Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 656: reward

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The haze was shining and Xiangrui was steaming.

Thousands of days are throwing flowers, thousands of gods will chant.

Layers of purple air interweave into dragon scales, the bright golden lotus floats like a jade word,

A list covers the sky.

Blow the snail and hit the drum.

Infinite blooms, showing divine majesty.

Time is very slow, only to say March or April, who knows five or six years. Time is fast, Tianbo is easy to thank, it is difficult to stay in the summer.

Shortly after returning to Shura City, the battlefield of the demon and magic came to a close.

The Hongmeng Spirit list appeared, and the name of the human race topped the list, and the more than 12 billion contributions behind it directly dazzled everyone.

Human races are naturally rejoicing and encouraging, and they can't wait to beat the gongs and drums. The alien races are naturally mixed, and their faces are not taste.

Of course, the top name is worthy of the name!

No one now talks about how the human race is, what cheating, and cheap.

To be honest, the strength of the Terrans in the Battle of Lingshan shocked everyone.

There were only five Tianjiao clans who were present at the scene, more than half of them. This has not been counted by Li Yuanba and others who have appeared later. Although there are many other races that have not appeared Tianjiao, they cannot deny the strength of the human race.

The King's Fighting Chess later swept the alien race. Thoroughly eye-catching.


As the list appeared, there was a Long Yin.

But seeing a five-pronged golden dragon fly off the list, but it never came to an end.

Lucky Dragon!

It is an evolved version of the Golden Dragon and Snake in Skycity.

This is the first commendation awarded to the top people in the Hongmeng Spirit list.

The five-pronged golden dragon soared in mid-air for a while and then fell into the void. At this moment, all the masters of the clan seemed to feel that the luck in the meditation had improved.

Of course, not only the top, the second, third, etc. also have their own luck rewards, but they are not as big as the top.

However, this gap is really a bit large, even the second place and the top of the list is ten times the gap, let alone the latter.

After luck, the second reward also arrived.

But seeing all the bright rays of light dripping from the list of all souls, it is like shaking the stars.

The thunderbolt caught everyone's eyebrows in the battlefield of Gods and Demons. There are more and less, there are light and dark.

When the light came into the body, everyone seemed to have eaten the ginseng fruit, and their pores were relaxed.

Countless aura tanks, countless rules are naked.

At this moment, it is said that some people's repairs are brushing, as if Dapeng spread its wings, soaring upwards.

醍醐 Initiation!

This is a reward for individuals. Of course, like previous racial rewards, there are more and less, long and short, depending on how you perform. That is the issue of contribution points.

Unfortunately, even if Fang Qingshan was at the top of the list, he didn't get enough fortune to continue his breakthrough.

After all, these creations are only for the people under the law.

Fortunately, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

And these powers of creation are not the same as ordinary things, which is good for solid foundation.

After praising the race and the individual, it was his turn to praise the top of the personal list, which was Fang Qingshan's most anticipated Hongmengqi.

However, a ray of light penetrated the sky, as if Changhong Guanri shot from the Hongmeng Spirit list. As last time, without any reaction, he had already entered Fang Qingshan's mud pill palace.

If the last one-tenth of Hongmeng Ziqi only caused the uprising of Fang Qingshan's body, now it is going to be a world upset.

Even so, Fang Qingshan would not easily make a decision.

This is Hongmeng Ziqi, complete. If you can't use the most suitable place, I'm afraid Fang Qingshan will not forgive herself.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan just lets him hide in the sea of ​​knowledge. On the one hand, he waits for an appropriate opportunity to use, on the other hand, he can condense his mana and rules.

"Well, General Zhang is ready, we can go home soon."

Fang Qingshan didn't think much about Hongmeng Ziqi, but ordered Zhang Ren to do some finishing things.

Sure enough, not long after, in the void, an invisible coercion swept through the tide.

Then, a simple bronze door was revealed in the air. What was the gate of the demon that had previously attracted everyone?

"Let's go!"

This time, the harvest was full and the merits were fulfilled. Fang Qingshan didn't delay. When he saw the door open, he beckoned Zhuge Liang directly, and Zhang Ren and others stepped into the gate of the gods and demons.

Outside the city of Ling Xiao, in front of the gate of the demon, Fang Xuanling and others were all excited, waiting eagerly for the return of Fang Qingshan and others.

Did not let them wait long, Fang Qingshan and others followed.

"Welcome to the Lord, and greet him, everyone will return in peace and glory will return."

Headed by Fang Xuanling, millions of people applauded at the same time.

Hearing this voice, seeing familiar scenes, not to mention other people, Fang Qingshan could not help suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Drunk lying on the field Jun Mo laughed, a few people back in ancient times to fight!

However, soon, Fang Qingshan's face went dark.

Because he noticed, Liangyi Muchen Sword Formation opened.

What this means is naturally self-evident.

"Sure enough, it's a non-ethnic race, and my heart will never die!"

Fang Qingshan's mouth slightly twitched, and a gleam of cold light flashed in his eyes.

Secretly remembered for the aliens in his heart.

Fang Qingshan first withdrew the Liangyi Wuchen Sword Formation, and then took Fang Xuanling and others to hold a grand and solemn funeral, and buried all the heroic soldiers in the battlefield of the gods and demons in the People's Heroes Monument, The undead soul is taken from the night ghost map and put into the altar of enchantment.

After finishing these tasks, Fang Qingshan introduced the two sides.

In the end, it is natural to accept your fate. After the newly recruited talents have arranged suitable positions, they will leave everyone on leave.

Once the battlefield of Gods and Demons has been tense for such a long time, we should rest for a while, relax one by one, the way of culture and military.

Besides, Zhuge Liang and others should also take a good look at Lingxiao City ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to adapt to life here.

And Fang Qingshan himself must adapt to it. After leaving this period of time, the changes in the Sky City.

After half a month, after everything had calmed down, Fang Qingshan held the first pilgrimage after his return. The goal was simple and clear, which was to point to the aliens around the city of Ling Xiao.

Good and evil come to an end in the end, only late and early.

Although the human race and the alien race are inherently different.

But they dare to take advantage of themselves to leave and rob the city of Ling Xiao in the fire, so don't blame Fang Qingshan for cutting the roots.

Another was Fang Qingshan's discovery that in this period of time, Lingxiao City developed faster than he expected.

Although it has not yet reached the level of promotion to Wangcheng, it is not far off.

In this case, consider this battle as an appetizer to advance to King City. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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