Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 643: Magic finger

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Ding! !!

This smashing seems to be slow and urgent.

But seeing the five-element bracelet slipping around in mid-air, they came over the star gate. Staggered and fell down.

Five-element bracelets, not only can take everything from heaven and earth, whether it is a creature or other, as long as it does not exceed Fang Qingshan too much, it can not be avoided.

More importantly, this object can also be used as a slab to smash people. If one day Fang Qingshan Xiu is promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, or even Zhunsheng, the power of the five-element bracelet may not be weak.

However, now that Fang Qingshan's Xiuwei has just broken through the earth immortal and has been sealed, the magical powers have also been successfully bred, and the power is naturally weaker.

But the five-element bracelet was seen passing through layers of void and colliding with the star gate.

Although the crisp sound of Jin Yue's clashes was issued, the entire portal was not shattered apart from shaking.

Moreover, a stark force burst into the star gate, swallowing the five-element bracelet directly.

Between the beasts, Fang Qingshan could not sense the existence of that magical power.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan was already expected, and was not so surprised.

His five-element bracelet was just trying to test the water, and then it was time to witness the miracle.


Fang Qingshan turned his hands over.

Of course, Fang Qingshan did not summon the eternal sky boat.

One is that, according to the previous warning from Tiandao, Fang Qingshan did not want to touch Tiandao.

What's more, if it's just a sky boat projection, I'm afraid that there is not necessarily a good way Fang Qingshan will cast.

As for calling the entity to come, not to mention hindering the Tao of Heaven, if possible, when the market was opened, Fang Qingshan had already done so.

So what is he going to do now?

In fact, the destiny supernatural five-element bracelet.

The difference is that this time, five pearls were added to the five-element bracelet.

Although the previous five-element bracelet is also substantive, compared with the current one, it is obviously a comparison of the parallel imports and the original.

However, it can be seen in all-round glazed glass, with five colors of light shining on it, inscribed with the texture of Tao and Xuan mysterious, and each other, interpreting gossip and nine palaces, pushing back the two rituals of yin and yang, especially the five pearls inlaid on it, are even more shining.

Golden wood, water and fire, white green black red!

These five pearls are the magic weapon that Fang Qingshan first received when he worshiped Lao Tzu.

Although this thing is only in the top grade, but for the other side of Qingshan, even the top congenital Lingbao does not change.

Because this is the best treasure for him.

The Five Elements Lingzhu is in the hands of others, it is just a top-notch Lingbao.

But in Fang Qingshan, in the hands of people like Kong Xuan who cultivated the Five Elements, the power they exerted is definitely above ordinary ordinary congenial spiritual treasures.

Since Fang Qingshan got it, he has been practicing the innate restraint in it.

It was only because of Xiu Wei's sake that Fang Qingshan had never exercised completely.

But after such a long time, I still completed a small half and was able to exert a little power. Especially with the Five Elements Bracelet of the Destiny Magical Powers, it is the combination of strong and strong thinking that complement each other.

Rumble! !!

After the blessing of the five elements, the destiny is different.

Before it falls, the space around the star gate begins to twist at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. It seems that the entire space is about to collapse completely. The shocking look makes people feel shocked.

Followed by, Xingmen seems to sense that these five-element bracelets are no small matter. For a time, Guanghua was released and the stars were bright.


At this moment, a cold voice sounded without warning in the void, which came from behind the star gate, and the throbbing voice exudes coercion. Coming like a tide.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a star behind the door and stretched out a finger.

Although it is just a finger, it is as thick as Optimus Prime.

The whole body is dark, and the lines are engraved on it, which are extremely mysterious and obscure.

Like the finger of the devil, it shakes the sky, revealing endless killing and fierceness!

Strength condensed, but the fluctuations that circulated caused numbness in the human scalp, causing ripples in the void to make waves, and even the star gate seemed a little overwhelmed with a crunching sound.

With one finger, the heavens seemed to fall into the night.


The fingers touched the five-element bracelet, and a pleasant wind bell rang.

But for the other side, Aoyama, it was not so wonderful.

The destiny supernatural five-element bracelet collapsed, and the five-element spirit beads flew back.

As the host, Fang Qingshan couldn't help but spit out the blood, Qiqiao bleeding.

That's all, the key is that after the devil's finger broke the five-element bracelet, the rest of the momentum came towards Fang Qingshan's eyebrows.

This blow can be said without hesitation, once hit, no doubt nine lives. And even if it escapes, it will inevitably suffer unprecedented damage.

Your fingertips are getting closer, almost within reach.

Ding! !!

Speaking late, then fast!

Just as the fingertips were about to touch Fang Qingshan's skin, a divine light bloomed from his body.

Suddenly, the sound of a sea wave sounded, and a black flag raised suddenly.

But I saw the flag waving, hunting and swaying, the next black water lotus.

In a short time, Fang Qingshan became a lotus country.

Xuan Yuan controls the water flag!

Just when the eternal sky boat was about to fly out of the protector automatically, the mosquito Taoist stepped forward to protect the treasure, and the top congenital Lingbao Wufang Banner was sacrificed.

Hanging above Fang Qingshan's head, he was born undefeated.

But I can see that when the finger collided with the flag, a clear sound was emitted, all the streamers flickered, and the lotuses were extinguished, but more lotus flowers bloomed.

"Good guy, I almost overturned in the gutter!"

Fang Qingshan could not help but take a breath and calmed his tense spirit.

It was really too dangerous just now.

Pay as much as you get.

Fang Qingshan has forgotten that although this star gate is broken, it can get a big reward.

But not to mention whether it has the ability to disintegrate, even if it has, it also has to deal with the attack behind the Star Gate.

Fortunately, I can only do it myself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After the rain is over, the weather is sunny.

"I remember you!"

Fingers retracted, and there was a gloomy voice behind the star gate.

Not that he didn't want to continue attacking, but because the heavens had already appeared.

The heavens have three orders and five applications.

It's usually just a matter of digging into the air, dare to commit crimes in person, even in the other world, there is only a dead end.

"I am destined to be remembered by the heavens. There is not as much as you, and there is not as much as you."

Fang Qingshan sneered.

The Eye of Heaven, after consolidating the Star Gate for a while, set his eyes on Fang Qingshan.

However, this time it was not a warning. I wonder if it was an illusion. Fang Qingshan actually felt a little encouragement and appreciation. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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