Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 660: Dagan

This side altar is naturally Fang Qingshan's re-refined ascension altar based on the **** altar of the previous blood demon ancestor.

Below the upper circle, it symbolizes a place of roundness.

A ladder leads directly to the top of the altar, with a total of eighty-one levels, symbolizing the return of one to nine.

As soon as the altar fell, it immediately took root and was shrouded in invisible majesty and will, and seemed to be able to communicate the world.

"This Fang Qingshan, founding the country today, worshipped at the altar!"

Fang Qingshan looked serious and loudly.

"Found a nation and worship!"

As soon as the words fell, there were countless ministers of Lingxiao City, and the people echoed.

The sound was thundering, and it was shaking.

In a moment, in addition to a frenetic atmosphere, there was also a solemn atmosphere spreading.

Fang Qingshan was shocked, letting go of his momentum, his whole body suddenly appeared different.

However, it was seen that he wore a crown of heaven and earth in Jiulong, a robe of Zhou Tianxing, and stomped on the boots of Shanheshe.

There are five bright haloes behind my head, which illuminate Daqian and are dazzling.

All over the body, the layers of purple qi swelled like dragons, whistling up and down. The mysterious celestial sounds in various poses, transformed into essence, permeate the left and right, fragrant fragrance.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more excited, blood surged, his heart seemed to jump out, his cheeks were congested, and his eyes were devout.

A crowd of people's hearts, sweeping and sweeping.

In the midst of it, it seems that the eight words of founding the state and the system of worshiping the heavens are also sounded.

What the people want, the general trend.

Fang Qingshan followed the trend and stepped on the altar.

The development of the Yun Dynasty is different from the development of the ordinary dynasty. The ordinary dynasty, as long as the righteousness is in the body, or as long as it has strength, but the Yun Dynasty is different, he also needs you to pass the test of heaven and earth.

After one step, there is another world.

As soon as you step into the altar, an unprecedented vision erupts throughout the altar, blooming an infinite amount of light, and the whole world seems to be shaking, showing an indescribable mysterious true sound, echoing in everyone's ears, it is God bones are cold.

Like a mountain like a sea, like a mighty prison.

Under this majesty of heaven, Fang Xuanling, Zhuge Liang, Lin Ruhai and others who could not help but fell to the ground behind Fang Qingshan.

Only Fang Qingshan's backbone was erect and upright.

"If you want to open up the dynasty, what qualifications are there !!"

The sound of heaven in the ear sounded, Fang Qingshan replied almost without thinking,

"Our green hills, blue roads and blue forests on Kushiro, and wind and rain, we can walk in the shortest time, and let people race from the precarious night to the peaceful life now. The world is well-known, and what people want is the qualification!"

As soon as this remark was made, the pressure on Fang Qingshan disappeared instantly.

One step, two steps, Fang Qingshan picked up the steps, and in nine seconds he passed.

At the tenth step, the tsunami that was even more surging from the previous side was rolling towards Fang Qingshan.

Ninety-nine return to one, every nine steps is a test.

The first test was qualifications, and this time it is still a cliché.

But the same thing, the meaning is not the same when asked at different times.

At this time, if the first answer is still answered, it is obvious that it will be eliminated.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan would obviously not do this.

Step by step, step by step, test by step, step by step, everyone else was thinking with sorrow, hope, worry, enthusiasm, etc., even more nervous than Fang Qingshan himself, but Fang Qingshan walked openly Have to walk at leisure.

This test is nothing more than a questioning, and Fang Qingshan has a clear conscience.

People are not afraid of death, why are they afraid of death.

Fang Qingshan was not afraid of torture at all, so this questioning test was not difficult for him at all. It was not as good as when he was promoted to Wangcheng.

After a while, Fang Qingshan successfully passed the test of heaven and stood on the altar.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were worried, and I was gone. Only enthusiasm and joy remained, because the country was about to start.

Fang Qingshan first took out a big tripod.

Zhong Ming has a tripod, how can there be no tripod during the festival.

This tripod is a set of nine doubt tripods that Fang Qingshan has reunited with the beast-shaped ship sail that has evolved.


Mountains and rivers are naturally territories, the gods of the earth and the gods of the valley.

Fang Qingshan took out the territorial map of the city of Ling Xiao, and one grain of rice from each household and one piece of soil from each city were put into Dading.

Then take out three pillars of high incense and worship heaven and earth.

"Huang Tian is on the top, Hou Tu is on the bottom, the peoples are in the middle, Fang Qingshan is on the top of the earth, Lingxiao City is built for politics, Guotai Minan, Waiyu aliens, the territory is expanded, and the famous books are on the four seas. Look at heaven and earth! "

As the words fell, Fang Qingshan took out four more treasures: Jade Seal, Fengshenban, Wanxian Hall, imperial edict! Qi Yun to treasure, the town's artifact.

It is natural that Fang Qingshan will not be able to complete such a thing alone, but also need a sacrifice.

Sacrifice this position, naturally Fang Xuanling refused to let it go.

Under the auspices of Fang Xuanling, he sang the sacrifice, and then let Fang Qingshan and others kneel and worship.

"From this day on, the nation will be‘ doing ’, and it will be ordered from heaven to live forever.”

After the etiquette was completed, Fang Qingshan held the hand and Yuxi Lang sounded.


The next moment, a sound of sky came from the void.

After a short time, a dry word was marked on Fengshenbang, Wanxiandian, imperial edict and so on.


Then, a dragon yin shook the earth.

This is the manifestation of the golden dragon of luck.

Open up the Yun Dynasty, the National Games blessing.

However, Fang Qingshan did not carry it himself.

After all, he is on Immortal Road and is about to leave the eternal kingdom.

Instead, he carried the National Games, a **** in the halo behind his head. It was Fang Qingshan's refined incense luck.

Originally, this incense luck avatar was a bit illusory, and its strength was not very strong.

After all, Fang Qingshan's luck cannot be taken out casually ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ While there were many wishes in the past, but since the eternal sky boat was available, there is not much left. After all, the sky boat can also be strengthened with the power of wishes. Advance.

But at this moment, in the case of the Dagan Kingdom's airlift, the strength of the clone is almost like a rocket. It instantly reaches the current peak level of the eternal kingdom, the state of law, and in the battle of the law, the state of law is fundamental. It is not his opponent, and even if he opens the Liangyi Dust Sword Formation, even the more powerful ones will be suppressed.

"Long live my king, live long live!"

Looking at the manifestation of Qiyun, the Golden Dragon emptied, Wanxian Temple occupies the sea of ​​Qiyun, and the gods list hangs in the void, and the sound of the long lived mountain tsunami is endless.

"From this day on, the nation will be‘ doing ’, and it will be ordered from heaven to live forever.”

With the shouting of public opinion, it was the voice of Fang Qingshan's previous founding of the country, spread by heaven, and echoed throughout the eternal kingdom.

World and Earth!

This time is different from the last time the village was built. This is the only country in the eternal continent. (https: //)

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