Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 662: Divine Water

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Just when Fang Qingshan was busy running the Sky City in the Eternal World, the Dagan dynasty, the work of getting off the ground, the work of collecting resources, and preparing to return.

The whole world of immortal life has been surging, and the catastrophe has begun, and all cattle, ghosts, and snakes have ran out.

The Xuanhuang Great World, as the world's first three thousand great worlds, declined even after the ancient calamity. Not even a decent master in the past.

But this is only appearance, just because the heavens and the earth conceal their luck, slowly accumulate, waiting for the outbreak of the calamity, want to come for three years without a sound, a blockbuster, not flying for three years, flying into the sky, taking the opportunity of the calamity, Rising again.

The calamity is extremely dangerous, and a little carelessness is gone.

In ancient times, the world tree was cut, and masters such as Pan Wuxian Zun also fell, and Xuanhuang World fell from the strength that can challenge the immortal world.

However, the scourge of blessing rests on it, and the great calamity is also a great opportunity. If you seize this opportunity, you can go straight up.

Therefore, many old monsters that have been hiding in the alien space of Xuanhuang Great World, the great forces deep in the starry sky, the pride of the heavens in other worlds, etc., have all gathered towards Xuanhuang Great World, wanting to fish in troubled waters and seize the opportunity to create nature Win in chaos.

Although now, Xuanhuang World has been unified by Fang Qingshan.

But this is just superficial strength.

And even if he unified the Xuanhuang world, he could not stop others from coming.

Breaking the chance is even worse than killing the parents.

If Fang Qingshan and others drive them out of the Xuanhuang world, I am afraid that they will not only face the protoss, but the world as the enemy.

Of course, in this case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The main reason is that Fang Qingshan's deity is not in the immortal world and is busy settingtle down in the eternal world to compete for opportunities like Hongmeng Ziqi.

If something goes wrong on this side and causes the opportunity on the other side of the eternal world to pass away, it is definitely worth the loss.

After all, even if it is the Seven Houses, Three Treasures, and Treasures of the Immortal World, all these treasures were obtained by Fang Qingshan, but it is still not worth mentioning compared to the treasures in the Demon Treasure. It is just that humongous purple qi, which is something you can never meet.

It is necessary to know that there is only nine ways in the entire world of floods and famines. The human race is the co-owner of the heavens and the earth. Only the other treasures Fang Qingshan got, not just one of Hongmengqi.

Therefore, for others to come to Xuanhuang Great World to fight the autumn wind, although Fang Han, Feng Baiyu, and others tried their best to persuade Fang Qingshan to kick them out and devour the treasures of the opportunity, but Fang Qingshan did not agree. At this stage, he maintains a stable situation and waits for Fang The return of Qingshan was the time when autumn leaves swept away the leaves.

Unfortunately, he wants to spend this period of time smoothly, but it also depends on others' willingness.

Things in life are unsatisfactory.

Especially Fang Han is still a troublemaker.

For a time, the masters of many big worlds, such as the Central World, the members of the Makino family, the sons of Chaos, the sons of the gods of the gods, the sons of the demon gods, Li Tianwang, Wuliang, the Holy Light, the morals, and the countless, all rushed to the Xuanhuang world .

Among these people, the worst are Xiuxian Xiu, and rare gods, Xuanxian, can be found everywhere.

Fang Qingshan was sitting on the Five Elements Gate, but Fang Han was lonely. The whole world of Xuanhuang was a mess, and even no one didn't want to attack the sun and the moon, but after a few trials, everyone quit.

This is just staring at the people who want to share a piece of wine.

At this juncture, the Protoss also shot.

The reason why the protoss wanted to attack the Xuanhuang Great World was to want the sacrificed Xuanhuang Great World, to summon the sleeping ancestors, and even take the opportunity to use Xuanhuang Great World as a bridgehead to attack the fairyland.

Because of Fang Qingshan's sake, the Xuanhuang Great World was unified, and the pace of the Protoss's offense could not help it.

However, it does not change its original intention.

Just readjusted the offensive candidates and strength.

Originally because of the strength of the Xuanhuang world, coupled with the limitations of today's will, the protoss only let some of the gods of the xuanxian realm to attack.

However, because of Fang Qingshan, even the projection of the disaster immortal can not help him. Obviously, if only the original strength can only be regarded as a waste of money, not only can not capture the Xuanhuang world, but it will fail.

So under the guidance of Tianfei, these people returned to the virtual **** realm and re-invited a more powerful master.

Of course, too powerful masters have a lot of restrictions on their shots, so they can only be used as trump cards and hole cards. The real attack on the Xuanhuang world depends on the Emperor and the infinite protoss warrior.

Protoss moves more than those who want to touch fish in muddy water.

However, seeing the Ganges River, the average number of Protoss warriors joined forces to arrange a matrix method, spurred the water of the gods, and it was necessary to drown the entire world of Xuanhuang.

For a moment, it seemed that it was back in antiquity, and the world tree was cut off.

Another example is that after the floods and famines broke off Zhoushan, Tianhe poured water.

Heaven and earth seemed to have been torn apart, and the water of immeasurable gods poured down, the seas capsized and the Milky Way rolled back.

The water of God's robbery, as the name suggests, is also a kind of spiritual water for the gods.

This object has a huge corrosive power, which can corrode the law of the fairy road.

Regardless of whether it is a fairy or a fairy, if it is wrapped by it, it will be slowly corroded and eventually weathered.

Not only that, this thing is similar to the water of the blood sea, not only the strong corrosive force, but also many demon heads floating in it, which contains profound mysteries.

This is also the usual trick of the Protoss.

Every time the Protoss wants to attack other worlds, they use this object as the vanguard.

Like other dragon refining and chemical industries, like the use of Wanlong refining world immortal art has a similar meaning.

Except for some special methods, this kind of water is simply unable to stop ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ invincible.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Qingshan and Fang Han.

If it is the original trajectory, I am afraid that only the world tree of Fang Han can restrain the water of God's robbery.

However, compared with Fang Qingshan, his world tree is obviously not big enough to completely solve the problem of the water of God's robbery.

However, now Fang Qingshan stands in the sun and the moon, and constructs the ice flame formation in it. These are two of the ten perfect formations, and they are basically the most suitable formation here. There is also a great price to pay.

Coupled with the above, Han uses the world tree to continuously transform the water of God.

Therefore, the Protoss of the Protoss did not play the role of ancestors for a while.

Not only did it not have the effect of refining the Xuanhuang World, but it benefited the entire Five Elements Gate and the Xuanhuang World.

The Protoss were unaware of it at first. After discovering this scene, they almost vomited blood. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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