Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 700: Lord of the Greedy Wolf

The hostile environment is nothing more. Other fierce thoughts, even if the scary creatures do not come to the door, the mosquitoes will come to the door. These are all resources.

To enter the place of origin, you first need to pass through the Temple of Origin and then through the Gate of Origin.

There are two princes guarding the Temple of Origin.

However, they were all enlightened in recent times, and they broke through the sacrificial altar offering.

In this way, compared with Lei Di, the electric mother breaks through by himself, or disaster, the ancient heavenly monarch such as eternity, but it is far from.

Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist didn't even have to show up. They could suppress them easily by themselves.

As for the gate of origin, it can be regarded as a treasure. It is the thing left by the immortal king. The ordinary Heavenly Kings, such as the two Heavenly Kings guarding at the Temple of Origination, want to open, even if it costs nine cattle and two tigers. The power is impossible.

In order to open this door, generally, two conditions need to be met.

Or it was cultivated to a high level, reaching the level of the ancient heavenly monarch such as disaster, eternity, killing, and death.

Or you have a deep understanding of the way of origin. If this is the case, even if you cultivate it almost, the door of origin will put a little water for your own sake.

However, Fang Qingshan does not need either of these two methods.

As soon as the mouthpiece of the mosquito-path man stretched out, I am afraid that nothing but the gate of eternal life could stop him from swallowing.

Entering the gate of origin, a gust of wind blows head-on.

Fang Qingshan was not surprised when he saw the situation.

Actually, he sat down with his knees crossed, and did not sacrifice magic weapons or perform defensive magical powers.

Seeing this scene, the imprisoned vicious people hidden in the dark suddenly took a nap.

They were already very cruel, but they did not expect that Fang Qingshan was even more brutal than them.

You know, this wind is not an ordinary wind, but a nine quiet magic wind.

Why is it so difficult to break through Tianjun?

In addition to realm, Daoxing's sake, the most important thing is calamity.

Just like Chengxian has Chengxian robberies, breaking through Tianjun will also cross over robberies.

After passing through, it is natural to see the rainbow after the storm, and the sun is bright.

However, it is natural that it is a hundred, and the body is dead.

And these nine Youfeng are one of them.

The wind blew into the body, ecstasy eroded the bones, turned into dust, and extremely poisonous.

It's no wonder that God who wants to enter the altar of Fengzen needs the protection of God. Good guy, the others won't say it. If you encounter these nine fascinating winds, enough people will drink a pot.

However, Fang Qingshan was not afraid of it.

My arsenic, my tangerine.

He happens to use the wind to forge.

For a while, when I saw Feisha walking away from the rocks, the yelling wind roared, and fell on Fang Qingshan, but the sound of a powerful collision sounded, Ding Dang Dang, Mars was splashing, like a master craftsman's hammer and chisel.

"This kid is so good, but unfortunately he has some problems in his head."

In the dark, a man with green light in his eyes licked his lips and sneered.

Fang Qingshan's behavior scared others but could not scare him.

And this place where the pack of wolves looks around, dare to stand by without anyone, without the slightest precautionary practice, isn't it that the brain is broken?

However, it was right in his arms.

This man's physical body is so powerful. Although he has not reached the heavenly monarch, there is also God. If he devours himself, he will be able to speed up the restoration of strength.

Thinking of this, the sly man in the dark made an immediate decision, while the others were still hesitating, the other side Qingshan launched a thunderous strike.


A cold, ferocious voice sounded in the void.

Then a wolf claw covering the moon fell down.

The wolf claws are stingy, with thick roots like sky pillars, and their nails flashing sharply, like the sharp blade of a magic weapon.

The sky was dark and the thunderstorm was empty.

The shot was quick and accurate.

This man is the master of the greedy wolf.

It is an ancient beast, one of the supreme beast owners before the three epochs, an extremely arrogant heavenly monarch.

This person had fallen, and the remaining thoughts were collected by the origin fairy king and placed in the place of origin, but he did not expect that he had any chance or mutation, and this person actually came back to life.

Although this person has not fully recovered, he is much stronger than the Tianjun guarded by the two Tianjuns who replaced Hetu in the Temple of Origin.

You know, when the Lord of the Greedy Wolf was at its heyday, the fierce prestige suppressed the sky, and it was the Heavenly King, and there were not a few who died in his hands. They were extremely cruel, and they could just destroy one universe after another and regenerate!

However, what puzzled the greedy wolf master was that Fang Qingshan was not only stupid, but he was not completely aware of it. He was totally indifferent and only cared for his cultivation. Seeing this, the Lord of the Greedy Wolf could not help but flash a bad feeling.

The greedy wolf is not only the ferocious wolf, but also the sly wolves.

Just as the haze of the greedy wolf's heart rose, a sudden whim, felt a crisis of life and death attacking on himself.

However, the master of the greedy wolf was too late to respond, and was overthrown by a **** wave in the void.

Followed by, the **** mosquitoes filled the sky, Yingri flew, thundering, wrapping them.

"not good!"

The greedy wolf master was suddenly frightened, and quickly tried to struggle.

But is the mouthpiece of mosquitoes so easy to deal with?

The greedy wolf master only felt like he was stuck in a needle, completely ignoring his defense.

As the Supreme Beast Lord, the greedy wolf Lord's physical defense is even stronger than ordinary saints.

But now, it is impossible to prevent the bite of mosquitoes.

More alarming things are still to come.

Even if the mosquito bite breaks the defense, at this moment, his body seems to be sieved into a sieve, which is full of sores, and the power of the source is like a river flowing eastward.

As time goes by, resistance cannot stop.

And the mouthpiece of this mosquito is not just that it is unbreakable. It also has a paralyzed toxin, as long as it is contaminated, it becomes fish on the board and can be slaughtered by anyone.

The poor master of the greedy wolf I was famous for his resurrection. Before he could rise again, he fell into the hands of mosquitoes.

And this time there is no chance for Nirvana to be born again.

"No, come is so cruel, everyone hurry up."

Seeing the greedy wolf master one or two in the place of origin, such a murderer fell in front of his eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and immediately scared those monsters who secretly wanted to touch the fish in the muddy water.

"Want to leave? Let me die!"

Fang Qingshan is somewhat familiar with the place of origin.

So after entering the gate of origin, he put away the mosquitoes.

The reason why you practice directly here is that apart from Jiuyou Shenfeng, the effect is really good. It is to expose the flaws, lead the snake out of the hole, and attract all the people who peep in the dark, so that the mosquitoes can be wiped out.

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