Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 663: Return

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Xuanhuang World, the sun and the moon are empty.

Five Elements Gate, the city of the sky.

Fang Qingshan, who was meditating on his knees, suddenly opened his eyes and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome the return of my deity!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw in mid-air, one side of the chessboard manifested, the other communicated, the ancient stone gate stood on the side, and Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist came out.

"came back!"

Fang Qingshan couldn't help showing a touch of emotion when he saw the black suit and the familiar scene.

However, before it was too late to understand what had happened these days, Fang Qingshan discovered something strange.

After all, he is the master of the Five Elements Gate, and personally transformed the sun and moon void, and he also refined the ice flame map.

Therefore, once back, there is no need to refine the memory of the avatar, Fang Qingshan immediately discovered that the Void Array was open, Fang Han was constantly refining something under the world tree, and then spilled countless Gan Lin.

These Gan Lin fell into the world of Xuanhuang, and everyone, regardless of people or things, cheered.

This thing is comparable to the holy water of heaven and earth. Compared with any panacea, the Qiongjiangyuyu is effective, just like elixir. After absorbing these ganlins, the spirit and physical body were refined, and the cultivation became lean, and even Shouyuan seemed to have improved.

However, in fact, the origins of Fang Han and Xuanhuang World are not comfortable.

This time the Protoss robbery is no better than the original trajectory, because Fang Qingshan, this strange number, the Protoss will provide the attack intensity but I do not know how many times.

Even if there is a layer of defense in the sun and moon void, but the power of this formation still depends on the origin of the entire Xuanhuang world. The origin is attacked, and the formation power cannot naturally reach the maximum horsepower.

Although Fang Han is good, it is still not enough to repair it, not to mention that although his world tree has also had several opportunities, it is undoubtedly dwarfed by comparison with the divine water of the refining Xuanhuang world.

So, don't look at the greatness of the mountains and rivers now, in fact, they are all struggling.

Once Fang Han is overwhelmed, or the sun and the moon are broken, I am afraid that we will usher in the disaster.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan is back.

Fang Qingshan beckoned, merged into his body, followed, and everything was clear at a glance.

"It's time to end it!"

Fang Qingshan said quietly and lightly.

The Protoss of the Protoss seemed to be overthrowing to others, but to Fang Qingshan, it was like a breeze blowing away, and he couldn't attract much interest at all.

Along with this, Fang Qingshan walked through the great worlds such as the gods, the tombs, and the eternal kingdom. Except for the immortal world, the three thousand worlds of the eternal life were no longer of much benefit to him.

If it were not for this wave of calamities to collect the treasure trove and luck, Fang Qingshan would have soared long ago.

With his current practice as a means, even if he enters the immortal realm, he can be regarded as a giant.

"Meet the head!"

"Have seen the boy!"

"Meet the lord!"


As Fang Qingshan walked out of the city of the sky, he was soon seen by people with sharp eyes.

Suddenly, the sound of the mountain tsunami swept across the eight wastelands.

If it weren't for Fang Qingshan, how could they still sit here comfortably now and enjoy Ganlin Pujiang?

Not to mention the robbery of the Protoss, even if the previous world, and the old monster in the hidden place came out and robbed, it would be enough for them to drink a pot of water.

Faced with the invasion of other worlds and the advent of the Protoss calamity, Fang Qingshan once said not to be in a hurry. When the time is up, he will naturally take the shot himself and sweep across all directions.

If others say this, everyone may not believe it, and even sniff it.

But when Fang Qingshan said this, everyone was inexplicably confident.

The reason for this is of course that he is the first person to rule the Xuanhuang world, and even transformed the sun and moon void. The most important thing is to destroy the catastrophic prince.

It was these piles, piece by piece, that built the confidence of everyone in his obsession.

Since he said that the timing was not enough, everyone believed him.

Now when Fang Qingshan appeared, the natural time came, and everyone naturally cheered and jumped up.

"Three boys!"

It was Fang Han who felt relieved when he saw Fang Qingshan.

This time the Protoss of the Tribe was extraordinary. Although he was very confident in his strength, he still felt powerless when facing the trespass.

I won't say anything else. It's just the water of God's robbery. He just shared some of the sun and moon void, and the ice flames resisted the attack. He felt unbearable and couldn't hold it for long.

Fortunately, he knew that there was Fang Qingshan behind him, but this cruel man who even destroyed Tianjun's avatar was not anxious.

"Tough work for you."

Fang Qingshan said coldly to each other.

"There, in the end, the third son needs to take action to resolve the catastrophe."

Fang Han was relieved, relieved, and said tiredly.

"Relax, leave it to me!"

Fang Qingshan stepped out, stepped out of the sun and moon void, stepped out of the Xuanhuang world, and bumped into the raging water of God.

At the forehead, a towering tree rose from the back of Fang Qingshan's brain. Between the beards, they rose up against the wind, and finally covered the sky and sun, turning them into infinite size. They were instantly pierced, and the caves that tilted the water of the gods were blocked.

At this moment, everyone in the Xuanhuang Great World saw an extremely shocking scene. A **** tree fell from the sky, crushed the void, and instantly appeared in the battlefield. The branches and leaves spread, and the voluptuous roll was originally like the Milky Way rolled around the world. The captivating water of the scourge disappeared instantly without a trace, and it was even too late to replenish it, as if it had stopped flowing.

"world Tree!"

Others may not know much about the sudden appearance of the Shenmu.

But the people of the Protoss still remember it too much, even engraved in their bones.

Seeing this thing, if there weren't half of the world tree in the virtual **** world, they thought that they would return to the ancient times.

Although the world tree of Fang Qingshan is still a bit different from the ancient one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is not worse than the half in the virtual **** world, and it is even worse than that.

After several chances, the strength of this world tree clone has broken through to Xuanxian. Although it is not as good as Tianjun in the immortal world, it is also above the so-called Jinxian.

This is no wonder it gave the idols an illusion.

"Dammit, wasn't the World Tree cut off by the Patriarch King? Why did it reappear?"

"No, the world tree is the nemesis of my protoss, and he must be destroyed."

"Yes, while he hasn't really grown up, everyone shots together and beheaded him!"


Fang Han's World Tree is far from being comparable to Fang Qingshan's. It has been known by the Protoss, and it will never die, let alone now.

Immediately, the Protoss launched a full-scale attack. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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