Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 676: 33 Days of Creation

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But now, it is not good to go there, the arms are crushed directly, and the spider-like robes of Wang Pinxian are covered with spider web-like cracks.

Kill him while he is ill!

The waves crash!

A sickle emerged out of thin air, and the serrated teeth were cut as if death had come.

Death sickle!

But it was seen as dark as a whole, as if the deaths of disasters were converging, and mysterious runes were flashing, drawing a strange track mark, imprinted on the sickle.

Vaguely, we can see the souls struggling and moaning on the sickle, and from time to time they also make people laugh. It was like shitless hell, which made people shudder.

This thing is the most top-level killing treasure, although it is not as good as the inferior spear's attack power.

In particular, this object was urged by the eternal sky to maximize its power. Still on top of the previous sky boat collision.

If, in the future, the eternal Tianzhou is promoted from Lingyun to Wushuang, I am afraid that the power of the death sickle is to catch up, and even to surpass the magic weapon.

At this moment, the disaster monarch was severely wounded, the redemption blade was smashed, and the king's immortal vestment was already broken, which was really a critical life.

"Okay, I didn't expect that you could really use the power of this treasure."

In this regard, Tianjun is incomprehensible, and a haze rises in his heart.

However, the priority is not to think about these things. It is the key to stop the blow first.

"Thirty-three days, the most holy of the heavens, create the **** fist, dominate the true law!"

The disaster immortal roared, and performed thirty-three days of the God of Fortune.

This is a set of martial arts that transcends the Immortal Road, a total of thirty-three strokes, corresponding to thirty-three days of good fortune.

Each move is composed of ninety-nine kinds of three thousand avenues combined with each other, and the ancient mysterious methods of three thousand kinds of immortals, and then combined and condensed Kuanggu killing moves.

Such a peerless divine skill is exhibited to be sufficient to run the fortune, reach the extreme of martial arts, and transcend immortality.

Of course, it is not easy to truly understand nature, unless it is you who have seen the true Thirty-Three Days of Creation, or the personal guidance of the Lord of Creation.

And these two points are not a problem for Disaster King.

As one of the most powerful heavenly monarchs under the Immortal King, it is natural that the Heavenly Emperor of disaster will be instructed by the Immortal King.

Since the ancient times, the thirty-three days of the Emperor of the Fortune King were broken by the gate of the eternal life summoned by the electronic mother Tianjun, and the king retreated, and their six oldest emperors ruled the heaven. The thirty-three days of the emperor also stayed in the heaven Leave them in charge.

Later, they also used this treasure to kill the Fusion Reincarnation Taoist monk, and repaired it to the Emperor Huangquan who was directly to the Heavenly King.

Therefore, it is natural for Tianjun to be able to perform this skill.

For a time, but I saw a thunder from the sky, shaking the heavens and earth.

Thirty-three powerful and unparalleled shadows emerged from the sky behind disaster Tianjun.

There is an umbrella, a sword, a sword, a tower, a bow, a lock, and a claw ...

Combined together, they formed a piece of Qionglou Yuyu and Heaven Palace.

This thing Fang Qingshan is no stranger, because he has seen from Fang Han, and in the eternal world, he personally sacrificed and practiced such a treasure, as the royal palace of Ling Xiaocheng.

Thirty-three days of treasure!

One of the strongest artifacts of creation, the king of fortunes ruled the highest mana of the age of heaven.

When this move came out, it seemed like thirty-three days of good fortune to come.

Thirty-three days of suppression have come down, high above, and boundless fortune.


A loud yellow bell sounded.

Death sickle struck for thirty-three days.

Such as the big axe opening the mountain, the sun and the moon falling, exploding the sky, like the roar of the gods, the flame of anger, burning the sky and destroying the world.

If it is really the heavenly fairy who left the heavens for thirty-three days, even just a few heavenly monarchs in the heavenly courts have worked together to make countless years of celestial celestial artifacts, and thirty-three heavenly celestial treasures at the level of saint .

Maybe also able to resist the cutting of the death sickle.

But now, it's just a projection of the thirty-three days of God's fist created by the catastrophe Xianjun, and the thirty-three days of God's Creation, which is the enemy of the sickle of death.

Under one stroke, the thirty-three days that had been condensed into reality suddenly faded, countless cracks emerged, and a stream of golden streamers continued to tremble, as if to collapse directly.


Seeing that he had performed the magical fist for thirty-three days, the projection that caused the magical treasures was nothing but Fang Qingshan. The disaster Tianjun finally panicked, and his heart was even regretful.

Knowing this was the case, how could he be risky.

Now, once lost, one piece of vest, one redemption blade, and two pieces of Wang Pinxian are lost. A God-level clone is destroyed, and the deity will be severely damaged. This is the most important thing. of.

"Thirty-three times stronger!"

Seeing that the fist meaning was about to break, the disaster immortal made persistent efforts and played the real mystery of the God of Fist for thirty-three days.

Needless to say, the power and uprightness of this set of boxing skills, he also has a set of secret methods, which can increase the combat power by 33 times.

Just to want to understand this secret method, not only requires a high level of understanding, but also something that cannot be encountered.

What's more, thirty-three times the combat power, although unpredictable, is just like the seven-injury fist. Injuries first hurt oneself. If you want to show it, you need to carry the backlash of this secret method.

Otherwise, before the boxing technique is exhibited, you will be killed by the burst of boxing power yourself.

Fortunately, the disaster Xianjun has always regarded this secret method as the work of pressing the bottom box. Although there is a way to cope with it, although it will inevitably be damaged, it is obviously much more acceptable than being destroyed.

"Three thousand avenues, good fortune, for thirty-three days, dominate all realms, and the glory of good fortune cannot be profaned."

With a fairy chant chanted from the mouth of disaster Xianjun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for a while, the thirty-three days of **** that had been crumbling and covered with spider web cracks, instantly solidified, renewed and more powerful It was directly turned thirty-three times.

If it was said that it was only the power of Wang Pinxian before, at this moment there is the power of Saint Pinx.

It is a qualitative change and cannot be compared.

However, despite this, the disaster immortal Jun knew that this was nothing more than drinking thirst to quench thirst and raising soup to stop boiling. It had no effect at all.

First of all, in the three thousand worlds, it is not possible to exhibit the combat power beyond Tianjun, which is why the eternal Tianzhou did not win the disaster Tianjun even though Da Luo was king.

In order not to touch the bottom line of the heavens and earth, and attracted the suppression of the heavens and the earth, the eternal sky boat did not fully explode its due power.

At this moment, he exerted the power of the Heavenly King, and never left again, not to mention the eternal heavenly boat. The first thing he had to face was the backwash of heaven and earth. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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