Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 655: Zhuge Liang

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"The red square highland crystal was destroyed, and the red square crystal was destroyed."

"The game is over and the winner is Blue."

As soon as Shi Huang, King Jin Bimeng, and others were still fighting for the high ground with other people in the Yongye clan, when they were in a state of great joy, a sound came from their ears, and everyone was dumb.

The same is true for not only the Yongye tribe, but the eternal tribe.

"how is this possible?"

"We are clearly the attacker. How could it be attacked by the other party?"

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

"This is fake, I don't believe it!"


This is the idea of ​​the people of the Yongye clan.

"Are we victorious?"

"It's too fast, it's incredible, all of us are here, how can we directly break each other's crystal?"

"It's a human race, it's a human race, it's them."

"They actually broke through the wilderness and hit Huanglong?"


This is the eternal family, with a little joy, a little incredible. A little embarrassing.

However, no matter what they think, the Founder game is over, the eternal tribe, and the tribe have won the final victory.

It's time to harvest and celebrate.

The gains are naturally those lucks, which are distributed according to the amount of effort in the King's Fight.

The common one is gray luck, and the better is reddish luck. As far as Fang Qingshan and others are concerned, at least it is golden.

However, with the exception of those who got the gray luck and ordinary luck, most of them are well-versed and not shown.

Although they are not afraid, it is better to have less trouble.

After all, if these lucks are won by others, they can still integrate into themselves, not exclusively.

The eternal people can't afford to lose, and they want to threaten everyone to return the luck crystal to them.

Not to mention the public, even if it is for the sake of face, the crowd will not return, and how could the duck in his hand let him fly away.

"Do you really want to regain the luck crystal in my hand?"

However, Fang Qingshan asked a few words in a salty and indifferent manner, and immediately reminded them of the fierceness of Fang Qingshan and others in the King's Fighting Chess.

You know, this is not the King's Fight Chess. Wan Fangqingshan and others, regardless of the big fight, will be dead when they die, not just a little loss of luck.

The two phases take precedence, and the Yongye clan has to shut their mouths.

As soon as Fang Qingshan opened his mouth, he completely suppressed the Yongye clan, and the clan rose again.

As for the celebration, it is even better to say that the treasured fruit banquet convened by Shi Huang just happened to coincide.

However, everyone was happy, Shi Huang's heart may be bleeding.

The first is thousands of days of pride, letting go of food. If it hadn't been for many years on Lingshan, there wasn't enough food.

In addition, none of his goals were achieved.

It is not possible to step on the human race, but the human race has gained a firm foothold, especially the King's Fighting Chess has obtained the greatest benefit.

And even those who ate his precious fruits would basically not show his affection.

Really hate the golden thread every year, making marriage clothes for others.

Others Fang Qingshan did not know, but the human race was more cautious for a while. The food core is exhausted, and the cup is a mess. If it was not for the wrong time and place, it would not be impossible to have a picture and a pillow on Lingshan.

There is no endless feast in the world.

After the Jane Fruit Banquet, everyone should return to their homes and find their own moms.

However, there is still a problem here. They are still the people of the clan. Some are the leaders of the forces, such as Fang Qingshan, Yi Tianxing, Xiongba, Xiang Yu, and so on. They want to take the opportunity to recruit talents.

However, many of them have self-knowledge, because there are two pearl jades in front of Fang Qingshan and Yi Tianxing, and they do not speak.

Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes were completely brilliant this time.

Although Yi Tianxing's light was covered up by Fang Qingshan and the two, but the flaws were not concealed, not to mention, he was still the first host of the human race and even the entire eternal world.

So, the next step is to see how people choose. Follow Fang Qingshan, or follow Yi Tianxing.

This time, it was a headache for Zhuge Liang and others to learn literary and martial arts and sell them to the emperor's house, but it was not a good thing that there were too many emperor's houses.

Tangled for a long time, most of them still chose to follow Yi Tianxing to Xuanhuang City.

One is that Yi Tianxing, after all, established the first ethnic dynasty of the people, righteousness.

Secondly, it may also be the role of the protagonist's halo. Although Fang Qingshan shared it, it was still glaring.

In this regard, although Fang Qingshan had regrets in his heart, he made a name for the city and attracted a wave of talents. He was very happy.

Especially Zhuge Liang followed him away. This is what makes him happiest.

This is a clever trick. For three minutes, Zhuge Kongming, whose wisdom is almost demon.

Although Fang Qingshan knew Zhuge Liang's mind.

He chose to follow himself instead of Yi Tianxing.

On the one hand, his potential is not worse than that of Yi Tianxing. On the other hand, Yi Tianxing has already established a state and established a system of talented people. He went only to add the icing on the cake, but when he went to Fang Qingshan, he was in the snow, and he was in control.

This is also the reason why he chose Liu Bei instead of Cao Cao.

A force, the position below it is also a radish and a pit, which has been filled for a long time, and he can't exert much effect.

If Zhuge Liang cast Cao Cao back then, I'm afraid he won't be such a big name.

So sometimes platforms are also important.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan did not care at all, no matter what idea you have, as long as you are a talent, as long as you come, as long as it is to help yourself, he will not refuse to come.

With the joining of Zhuge Liang, Fang Qingshan smiled along the way. I don't know how much treasure I got.

But for Fang Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with Zhuge Liang's joining, it is really no worse than getting a treasure from one side.

Although Zhuge Liang only followed Fang Qingshan to Shura City and had not yet decided to join, Fang Qingshan was very confident. As soon as he came, joining was sooner or later.

After the Jane Feast, the events on the battlefield of Gods and Demons are nearing completion.

Terran tops the list with contributions that are much higher than the second place.

Among his personal contributions, Yi Tianxing almost surpassed Fang Qingshan and scared him to death.

That's Hongmeng Ziqi, and it's a complete Hongmeng Ziqi. If it doesn't fall into the hands in the end, Fang Qingshan will probably be killed by himself.

Next, returning to Shura City, Fang Qingshan madly contributed points, while madly chopping his hands, redeem all the treasures that can be exchanged.

Then they waited quietly for the closing of the battlefield of gods and demons, and the arrival of the last great fortune and Hongmengqi. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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