Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 681: Fairyland

"Now when you reach the immortal realm, even if you don't use the eternal sky boat, you don't need to be afraid of the disaster Xianjun and others."

Fang Qingshan is very satisfied with his breakthrough.

In his current practice, though, he is not as good as Tianjun.

But the combat effectiveness is not worse than Tianjun.

When it comes to supernatural powers, Gongfa, and magical treasures, he is better than anything.


Although Fang Qingshan has gone to many great worlds, like the tombs of the martial arts, Fengshen, eternity, and even the mixed saints have seen them, but he still yearns for the immortal immortal world.

This is because of the gate of eternal life.

Fang Qingshan guessed that this piece of treasure should be congenital and it is the easiest to obtain.

The congenital treasure is no less than the congenital Lingbao, even if it is a flood, the world like the Wu Tomb is poor. And generally in the hands of the saints.

A man is guilty of innocence.

Unless it is the protagonist, how many people can keep it even if they fall into the hands of low-profile people?

And since it was in the hands of the saints of Yuanyuan, Fang Qingshan wanted to seize it.

Do n’t say that with his current methods and cultivation, even if the eternal Tianzhou is promoted to Wushuang, Supreme, even if the cultivation is to reach the quasi-sacred, mixed yuan, and want to **** the inborn treasure from a saint, it is undoubtedly a dream. Can't beat you, isn't it easy to leave?

Speaking of the eternal Tianzhou promotion, Fang Qingshan felt it was still anxious.

Although the boat on the other side has reached the peak of Lingyun long ago, the bottom line is insufficient.

The most important thing is that the eternal unit on the eternal furnace is not filled.

It stands to reason that Fang Qingshan has gone through many worlds and has no fewer precious treasures. He should be able to fill the eternal furnace for a long time.

It's a pity he is too good.

Not a smelt death sickle, top-level innate spiritual treasures such as falling treasure money, or a powerful array like the Yellow River Map of Jiuqu. Even the star map of Zhou Tian, ​​which is a road sign, was completely inaccessible at the beginning, but Now as Fang Qingshan continues to integrate various resources, and the deepening of the Tianzhou heritage, they have gradually improved.

Today, in addition to the first few smelting treasures, the nine units on the eternal **** furnace, this time in the demon treasure house, Fang Qingshan redeemed two more, one of which is the passing water lamp. The other is too virtual.

This thing is just like a book on earth. It is a treasure of defense. It is transformed by the placenta of heaven and earth. The defense is unparalleled. It is not under the control of Xuanyuan.

Not that Fang Qingshan didn't want to, redeem a few more treasures.

But this kind of treasure is not only expensive, but also inaccessible.

On the other hand, the sails and masts were basically completely consolidated, and Fang Qingshan also reopened several sail units.

The number of weapon units on the deck has also increased accordingly, and in the market, foreign buildings have become more abundant.

The hull has also become stronger due to the continuous willingness to integrate.

Now, the only thing that needs to be considered is to fill up the eternal unit on the eternal furnace of God as soon as possible, so that Tianzhou can continue to advance.

At that time, not only will Tianzhou be promoted, Fang Qingshan as the host will also get a great fortune.

After all, each time the eternal Tianzhou advances, you can get a blessing from the eternal lotus.

This kind of creation is just as it was in the Eternal World when the battlefield of gods and demons ended.

The mosquitoes want to be promoted to the mixed Yuan, although they say that as long as there are enough resources, they will be all at once.

But this resource is sufficient. Sometimes, not only quantity but also quality is needed.

Especially the step of quasi-san promotion to the mixed Yuan.

Do not delusional about what qualitative change causes qualitative change.

If he wants to achieve a degree of congenital treasure, even if he wipes out the entire world of the 3,000 world, it is not enough, even if it is added to the virtual world and the fairy world.

Therefore, congenital treasure is a must.

Other worlds are hard to find, and even if you find them, it's hard to get them.

The only way is probably the eternal world and the eternal world.

In the eternal world, in the treasure house of gods and demons, there is no shortage of innate treasures, but there are really too many points to contribute.

It ’s better to live in an immortal world. The highest level here is in Daluo. Find the opportunity and get the door to eternal life.

Of course, Fang Qingshan can first improve his cultivation as the world tree, and even the eternal sky boat. After reaching a certain stage, he will feed the mosquitoes.

It's just that they are more difficult than the promotion of mosquitoes.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan, the gate of eternal life, is determined to win.

Aside from this, after Fang Qingshan's breakthrough, naturally, he would not retreat from the sky boat and saw Fang Qingxue and the flourishing scene of the Five Elements Gate, nodded in satisfaction.

With the current situation, and the sun and moon void, the means left by themselves.

As long as the Fang family, the descendants of the Five Elements Gate themselves do not die, they can guarantee that they will never be easy.

Now that these have been arranged, the next thing is to prepare for soaring.

In addition to Fang Qingshan, Fang Qingxue, Fang Han, Fang Qingwei, Fang Zetao, Fang Zeshan and others.

There is also a wave of exquisite fairy deities, wind white feathers and others who take the ride.

"Next, we communicate directly with the fairyland gate soar, or do we sneak?"

Everyone got together to discuss the ascension.

"Of course it is smuggling. After all, we have offended Tian Tianjun. If we follow the normal path, we will definitely be taken aback."

"Well, what is the disaster immortal monarch? If you have a manager, would you be afraid of him?"

"That is, that is, I think his name is nothing but a paper tiger."

"It's not right. It's because the Heaven and Earth are suppressed by the heavens and the earth, not the deity's shot."

"Furthermore, the fairyland is a place for others. He is not alone, he is fighting."


The two parties could not help discussing how to enter the fairyland.

As far as Fang Qingshan is concerned, no matter whether it is illegal entry or fair entry, there are actually no problems.

Based on his cultivation, now he is really not afraid of disaster Tianjun and others, even if he can't fight, can't he escape?

Anxious, summoned the eternal sky boat directly, making them unable to eat and go.

The point is, Fang Qingxue and others.

Disastrous Tianjun has too much power in the fairyland ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They are not as good as themselves and can move forward and backward freely.

If they were not with them, they would easily be taken down by Disaster Tianjun and others. Even if they did not take the shots themselves, their minions would be enough to chase them to hide in Tibet.

"Let's just go straight up."

Finally, Fang Qingshan took the road.

Anyway, I have no fear of disaster Tianjun and others. Moreover, this group of people have good talents. It is better to be in the fairy world, reopen the mountain gate, and build the Five Elements Gate. Not only can they solve their worries, but they will soon It can develop. The same can also open the way for the five elements of Xuanhuang World.

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