Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 701: Time warrior

"Ah, what the **** is this?"

"Get off, get off, get off on me."

"No, I can't die, I haven't lived enough, I haven't ...."

"Don't kill me, let me go, I surrender, I can ..."

"I have many babies, and I am very familiar with the place of origin ..."

"Since you won't let me go, let's all die together."


Those cruel thoughts and various beings attracted by Fang Qingshan.

If they work together, they say that no mosquitoes will have to work hard.

Unfortunately, they were frightened by the death of the greedy wolf master.

So, where is the opponent of mosquitoes.

No matter begging for mercy or temptation, or wanting to die together, it is useless to the mosquitoes. They only have one ending, and that is death.

With the concerted efforts of millions of mosquitoes, these greedy and brutal generations were soon wiped out.

As a result, the mosquitoes have made a small breakthrough.

After all, they can be collected by the King of Origins, and none of them can be suppressed in the place of origin. Although they have no previous power, but thin camels are larger than horses, and their hair is thicker than their legs.

Fang Qingshan stood up when the mosquitoes were still in the air.

I moved my hands and feet, felt a bit of physical improvement, and nodded with satisfaction.

Fang Qingshan repaired the heavens and the heavens to make a decree, both internally and externally, and he was very strong physically, not weaker than those who specialize in physical training, and often used various natural treasures, Qibao building-assisted cultivation, ordinary cultivation. Over the years, it has been difficult to grow. This time, using the wind of God to make progress, which is equivalent to his hard work for several months, is an unexpected joy.

"Well? There's no fear of death coming?"

Without waiting for Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes to continue scraping, they saw not far away, and suddenly another strange breath came.

Looking at it from a distance, as if looking at the same lamp, looking at it, but the spotty light is the samurai coming out of the imaginary space and time, three feet tall, two swords, as if condensed by the light It is actually made of crystals that are bright and similar to the crystal diamond.

There was a breath similar to the Qianqi Tower and the passing lanterns all over the body.

"Time Warrior!"

Fang Qingshan even knew the origin of the object.

It is rumored that in a very long time ago, there was a civilization called "Technology", which used the material ejected from the gate of eternal life to forge an extremely powerful fetish. The Lord of Time is one of them.

The world is destroyed, and the universe is destroyed.

His Majesty the Lord of Time also has many samurai warriors built by the sand of time, each of which is very good, almost equivalent to the practice of a peerless God, infinitely close to the Heavenly King.

The world was destroyed, and at the end of the epoch, the Lord of Time could not survive the disaster and fell to the scene. Time warriors are no exception.

The place of origin is now the time warrior.

In fact, it looks like the main difference between the previous greedy wolf, all of which were collected by the King of Origins, put into it, and experienced some mutation to reproduce the world.

This is a good thing, and not to mention these time warriors, the power of their own origins is infinitely close to the heavenly monarch. It is only their body. The sand of time is a precious treasure of time. If it is fully refined, it must be Great gains in time laws.


Seeing Fang Qingshan and mosquitoes, the warriors seemed to see enemies in these days.


The sword came out of the sheath and cut through the sky, frosty.

Killing billows like a sword, sharp and unusual.

Thousands of time warriors, like the same torrent, swept towards Fang Qingshan.

Good guy, if it's just one or two, don't say that it is only infinitely close to Tianjun, it is the real Tianjun, Fang Qingshan will not care.

But when this number reaches hundreds or thousands, the quantitative change causes qualitative change. The ordinary Tianjun can be destroyed with a single hit. It is a disaster. Eternity will wait for someone to come. If you do n’t pay attention, it will also overturn in the gutter. I have to be cautious.

The point is that in the place of origin, mana and Taoism are subject to tens of thousands of restrictions. These time warriors existed at the time when the origin of the immortal king refining originated, and were not restricted by the rules here, but they could exert their most powerful power.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan practiced the Origin God Boxing to a certain level before entering. Although it would also be suppressed, it would not be too much.

The point is that in addition to these time warriors, there is also the Lord of Time.

The Lord of Time in that year was comparable to the existence of the fairy king.

Although tigers fall in Pingyang and Longyou Shoal, they are still deadly and fierce. As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, they still far surpass the master of greedy wolves.

Other time warriors can also see that the sand of time is crystal clear.

But the Lord of Time cannot see at all that it is composed of the sand of time.

The heavenly and earthly realm possessed by the created artifacts, as well as the Lord of Time, is simply an active created artifact. In other words, it is a fragment of the artifact behind the fall!

This is no surprise, after all, the Lord of Time is the existence of a fairy king.

Now it can be justified to repair a large damage equivalent to a broken artifact.


The Lord of Time also roared and punched. Suddenly the void was destroyed, infinite power burst out, and the surrounding heaven and earth became a mass of paste. The Nine Youshen wind was a masterpiece, ten times more violent than before, one after the other, like a pillar of wind, swept away. In the distance, Fang Qingshan's body felt tingling.

"The Lord of Time is entrusted to you, so let me take care of these time warriors!"

Fang Qingshan looked dignified to the mosquitoes.

"Do not worry!"

The Mosquito nodded irresistibly, a look similar to that of the former greedy wolf master, greedy and excited.

For him, because it is the birth of the sea of ​​blood itself, the law of killing has a natural affinity for blood. Just like Shura, he is happy when he hears the battle, and the warrior of time, the more powerful the master of time, the happier he is. Because cultivation is high, it means that the power of the source is strong. The more the power of the source, the faster his cultivation can be improved ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sanqing in one gas! "

Fang Qingshan gave a quiet whisper, and three figures came out of his body.

It was the same as the last time that the Five Heavenly Kings teamed up to perform the 33-day Holy Artifact.

Fang Qingshan and the avatar, according to the position of the Four Elephants, pushed the light of Liangyi.

But I saw black and white light dazzling, reciprocating, condensing into one body, turning into a grinding disc, yin and yang stunned, slowly crushing the past, and time, the whole world, the cause and effect of time and space began to distort.

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