Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 811: 1 escape 1 capture

Ideas are beautiful, and reality is cruel. -79 小说 网-

In the end, it was indeed the "knife" **** that was cut by a sharp knife.

However, they became 'chaos' hemp, and others became knives.

After a short time, the monk Sha was directly arrested, and the pig Bajie fled in a panic.

Dude, at the beginning, Pig Bajie was not serious yet, just let Sha monk step forward. After all, there weren't many monsters in the water during the journey west.

But after three moves, immediately felt that the situation was wrong.

It wasn't how sharp the monster attacked him that made him daunted.

Instead, the monks stood in place and Ren Sha attacked.

However, the monk Sha's attack was not even close to the people three feet in front of him.

Once close to the three-foot range, it seemed like it was sinking into the mud, and its strength sank into the sea.

Not only that, but a counterattack force came back along the blade.

Moreover, the greater the attack power, the greater the rebound power, as if there is no bottom line.

Wu Yunxian is a golden beard fish, and regardless of his attack power, his defense is unusually amazing.

At the time of the cut off, apart from Duobao and the Lady of the Turtle Spirit, it was second to none.

Duobao is because he has practiced the Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong, and the Lady of the Turtle Spirit is just as talented as he is.

With the hidden cultivation in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool in these years, the submerged tempering by the Eight Treasures Meritorious Pool, the defense ability is even more amazing.

Even if compared with the top grade innate defense Lingbao, it is not too much to let go.

Moreover, his defense is not just a defensive one, it is also an attack with a defense.

It's just like moving with the stars and moving around.

Can also use strength.

Because Sha didn't control his strength, Sha was directly bombarded by the force of the earthquake, and he didn't get up for a long time.

"Master Sha, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Zhu Bajie's pupils suddenly shrank. Where did I know that I mentioned the iron plate, and it was still a diamond-like iron plate?

Good guy, just relying on this defense, it is much better than the red baby water calabash.

However, if you flee without fighting, it may happen to the original pig Bajie. It is good, you have the advantage, and do n’t think about it.

Now, naturally, we need to face up to difficulties. After all, he represents not only himself, but also people to teach.


The pig Bajie burst into a slam, and went all out, dancing nine-toothed rakes with his hands, doing all he could.

For a while, it seemed that the entire Tongtianhe seemed to be mobilized.

Undercurrents surged, and as the baks of Zhu Bajie turned into vortices, swept away towards the black cloud fairy.

Between the vortex and the vortex, they tear apart each other, forming a general force of space cracks.

Such an attack, even Sun Monkey, needs to deal with it carefully.

But it is obviously not enough to deal with the dark clouds.

Wu Yunxian is a golden beard fish, and he is born with a method of controlling water. In addition, the practice of the day after tomorrow is much more powerful than the pig's Bajie.

He did not rely on supernatural powers to bully the pig eight precepts, so he coped with empty hands.

However, Jiang Liushi did not turn.

Zhu Bajie's water-controlling magical power came to Wuyunxian like a sinking sea, and it didn't work at all.

Nine-tooth raking attacks did not help other people, and even they used a little skill in the end, the pig Bajie did not see.

It's just that the dark clouds and light clouds are light and understatement, or wield a sleeve, wave a pipa, or flick a finger ... everyone can save the enemy.

On the contrary, instead of harming people in the slightest, they were exhausted to death.

Because of Wu Yunxian's attack, they all fell into the flaws of their own nodes. The old force had just gone, and the new force was not born.

After the ten rounds, Zhu Bajie was so good that he didn't sip old blood.

Although he will not retreat without a fight, he will not fight hard.

Knowing that you can't do it, it's not courage, but stupid.

Knowing that he was far from his opponent, he finally gave up.

Regardless of the monk Sha, he turned and fled.

In this regard, Wu Yunxian did not care at all, because the purpose of his arrival was not Fang Qingshan, but the team. Pig Bajie fled and fled.


Pig Bajie rushed out of Tongtianhe like a cannonball and landed on the shore. When he saw Sun Monkey, he felt that the monster didn't come after him, and he let out his breath.

"Bajie, what's wrong with you? Master Sha?"

According to the convention, cooperation is divided.

If they are running on the ground and flying in the sky, they will be dominated by Sun Monkeys.

If it is in the water, take the pig Bajie as a pioneer.

So after Zhu Bajie and Sha monk shot together, Sun Monkey waited on the shore.

If it can be won, then it is the best. If it can't be taken off, it leads to the water and joins hands.

Just like dealing with sand monks, Xiao Xiaolong is the same.

However, I did not expect that the monks of Zhu Bajie and Sha entered the Tongtian River for a short time. The pig Bajie ran out in a panic, and the monk Sha disappeared.

Sun Monkey rushed over and raised Pig Bajie, asking anxiously.

"Hey, don't mention it."

Pig Bajie shook his head with anxiety.

"This time, I'm afraid we have planted it. The monster is not what we can handle at all, so let's ask Uncle."

"Oh? What the **** is going on?"

Hearing the words of Zhu Bajie, Sun Monkey's heart couldn't help but follow.

How capable the pig's eight precepts are, the monkeys get along with each other day and night. Not weaker than yourself.

Even if you barely beat it, there won't be a big gap.

But if you really fight, there won't be a thousand rounds and you can't tell the difference.

As for the battle of life and death, there is no way to talk about it.

Especially in the water, his combat power has a bonus, and then cooperate with the monk sand.

However, even with this kind of strength, actually let the pig Bajie directly give up the struggle and proposed to ask Fang Qingshan.

From this we can see how much pressure this monster brings on him.

"The monster is too powerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It ’s like a antelope hanging on the horns, standing up and letting us attack, but it ’s a trick, it ’s very powerful, and it ’s awful. It ’s abnormal. Its defensive counter-attack force was wounded and lost its combat effectiveness. And if it was not intentional, I would not even be able to escape. "

Pig Bajie said with a sigh of relief.

"Oh? This demon is so cruel?"

Monkey Monkey heard the words, his eyes narrowed into a line.

After hearing the words of Zhu Bajie, Monkey Monkey immediately knew that this monster was not a mess.

It just surprised Sun Monkey.

If according to the Eight Commandments of the Pig, that monster is not just supernatural, it can make people desperate even if they are close to each other.

But in the Black Wind Mountain, Sun Monkey heard Fang Qingshan talk about monsters of all sizes.

These monsters are strong and weak.

Strong as the demon king, he has stood in the Nishi-Niuju almost a pyramid-shaped monster.

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