Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 699: Dynasty of origin

The celestial realm is too vast, even the immortal king may not know the specific area.

Therefore, the major forces of all parties not only occupy a large area, but also the distance between them is very far.

The distance between the dynasty of origin and the heavens of good fortune was modified to be slightly lower, even if flying for thousands of years, it may not be able to reach it.

Not to mention that there are many dangers along the way, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

However, this is not a problem at all for Tianjun and Fang Qingshan and Mosquitoes.

With the speed of transforming the rainbow and the blood of the blood, even sacred artifacts such as Tianjun's wings of freedom are not as good as them.

Therefore, after Fang Qingshan left the fortune heaven, they soon appeared on the site of the origin dynasty.

The dynasty of origin is actually similar to the Dagan dynasty established by Fang Qingshan, following the path of the Yun Dynasty.

Compared with the declining heavens of good fortune, the area controlled by the dynasty of origin is much wider, which is several times larger than the 100,000 states of heaven.

The reason for this is naturally due to the role of the Fengzen Altar.

As long as this thing is sacrificed, even if God has a chance to break through the Heavenly King, let alone cultivate as a lower person, the success rate is higher.

In this way, the origin dynasty is naturally endless, and more and more.

As for the heaven of good fortune, although there are thirty-three days of good fortune.

However, this thing was broken by the gate of eternal life summoned by Dianmu Tianjun, and then this thing could not increase human cultivation.

And although the power of creation is not as elusive as the power of destiny and nowhere to be found, it is also extremely difficult to understand.

Therefore, excluding the thirty-three heavenly treasures, I am afraid that the fortune heaven is really not as good as the dynasty of origin.

This is why Eternal and others immediately blocked the news after they knew that the inner treasure house was stolen.

This is why they have sacrificed thirty-three days of holy goods in the bottomless abyss these years.

With thirty-three heavenly saints, there are thirty-three heavenly monarchs.

Not only can we draw the distance from the dynasty of origin, but we can also surpass it in one fell swoop.

However, this does not matter about Fang Qingshan. What he has to do now is to do the same and loot the treasure house of the origin dynasty.

As before, Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes still performed the large latent technique, and then performed the puppet technique, quickly over the earth, lakes, oceans, plains, mountains, cities, various religions ... came to the origin dynasty s capital.

This is an immensely huge city. This city stands in the center of the sky. It is magnificent, towering, billions of glowing rays, and energetic. It illuminates the sky and the earth, and the great day of the heavens has lost its glory in front of the imperial city.

Although it is not as good as Xuanhuang City and Lingxiao City that have already been promoted to the King City, it is nothing less than the good fortune heaven.

The same is also spread throughout the prohibition formation. Once opened, even if the power of the outbreak is not as good as the magical artifact, it may not be worse than the thirty-three day saint fairy.

Similarly, because of the Feng Zen Altar, there are more masters here and the defense is more strict.

But like Heaven, they have been standing high for too long, and they would never think that someone would dare to touch the tiger's ass.

The good swimmer drowns in the water and believes too much about the origin of the defensive dynasty.

With the experience of sacking the heavenly court, Fang Qingshan only needs to paint the gourds this time.

First quietly sneaked into it, and then found a person who was not high in cultivation but had sufficient status, similar to the disaster saint, and asked about the origin of the treasure house of the dynasty and the location of the Fengzen altar.

Followed by, came to the treasure house, sacrificed the treasure, blocked the movement, and the secret.

Finally, you can let go of your hands and feet, three feet in the sky and three feet in the ground.

But before that, Fang Qingshan did one more thing.

That is to practice a boxing technique first, the origin of the **** boxing.

This supreme supernatural power is the supreme feat of the Supreme Master Jiuqing and the supreme feat of the dynasty of origin.

The ability to draw the power of origin in the void is comparable to the creation of the **** fist, inherited from the origin of the fairy king.

As for why Jiuqing Taishang also inherited from heaven, it is only because Jiuqing Taishang Tianchuang ’s ancestor Taishang Tianjun is the disciple of the originating fairy king.

The reason why Fang Qingshan practiced this martial art was because he felt a sense of rejection after entering the dynasty of origin.

The only avenue.

Unless you are far ahead of each other, once different avenues hit each other, they will fight.

The reason why he didn't feel oppressed in the heavens of good fortune was that he also had the breath of good fortune. After all, he had refined a 33-day royal palace and borrowed 33-day heaven treasures.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan decided to practice the Origin God Boxing first, so that he would become more like a fish.

In addition, it takes a lot of time for others to cultivate such a supernatural power.

However, Fang Qingshan has a small fatalism and a balance of destiny, and sacrifices a little life, you can exchange for supernatural power, but it is a matter of breathing. If a worker wants to do his work well, he must first sharpen his weapon. This is a matter of benefit and no expense.

Sure enough, after practicing the Origin Fist, Fang Qingshan felt relaxed for a while in the Origin Dynasty, as if he had returned to his home.

Then everything went on step by step.

Sure enough, Fang Qingshan did not expect.

Everything is done handy, flowing and flowing, looking so pleasing to the eye. Did not alarm the masters of the origin dynasty.

In addition to the natural celestial dynasty, the origin dynasty has fewer natural celestial artifacts, and it has more resources than any other.

Compared to the treasure trove of the fortune heaven, the place of origin is dangerous.

The defensive power here is actually Tianjun.

If it weren't for just two or three epochs of young emperors, and it wasn't the arrogance of heaven like Lei Dijun and Dianmu Tianjun, I'm afraid Fang Qingshan would have lost a lot for Shan Jiuyi.

Of course, this is also because the origin dynasty had a sealed Zen altar. Tianjun was not as nervous as he was in making heaven.

In addition to the guardianship of the Heavenly King of the origin dynasty, this place of origin is also full of various dangers. In addition to the extremely harsh environment, from time to time, a void collapses and twists, or a gust of wind blows without warning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are countless vicious remnants and terrible creatures.

These things are the existence that was opposed to the origin of the immortal king that year.

Therefore, the place of origin is not only a treasure trove for the origin dynasty, but also a prison of heaven.

This is why, every time the origin dynasty opens here, those who accept the inheritance of the Feng Chan Altar need the Heavenly King to enter as a guardian. Even so, security cannot be completely guaranteed.

However, it was for other people, but for the murderer of the other side, Aoyama and Mosquito, it was not much worse than walking on the ground.

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