Spirit list, they can even get such precious rewards as Hongmeng Ziqi.

With this thing, the road to Junyuan took a foot.

You don't even have to use Hongmeng Ziqi to preach and integrate into the top congenital spiritual treasure, you can get at least one congenital treasure.

And if mosquitoes want to break through the mixed yuan, at least they must get a congenital treasure. Not even enough.

So no matter what the purpose is, this Hongmeng Ziqi Fang Qingshan will definitely get it.

And if you want to get this treasure, you must first put the human race at the top of the list. Needless to say, the contribution points that need to be made.

If you just kill the enemy, even if the mosquitoes come out as one, I'm afraid it won't be possible.

It's better to break the star gate.

Convenient and fast, mainly due to the many contributions!

As for the Xingmen, Fang Qingshan determined his position as early as the beginning of the fall.

And now Yi Tianxing has not broken the star gate.

Although the sky was already dawning, the tide attacks of the Yongye clan receded, but the star gates did not hide together, and still stood in place.

In fact, it is not surprising that in the state of the star gate, if it is not opened, it will not be broken at all. As for entering the other side through the star gate, it is too late for the Yongye family to welcome, but the meat buns hit the dog There is no return.

Following the wandering of the Yongye clan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan soon found a star gate near the sea of ​​blood.

But seeing the whole body dark, just like Moyu, there is a deep starlight twinkling on it, intertwined with mysterious texture.

Compared with the market, the gates of gods and demons seem to be different.

The star gate does not seem to be condensed into substance, but is between reality and reality.

Looking through the star gate, it looks like a black hole, returning to the market, making people unconsciously covered with sweaty hair, and the vest is cold.

Although Fang Qingshan is daring, he will not die on his own.

He came here to smash the star gate and get contributions.

Seeing Xingmen, Fang Qingshan's eyes lighted up as if he saw a treasure.

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan reached out and drew a picture in front of him, and the Five Elements Bracelet of Fate of the Destiny flew out, smashing directly towards the Xingmen. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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