Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 810: Good or bad

The effect of the Eight Treasure Gongdechi is similar to that of some immortal worlds. -

The Longchi of Longhe also has the same magic.

It's just that everyone is transformed on the basis of the flesh.

But the Eight Treasures of Merit Pool is just remaking the world. Just like the 'woman' who created human beings, the real person of Taiyi created the lotus 'flower' incarnation for whom.

It's just different levels.

The highest level of nature is the means of 'woman' 娲 Niangniang, for the creation of Tiancheng, congenital Taoism.

The weakest is Taiyi's real human means, the lotus ‘flower’ incarnation.

Although this object is a bit mysterious, and even specializes in 'doors', we can see that Zhang Guifang is famous for magical spells, but it is not a body of blood 'flesh'.

The Eight Treasures of Gongdechi is in the middle of the Buddha.

More than less than more than enough.

In the original trajectory, wasn't that the case for Little White Dragon. After the Journey to the West, his merits were fulfilled and he was reborn directly in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and transformed into eight true dragons, a big step.

Gains and losses, gains and losses, gains and losses.

Prior to becoming immortal, the Buddha's door was specialized in relics, and he had to take care of the 'flesh' body more than Taoism. Obviously, he could save more time. What he lost was that the melee combat was very weak, and after the ascension. , But also give up their 'flesh' body.

Although the Eight Treasures of Merit Pool can be recreated, it is clear that even if such a body fits the reliquary, it is still worse than the heavenly and heavenly body, and requires more time to run in.

And if you get the ‘meat’ body from the eight treasure merit pool, you will also lose something.

That is faith.

As long as you accept it, you can only be a **** believer in the Buddha's 'gate'.

Even if you are strong-willed, it will also be affected subtly. Regardless of pious faith, you will at least face the Buddha's door.

Don't look at the Buddha's 'door' which opens conveniently and the 'door'. Everyone comes and refuses, but people are always on guard.

Upon entering the Buddha's 'door', it looks like the sea. From then on, Xiaoyao is a passerby.

However, once such a body fits perfectly, practicing the Dharma is more effective.

After all, the material that reshapes the ‘meat’ body contains Buddhism.

In addition, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool can not only reshape the real body, but also conceive the golden body.

The Tang monk, that is, Jin Chanzi, put his own ancient six-winged golden beetle in the eight treasure merit pool before reincarnation.

This is why after the journey to the west, Tang Monk and Sun Monkey can break through the quasi-sanctity in one fell swoop.

Not only because of merit and luck, but also because of the body.

He has been conceived in the Eight Treasure Merit Pool for many years, and has been tempered. Even if he does not practice primordial spirit, he still retreats.

When you increase your merits, you do n’t need to temper your ‘meat’ body anymore. You only need to improve the realm of Yuanshen, so you can break through the quasi-sanity with less merits and luck than Sun Monkey.


It is precisely because of the eight treasures of merit pools that after the closure of the gods, even if the twelve-pink golden lotus was bitten by a mosquito priest, the trend of the Buddha's 'door' continued to increase, but it was only delayed.

Looking at the whole flood, except for the three congenital treasures of Kaitian Zhibao and Qiankunding, as well as the exquisite pagodas of Xuanhuang Xuanhuang, and Hong ’s “Meng” measuring Tianchi, two acquired merit merits, there is nothing better than suppressing luck.

And as the ‘gate’ of the Buddha has flourished, the number of ‘gate’ followers has increased.

With the integration of luck, merit, and willingness, the rank of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool will be improved again and again.

Maybe one day, it will be comparable to the exquisite pagoda of Xuanhuang Xuanhuang, and even surpassing it is not impossible.

With this treasure, the foundation of the Buddha's 'door' has been completely made up.

The curse of blessing rests, the curse of blessing rests.

The Eight Treasures Merit Pool is a prison for Wu Yunxian.

However, this cell is the top one. In addition to restricting the freedom of life, other aspects are the best choice. In particular, it can also speed up cultivation, temper the ‘meat’ body, and so on.

After Fengshen ’s closure, Qiyun ’s luck broke up, and Duobao, who was a big brother, should have been defeated by Qiyun.

Why did he break through the ‘wave’ in the wind? In a short time, became the first person under the saint?

In addition to the current situation to create a hero, Lao Tzu and the Western Two Saints calculated each other, he picked up the leak.

What's more important is that he has learned all the best and integrated the three teachings.

If Wu Yunxian can sink his heart, use the Eight Treasures of Merit Pool to learn the Dharma, prove the Qing dynasty, and work hard to cultivate. Once the opportunity arrives, he will get out of trouble. , But it is not necessarily worse than people like burning lamps.

In fact, this time the Tongtianhe calamity, the Buddha's 'door' can completely find a mount of the Buddha and the horse.

But it sent Wu Yunxian, which was a little overkill.

After all, Wuyunxian and Yanshouxian are not the same. These years of cultivation have not fallen.

At that time, they were able to play Guang Chengzi, and the two ‘fine’ sons doubted life. Today, compared with Guanyin, they are absolutely better than others. Even if it ’s land pressure, people like Ran Deng may not be able to suppress him.

Sun Monkey and his party couldn't handle even the first immortal, let alone Wu Yunxian who was better than Guanyin.

Therefore, the dispatch of Wuyunxian was not directed to the Westward Journey Team, but to the present-day rainy Qingfang Mountain.

The reason for this is a small punishment for the Buddha's door to Aoyama.

The matter of traveling westward, such as coming to control the overall situation, Guanyin maintains the details and promotes development. This is a policy that Duobao has formulated for a long time.

However, in the Battle of Heifeng Mountain, Fang Qingshan stepped on the failure of Guanyin, and swallowed up his merits and luck.

The merit and luck are a trivial matter.

The point is that he did not know the Buddha's door, but he crushed the Guanyin.

This is the face of the Buddha's 'door'. The Buddha's 'door' is not so good as it is in the legend.

Carry a bodhisattva heart and perform thunderbolts.

After beating the Buddha's 'door', he always had to pull back.

As for why you didn't do it before?

Fang Qingshan had Lao Tzu behind him, and he started to work within the rules.

Avalokitesvara couldn't beat him, he could only hit his teeth and swallow blood.

Of course, the Buddha's 'door' can only be dumb to eat Huanglian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ forbearance before suffering.

But it ’s not that no time is up.

Now with the opportunity of Tongtianhe, it is natural to teach him how to be a man.

With the help of Wuyunxian, Tang Seng was sensed by him as soon as he arrived, and he waved his hands and caught them under the eyelids of Sun Monkey and Zhu Bajie.

In response to this, the monks of Zhu Bajie and Sha naturally would not give up, and, without saying a word, followed the breath to the Tongtianhe God Mansion.

Before coming, Sun Monkey, Zhu Bajie and others were all confident.

In their power, even if the monster is more powerful, it can hardly be defeated.

However, this time, an exception was made.

As soon as I arrived at the mansion, I saw people standing at the gate of the gate waiting for them.

The pig Bajie and the two did not make nonsense, rolled up their sleeves, and started to dry. They picked up the blade and rushed up, wanting to cut the chaos.

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