Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 691: Standing heaven

Five Elements Gate!

This name has been popular in the heavens recently, like Lei Guaner.

Under the same roof as the good fortune heaven, it eats up one-tenth of the site.

If this is changed, even if it is the Holy Land of Truth or the origin dynasty, I am afraid it will not work, because once they dare to do so, the heaven will surely endlessly die with them.

However, the Five Elements Gate has done what almost no one can accomplish.

And all this naturally starts from the first world war after the ancient times.

Fang Qingshan, Mosquito Taoist, Poor Qi, etc. can actually rely on the half-step Tianjun's repair to resist the five ancient Heavenly Kings.

In particular, Fang Qingshan, the superb avatar method, can actually differentiate three avatars that are no different from the deity, which is really ancient and modern.

If that's the case, it's just a bit more powerful.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many talented people can rely on their own cultivation to run the world, but in the end, they were beheaded by the heaven with a thunder.

After all, that is the legacy of the Immortal King, the heavenly court with the Immortal Artifact.

However, this time, the rise of Fang Qingshan and the Five Elements Gate did not come under pressure from the bright side.

The reason for this is naturally that they also have a forged artifact, and it is not the kind of broken Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure, but it is complete and full.

So, under the mouse caster. Regardless of heaven, or other forces, although eager to see the eternal sky boat, although want to capture the reincarnated body of the electronic mother Tianjun, Hongmeng Taoist, ending the successor of the Holy King. But no one did it.

Shoot your head!

If it weren't for the facts, Fang Qingshan and Wuxingmen would be able to immediately compete with such great forces as the dynasty of origin, the sacred place of truth, and the heaven.

After all, just Fang Qingshan, Mosquito Taoist, Poor and Odd Three can be equivalent to five Heavenly Kings, and it is still an ancient Heavenly King similar to disaster.

Not to mention the everlasting heavenly vessel of the created artifact.

Of course, this is just their self-righteous belief that the five elements of the gate are indeed insufficient.

But Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat is not just a simple attack weapon.

Other than that, it's just blood. Among the several sailing units of the beast, there are masters like clouds, not to mention the eternal army camp, the Tao soldiers trained inside.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Fang Qingshan will not use it.

Even if it is to be used, it will not be a big fan, because that is not good for the Five Elements.

As for the reason, Tianting is indifferent to Fang Qingshan and others occupying one tenth of the site.

In addition to their own strength, it is because this land was obtained by people moving mountains and reclaiming land.

Fang Qingshan's faction was where they had fought earlier.

The collision of the Liangyi Sword Formation and the 33-day Saint-Pink Immortal Device directly destroyed this heaven and earth.

Fang Qingshan, they exerted great mana to transform the mountains and rivers, and then the fairyland was restored.

Although, Fang Qingshan and others as soon as they soared guilty of creating the heavens of heaven, and attracted more than half of the realm of heaven to watch. Suppressed secretly.

But because of their powerful forces and their artifacts, there are still a lot of people who like the Five Elements.

And because of the secretive suppression of the heavens and others, it is to remove those who are not mentally strong.

Therefore, the Five Elements Gate slowly gained a foothold in the heavens.

After arrangement, Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingshan began to think about his own affairs.

This time, although it is advancing by leaps and bounds, it also consumes its own knowledge completely.

It's not just the state, the way, but the resource.

So next time I want to make progress, but it is even more difficult, unless it is a few times in the eternal world of the demon battlefield, eternal life Xuanhuang Dajie such things. Resources like the mountains and the sea are not to mention, and the world is full of vitality and fortune.

In the realm of heaven, resources are indeed not comparable in the lower world, even in the Xuanhuang world.

Here, the false immortals and true immortals are slaves. Just a random mountain, ordinary monsters are similar to true immortals. Reiki is ten times and one hundred times lower than the Nether. Tiancaidibao is not everywhere, but even in the ancient Taoist classics, many elixir recorded are not uncommon.

But for the other side, Qingshan, these resources simply can't play a big role.

After he and the mosquito cultivator reached Jinxian, the resources they wanted were not just mountains and seas, but also quality requirements. Otherwise, it would be difficult to estimate the quantity of resources.

For example, what is now a fairyware is nothing more than a snack for mosquitoes. Only a rare fairyware can barely be used as a meal.

Fortunately, ordinary resources say that once it reaches the upper treasure, even the fairyland is not Chinese cabbage.

Either in the various Jedi or in the hands of the major forces.

Even if the major forces do not matter, the current situation is that even the major mountains can not go.

Not unwilling, but not.

The eternal sky boat was exposed, the electronic mother Tianjun, the Hongmeng Taoist, and the end of the Holy King.

Although hindered by the strength of Fang Qingshan and others, those people did not dare to try the law on their own that day and wanted to let others do it first.

However, this does not mean that Fang Qingshan and others will sit back and relax.

They did not do it, but they kept watching.

Once Fang Qingshan and others moved too much, they struck their string, saying that it would cause a group attack.

If this is really the case, even if there is an eternal sky boat, the other side is very difficult for Qingshan.

So, now, Yijing is not moving.

But if you do n’t go out to find treasures, chances, and just rely on meditation to practice your vitality, and you want to improve your cultivation, then you really have to rely on water-milling. For this situation, Fang Qingshan is equally unwilling.

Therefore, there are only two paths left before him.

One is to use the chessboard of the heavens to cross things again.

The other is to use the eternal sky boat to reopen the market.

This time, Xuanhuang Dajie, Fang Qingshan not only repaired by leaps and bounds, but also had a lot of luck. The checkerboards of the heavens increased three prohibitions, and at the same time opened up a big world, which is the journey westward.

The question Fang Qingshan has to consider now is whether to open the market first or cross the westward journey, and then consider opening the market during the westward journey.

"Forget it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let's open the market first and talk about it."

Fang Qingshan thought about it and decided to open the market.

Although it has been opened once in the Eternal World, and it has achieved good results.

But in the end, it was only a trial and it was too limited. It did not bring out the true effect of Tianzhou Market.

Moreover, I don't know if it is because the eternal world is still in a sealed state or what. After Fang Qingshan left the eternal world, the market was closed, and the people of the eternal world could no longer enter.

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