Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 680: breakthrough

The last point, of course, is to prepare for ascension.

One person can get the chicken and dog to rise to the sky!

As soon as Fang Qingshan exits, they can fly to the fairyland.

This is the ultimate goal of everyone's cultivation.

Especially for a lot of poorly qualified kings, Xuxian, in the fairy world, they can more easily cultivate to the true immortal and the heaven immortal.

However, it is not that no one is worried.

After all, Fang Qingshan offended the disaster monarch.

Ascension to the immortal realm, but entered the territory of others, the following challenges, thinking about it makes people scalp tingling for a while.


In the heavenly boat, as Fang Qingshan understood more and more, and became deeper and deeper, an endless avenue of consciousness emerged in his mind.

For the deficiencies in the original "Dianxian Pian" method, it is easy to make up for it, and clear up all the hidden dangers that can be seen in this realm.

Then, of course, the "Golden Immortal" is naturally the most correct way to know how to do it. Coupled with the original framework, it began to plump at an unimaginable speed.

The essence of the five elements is naturally incorporated.

Other non-Five Elements exercises have also evolved into the Five Elements.

All ways return to the Yuan, and everything can't be separated from its ancestors.

Even if it is time and space, destiny, cause and effect can also be integrated into the five elements, but it takes a little more time.

Fortunately, in addition to the bodhi tree, there is also a top-level innate spiritual treasure, the Five Elements Lingzhu, as the spiritual treasure of Fang Qingshan's sermon, and the ancient characters of the mountain characters just obtained, helping him understand the Five Elements Avenue.

There are endless five-element rules and rhymes, which constantly emerge, merge into the mind, and become their own perception. The understanding of the five elements has never been clearer.

Of course, the most important thing is that the purple qi in the sea from time to time also flashes a little light, so that Fang Qingshan has successfully completed the construction and improvement of the golden immortal chapters of the Taoist tactics.

Like the Dixian chapter, the Jinxian chapter is also based on the five elements, inheriting each other, and the last five elements return to one. The golden immortal is immortal.

The Dixian chapter is: in the five realms of refining refined gas, refining gas, devotion, resolving defiance, reconciling deficiencies, and dissolving immortals, each practice a method of five elements, then the five elements return to one and break through the immortals.

Today is the same, the earth fairy, the heaven fairy, the true fairy, and the xuanxian each practice the four methods of the five elements, and then add the last one at the half step of the golden immortal to reach the Five Qi Dynasty, and smoothly enter the immortal golden immortal.

Of course, as before, for each practice of the Five Elements, a top-level genius and treasure must be integrated. On the one hand, you can get the charm of the heaven and earth and solidify the foundation. On the other hand, you can use the treasure of the heaven and earth as a guide to smelt one. Destiny.

Just like the method of turning the rainbow that he had previously obtained in the cultivation of the fairy tale.

Of course, Fang Qingshan not only practiced the Fa, but also practiced the body.

And the refining body needs to be integrated into another magic skill, which is not a problem for him. When he first created the skill, Fang Qingshan already knew how to melt.

Therefore, as long as the method is perfect, as long as the resources are available, the breakthrough is only a matter of course. After all, his deeds have reached the golden immortality long ago.

Now the only thing that can't be determined is that after the five elements are completed, Fang Qingshan can get another destiny, and he doesn't know what it will give birth to.

Defense, attack, or assistance?

But think about it, it should not be weaker than the five-element bracelet.

The power of the five-element bracelet is no longer under the inferior Lingbao. After he has been promoted to Jinxian, he is considered a treasure among the Zhongling Lingbao. The breakthrough of Da Luo can even be compared with the superior Lingbao Even if it is not as good as congenital treasure, it is also the top congenital spiritual treasure.

Just like the golden lantern of Qingyun, the son-in-law's demon monster pot.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan is full of expectations for the second destiny.

The white tiger cuts the fairy gold, a nightmare flower, a three-light magic water, does not extinguish the fire, Wanhua Ruyi mud.

Xuanwu gossip tactics, candle dragon space-time road, Liangyi Yuan magnetic classics, the emperor's grave code, Wanhua Ruyi method.

After Fang Qingshan picked out the celestial treasures and exercises that needed to be smelted, he mobilized the innate veins in the congenital small world and began to cultivate.

For a while, Fang Qingshan felt that the infinite five elements rule struck his mana, not only refining, but also printing, although it was vague and some could not even see it clearly, but this was already a qualitative difference.

In terms of the physical body, Fang Qingshan felt that the flesh and blood in the body was glowing, emitting endless divine energy, every inch of flesh was quenched, the heart in the body was beating continuously, the frequency of beating was extremely amazing, and every beating had a drop. Golden immortal true blood was born, and from time to time, a few golden immortals were born in the bones.

As time went by, it was seen that the light of Fang Qingshan was flowing continuously and fluctuating. Five five-element lotus flowers circulated around the body to outline the mysterious Tao Yun, each of them conveyed a kind of richness. The five elements have their own breath, and the law states rhyme.

In addition to the aura of wisdom behind the head, there are five auras of five elements towering above the sky, and there are countless big bright clouds, big wisdom clouds, big five clouds, great merit clouds, and so on.

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan stood up and sang loudly, like a thunderous sky, shaking the soul, the body rose against the wind, between the beards, as if standing in the sky, thousands of feet high, crystal like crystal.

All over the body, the clothes were fluttering, the black hair was dancing wildly behind his head, showing an immortal air.

Golden immortal, too!

At this moment, Fang Qingshan's cultivation is not to say that in the immortal world, even if it is placed in any large world, it is considered a mainstay.

After all, it is Jinxian, although it has not been detached like Da Luo, but it is immortal. Even if there are five people in heaven, it can still be strong.

Not only did Fang Qingshan break through Jinxian, mosquitoes and world tree avatars also broke through successively.

I thought the mosquitoes had some trouble to break through.

After all, he needs too many resources every time he breaks through, especially as the repair is higher, the resources required are also increasing, and it is not just a matter of quantity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is also a requirement of quality. Quantitative change causes qualitative change.

Jinxian is a very important level, so Fang Qingshan originally thought that he would get stuck at the peak of Xuanxian, but did not expect that he really let him through.

However, he only needs to look at his collection to know why.

This time, in addition to some of the details left to the Five Elements Gate, plus Qingshan's own cultivation resources, all the harvest is running out, apparently being swallowed up by mosquitoes.

Now Fang Qingshan doesn't know, he is still happy for the mosquitoes, and he doesn't know whether he will spit blood when he sees the treasure house empty.

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