Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 661: queen

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"What? This is impossible, how is this possible?"

"Somebody even founded the state and was still a human race?"

"I don't believe it, I'm not willing, I should be the second!"


Hearing the sound of heavenly eyes, the entire eternal continent was quiet for a moment. The next moment, all the anger, disbelief, jealousy, unwillingness to intermingle, broke out completely.

Many people, especially aliens, didn't expect that someone would start a state and establish a system, and they were still human. The loneliness and blow in their hearts almost made them lose their fighting spirit.

Fortunately, unlike the previous Yi Tianxing founding system, this time through the previous market and the battlefield of the gods and demons that just ended, Fang Qingshan's name was too big.

Not only did they force the Tianjiao of the eternal family, but also the Tianjiao of the Yongye family did not dare to make trouble in front of him.

For his founding and establishment, although unexpected, it was still acceptable.

But being able to accept it doesn't mean feeling good about yourself.

For a time, the entire eternity, and even the nightly clan, could not help but surging undercurrents.

Muxiu is in the forest, the wind will blow it, and it will pile up on the shore, and the flow will be turbulent, which is higher than the crowd, and people must not.

The human race has an Yi Tianxing, and a Da Yi dynasty is just fine. Now there is another Fang Qingshan and a Da Qian dynasty. What does this mean to the other tens of thousands of people?

Not to mention other races, they are within the human race. They can't help but admire Yi Tianxing and Fang Qingshan.

Fang Qingshan didn't know this, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get anything, you must pay the corresponding price. Only the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In general, Fang Qingshan is willing to accept it.

Moreover, even if someone wants to target him, there is no good way. After all, the eternal continent is too large, and no one will give up to develop himself, and target himself, which is worth the loss.

As for the nearby aliens, Fang Qingshan had already been beaten down by the river. The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. There was nothing to worry about.

Moreover, Fang Qingshan has more important things to do at this moment.


Yes, the next step is naturally to be a grand prince.

However, the Yun Dynasty is not the same as the ordinary dynasty. Once the official position and the title are awarded in the Yun Dynasty, then the heaven and earth industry will be added, and the enshrined **** will come out of the side to gain luck.

When I was in Lingxiao Town, a series of management systems were established, in fact, basically covering large and small affairs. Now the founding of the country only needs to be detailed on this basis.

In the same way as the Dayi Dynasty, Fang Qingshan combined with the situation of the Lingxiao City, borrowed the system templates of ancient Chinese dynasties, and created a system belonging to the Dagan according to local conditions.

The first is the scattered fairy tales, scattered stars, and the number of Ganges sands, seemingly unrelated, but closely linked to the fairy cities. The master of these fairy cities, Fang Qingshan, killed three products, can be described as the official of Xinjiang.

Feng Fang Xuan Ling is the master of the cabinet, Zhang Ren is the master of the military aircraft, Wang Wu is the master of the six doors, and Shen Kuo is the master of the Shengong Pavilion ...

The heaven and earth industry is growing up, and the luck is nurturing.

The higher the job position, the greater the airlift. And it's not one-time.

Although the first time the effect of air transport back feeding is the biggest, it can make people leaps and bounds.

But it's more about a long stream of water, a job title, and the speed of cultivation in the future is even more incomparable than before.

In the dynasty and the emperor's rank, the practice speed was 36 times that of ordinary practice, the queen was 27 times, and the grades from 1 to 9 were improved. As for how much you can improve, it depends on how high your own rank and title are.

Of course, besides blocking these living people, Fang Qingshan did not forget the dead.

Fang Qingshan once promised that death was not the end but the beginning for the people of Lingxiao City.

He can give you the choice, whether to reincarnate or stay.

Just give birth.

If you stay, there will naturally be arrangements in the future.

Here comes the arrangement.

Fang Qingshan directly killed those who had succeeded in rebuilding ghosts and died as the mountain **** land Hebo around the Dagan Kingdom.

If we say that Fengfeng Xuanling and others just shake the hearts of many people, there is much discussion.

Then, Fang Qingshan fulfilled his promise to seal off these dead souls, which made all people boil.

After all, the princes above the Yun Dynasty were still far away for them, but although a mountain **** land was the smallest priesthood, it was enough for them.

At this moment, the people's hearts have been promoted again, and the people's hearts are like iron.

Fang Qingshan did not expect that his actions actually had this effect, which was really an unexpected delight.

After Fengshen, everyone should have been happy, but the green hills above the horse were in trouble.

Because there is no queen in the Dagan Dynasty.

Although the Yun Dynasty is not like an ordinary dynasty, the country will be unstable without a queen or prince.

But solitary yin does not live, solitary yang is not long, everyone's inherent thinking still feels that there is no mother queen in the world seems to be a regret.

Therefore, from Fang Xuanling, Zhuge Liang, Lin Ruhai, to Zhang Ren, Zheng He, Chen Qingzhi, and even ordinary courtiers, Her Majesty, and people everywhere, there has been much discussion on this.

There is a lot of beauty in the world.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan refuted it once. After all, he was a person who wanted to leave the eternal continent. Although he left a clone, it was not his deity, and he was still a lucky luck clone.

But this kind of thing cannot be told to them, although Fang Qingshan believes that even if Fang Xuanling and others knew it, they would not spread it.

However, if the gentleman is not secret, then he will lose the court, if the gentleman is not secret, he will lose his body, if the secret is not secret, he will be harmed.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan randomly found an excuse and tried to struggle, but it was totally useless.

Fang Xuanling, Zhuge Liang, Lin Ruhai, Zhang Ren, etc. took turns to battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After repeated bombings, Fang Qingshan did not agree, and they kept persuading.

Annoying Fang Qingshan.

The main reason was that Fang Qingshan himself responded somewhat in a hasty beauty contest to get a queen who didn't care much.

Another thing is that no one can know what happened to the deity, and if there is a queen, you can get along day by day, obviously you can't hide it for a long time.

In the end, Fang Qingshan really had no choice but to break the jar and fell down and thought of a way.

Now that you can make an avatar of an emperor, why not make another avatar of a queen?

Once this idea emerged, it instantly took root and sprouted, and it could no longer be eliminated.

Fang Qingshan was also very popular. When he did the same, he made a queen clone.

Although everyone was a little surprised by the sudden emergence of the queen, but as long as there was, they were no longer surprised, but Fang Qingshan was relieved. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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