Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 690: Shock


Fang Qingshan couldn't help humming as he looked at the irritability of the moral Tianjun.

These people are always high above them. Don't say that they are ridiculous, but they can hardly hear the rebuttals. They always say the same thing, the final word.

It is because of this that they develop their self-righteous character.

Especially for a person who is lower than himself, he is even higher, feels very good about himself, and does not know the self-confidence from him.

Does it really think that cultivation can determine everything?

If so, how could the original mother Tianjun compete with the Immortal King?

"You, what are you?"

Without waiting for the moral Tianjun to speak, Fang Qingshan continued,

"Who do you think you are? The immortal king? The master let me go, do you ask other people to agree? And do you think you have settled on us? Still praying arms as a car, shaking the tree, I think you are the true Yelang arrogant, The frog at the bottom of the well. "

"Okay, good teeth, in the face of so many of us, Tianjun dare to be so arrogant, and I don't know if your strength is as good as your eloquence."

Moral God is extremely angry.

"Yes, why don't you try it yourself?"

Fang Qingshan sneered.

Speaking, Fang Qingshan also stopped paying attention to the moral monarch, but looked around for a week, and looked at the fiery eyes of those monarchs who wanted to robbery in the fire, and then said slowly.

"Do you think you are smart? Isn't it foolish to wait forever for disaster? Why do you think they abandoned halfway and retreated?"


Honghuang Tianjun, the dynasty of origin, is a very good supporter, and he answered it in a timely manner.


Fang Qingshan smiled, his voice sounded like Jinshi, and He answered forcefully,

"Naturally, because you don't want to fight with the mussels, in the end, the fishermen benefited, and the cardinals were cheap."

"It's also because they want to be anti-passenger-oriented, turn passive into active, repair the plank road in the dark, secretly Chencang, and quietly retreat. Now they can't hide in the dark and let you be the pioneers of the king. They sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight."

"Even more, they know that even using the magical artifacts can't deal with us."

"Ha ha ha ha, it's a joke."

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, the moral Tianjun seemed to have heard some big joke, and he could laugh for a year.

There is nothing to say about Fang Qingshan's plan for the disaster of Xianjun and others.

As for Fang Qingshan's last word, it was impossible to use the magical artifacts. The moral emperor couldn't help laughing, thinking that Fang Qingshan was a nerd, and put gold on his face.

Could not help but yin and yang said strangely,

"Why can't you use the magic fairy? You won't be a pig eating a tiger, you will be a fairy king, or you will also have a magic fairy?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Morality, you can say that people might not only be immortal kings, but also the ultimate broken?"

"Yes, yes, although the magical artifacts are rare, but they are not absent. Maybe they just got some innate door, the door of all mysteries, and the door of nothingness!"

"Yeah, yeah, Xiuwei may not be so powerful, but if you are lucky, it is not impossible to get a good fairy!"


After hearing the words of the moral deity, the people of the Holy Land of Truth, and some of the heavenly monarchs who were in good contact with the moral deity could not help but laugh at it.

As for the others, they didn't say anything, and they were watching it as a joke.

In fact, they knew that their joke was close to the truth.

Looking at the crowd, Fang Qingshan smiled.

I don't know what they look like when they see the eternal sky boat.

In fact, disaster Tianjun and others are indeed carrying Fang Qingshan's previous purpose.

On the one hand, I don't want to be considered a canary, but on the other, I'm not willing to be a canary myself, but I also want to pit for the Holy Land of Truth.

They knew that Fang Qingshan had an eternal sky boat, but they didn't say it, but they threw out a few bait such as the electronic mother Tianjun.

I just want to seduce the moral Tianjun and others to take action on the other side.

At that time, Fang Qingshan will inevitably use the eternal sky boat.

If a real fire breaks out, they will lose both. Both eternal and others can naturally take advantage of the fishermen.

However, in this case, after seeing Fang Qingshan's true strength, they also know that the hope is slim.

But this goal cannot be achieved, if we can pit morality and wait for someone. They can also be regarded as successful.

Unfortunately, Fang Qingshan did not want to make them wish.

Even if there is an eternal sky boat, self-protection is not hindered, but if it offends too many people, it really attracts the crowds to attack it. Even if there is an eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan's life will be difficult.

Therefore, he did not wait for morals and others to take action, but took the lead in putting out nuclear weapons to deter everyone.


Void shuddered, everyone's hearts seemed to be pinched, and they suddenly carried Qingtian.

Then, a huge sky boat was born, suppressing ten squares.

Ming Huang Jingying, a grand chanting sounded, as if an ancient deity was explaining eternity.

An unspeakable breath spread out, invisible, inaudible, untouchable, but immortal, transcending all breath.

Followed by, a light of heaven descended above Tianzhou, deterred the three of Fang Qingshan.

"This, this, this ..."

Moral Tianzun and others would like to say something, they felt all over, their breathing was difficult, and in the midst of it, a crisis came.

All of them suddenly became tense, it is best to prepare for the thunder at any time.

But when they saw Tianzhou coming, everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word.

"Good fortune!"

After a long time, someone finally said these four words dryly.

The wind was rising, blowing a pool of spring water.

Everyone came back, and suddenly there was a hustle and bustle.

"How is it possible that he really has a good fortune in his hand."

"It's no wonder that Eternity and others are hiding their secrets and using 33 days of treasure. They originally thought that their purpose was to be the mother of heaven.

"Yeah, it's just that this good fortune is a bit strange, but it's not a known good artifact."


It is not just other people who are shocked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is the eternity that has not seen the eternal sky boat, and the killing and others are also shocked.

At the same time, it is even more regrettable that I missed a great opportunity.

Although they were anxious to continue shooting, they knew it was just a waste of effort.

Since Fang Qingshan showed the eternal sky boat, although it is more noticeable, but there is no complete strategy, but no one will rush.

After all, the power of the immortal artifacts is not something that the heavenly king can compete with without the immortal king.

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