Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 677: Evanescent lamp

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Furthermore, it is also the most critical. He knows the power of the eternal sky boat at all. It is not a single blow to deal with, not to mention just one blow, even if the deity comes, I am afraid that there is nothing to do with such a treasure.

At this moment, he finally understood the Emperor Huang Quan somewhat, and understood the feelings of those who had been beheaded and killed by them.

In the end, this secret method was also applied. He no longer had the power of World War I. He looked like porcelain and appeared cracks, which seemed to collapse with a little force.


Disaster Tianjun struck this punch, not expecting to break the attack of death sickle, or expecting to hurt Fang Qingshan. He just wanted to delay the eternal Tianzhou attack and give himself some time to escape.

At this moment, he didn't even take back the Wang Pinxian, a redemption blade, and fled as soon as he turned.

But I saw a movement in my heart and communicated to the gate of the fairyland.

At the next moment, a supreme gate appeared suddenly, on which were carved dragons and phoenix unicorns, immortals and demons, and all kinds of spirits, depicting magical powers and avenues of power, representing the source of thousands of laws. The auspicious clouds are shrouded, the energy is rising, the sky is a masterpiece, and the ceiling is floating.

Followed by, a ray of fairy light drew down, engulfing the disaster immortal monarch, not only him, eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan, mosquito Taoist and others were also shrouded in fairy light, it seems to be pulled into the fairy world together.

This is not only because the gate of the fairyland sensed that Fang Qingshan and others' repairs exceeded the limit of three thousand worlds, but also a little careful thinking of the disaster fairy.

Although he had to retreat because of the eternal sky boat, he ran into a rush, but he did not give up the eternal sky boat, and he wanted to revenge Fang Qingshan.

In the lower world, he may not be able to do it, but in the fairy world, that is his home.

Although the eternal sky boat is powerful, he can also summon thirty-three days to create the treasure.

Moreover, at that time, he was not fighting alone.

However, it may not be possible to enjoy the eternal skyboat alone.

This is something that makes disaster Tianjun somewhat depressed.

It's just that fish and bear's paw are not available, and there must always be a choice.

Willingness, willingness, willingness.

Compared to being able to perceive the eternal sky boat, revenge Fang Qingshan, and fetch water with a bamboo basket, let Fang Qingshan escape freely. How to choose is naturally self-evident.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but it can only be realized, but it is no longer subjective will, it depends on whether Fang Qingshan agrees or not.

"Want to go, how can there be such a cheap thing."

Standing on the eternal sky boat, first a golden light burst out on the hull, bursts of Zen singing, countless wills, and infinite golden lotus falling, which directly isolated the fairy light from the gate of the fairy realm.

Followed, then saw the disaster Xianjun has stepped into the gate of the fairyland.

"A dead light comes out, a bright light shines through the endless darkness!"

Fang Qingshan sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the sky above the sky. Suddenly, a quaint magic lamp emerged. The whole body was bronze-colored, exuding an ancient atmosphere. A river was rolling, and a man like a master stood on the shore. Sighing, "The deceased is like a husband, don't give up day and night!"

Passing water lamp!

The magic treasures Fang Qingshan exchanged from the eternal world and the treasure house of gods and demons are not less powerful than the few treasures that were incorporated in the front.

Although it is a lamp, what is contained in it is not fire, not hope, but the law of time.

The lights flickered, and Yingying was like water, silent like a trickle, and voluminous like a rolling wave.

"not good!!"

Disaster Tianjun instinctively feels danger, wants to avoid, and wants to speed up to enter the gate of fairyland.

However, the evanescent lamp has already completely locked it, and there is no way to avoid it.

What's more, the speed of the lights is even higher.

What Dapeng rises in the same day, what Jinwu turns into rainbow, what Emperor River breaks, but the passing water lamp is not slower than these speeds.

Suddenly, I saw the gates of the fairyland shrouded in water and light, and Tianjun was inevitably included in it.

As the water passed through the gate and the body, only to see, the gate of the fairyland burst into an unprecedented brilliance, and the lights were instantly isolated.

The gate of the fairyland can be isolated from the light, but the disaster fairy can not be.

If it was heyday, there would be nothing, but at this moment, he was hit hard by the eternal skyboat, and then forcibly exerted thirty-three times his combat power. He had reached the end of the crossbow, and there was room for resistance.

But the breath on his body began to change at an incredible rate. The coercion of the half step Tianjun dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was wiped out into nothingness in the long river of time, and vanished into nothingness. Breath is dissipating, and strength is constantly falling.

Time is accelerating, and the deceased is like a saff, who is reluctant to leave day and night.

Tianbo is easy to thank, it is hard to stay in the summer!

At this moment, it seems like the fall of the heavens and the five people, as if the end of the epoch.

The disaster Tianjun ’s cultivation is declining, his life is decreasing, a thousand years of glances, and blinking eyes, he came to the twilight from his prime.

"No, this is the power of time, how could you possibly control him?"

Although the eternal world has a unique destiny, it is only because of the treasure of the gate of eternal life, but time is the respect and space is the king. Time and space are very powerful laws, but because it is too difficult for no one to come out It's just a thoroughfare, so its reputation is not obvious, but no one dares to belittle them.

At this moment, when he saw that Fang Qingshan had such a treasure and exhibited the rules of time, Tianjun could not help but be surprised.

"Stop, stop now, do you really want to chat with me?"

I clearly felt that my realm had been repaired as a life of strength, and all of them were declining at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

"My deity is coming soon. If you don't stop, you will be dead."

"Joke, we have been doomed ever since you hit my eternal skyboat idea."

Fang Qingshan didn't waver, looking coldly at the disaster Tianjun who was struggling frantically in the long river of time and wanted to break free, and sneered flatly.

"As for the coming of your deity? Hehe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Do you think I will be afraid of his mother when your deity comes? Imaginary dream!"

Instead of stopping, Fang Qingshan let Lei Di further increase his power.

"Do not!"

For a split second, two silent words came from the mouth of disaster Tianjun.

One of them was naturally a distracted roar.

Another natural sound was the angry growl when his deity arrived.

Disaster Tianjun's avatar suddenly burst into nothing.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that his avatar was destroyed with his own eyes, the breath of the deity that had just arrived suddenly fell down.

Catastrophe Tianjun looked at Fang Qingshan's eyes, he couldn't wait to drink his blood, hungry for his flesh, and covered his skin. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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