Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 814: Pangu

The outbreak of the two monkeys Monkey and Pig Bajie, the fighting force directly chased Da Luo Jinxian. -

Don't say that in this era, Jinxian can become a giant of one party.

Even in the Fengshen era, it is also a master. I do n’t see him. At that time, there were still twelve golden immortals in Taiji.

Unfortunately, I met the wrong person at the wrong time.


As Wu Yunxian's words fell, the sword was picked, and a bit of dazzling sword light burst from the fingertips, like the dawn of ancient times, which illuminated the ‘hybrid’ chaos at the beginning of the world.


With a light noise, whether it is the monkey stick figure of Sun Monkey, or the three heads and six arms of Pig Bajie, but the breath is slashed by the sword light, and the cracks of the spider web spread like ripples.

"Well, two little guys, you are not my opponents. Give up and call Fang Qingshan. My goal is him."

Wu Yunxian stood with his hands up and said lightly.

"Huh, talk nonsense, take this trick and say it again."

The monkey monkey snorted.

"'Great' hit Pangu!"

As soon as the words came down, Sun Monkey was completely violent. With his incorruptible body and bright stone monkey body, he looked like a cracked porcelain, bursting a crack like a spider's web, and his blood became like a spring. Become blood.

But listening to the name, you can know that this is a taboo move.

"Awesome" playing Pangu, good guy, thanks to him shouting.

If in the presence of Zu Zu or San Qing, I'm afraid even the son-in-law can't guarantee to keep him.

However, this trick is not to sell dog 'meat' by hanging sheep's head. It is really 'stick' to fight Pangu.

This is because after Monkey Monkey was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, ‘Ji’ issued a trace of the ‘mixed’ chaos demon apes to get the killing trick.

This ‘hybrid’ chaos ape has another name among the three thousand demon gods called the four elephant deities.

Therefore, his bloodline is four points, which can evolve into the ‘mixed’ world of the four monkeys.

This is comparable to the top-level demons, not weak ‘mixed’ chaos thunder gods.

It was also the main force behind the siege of Pangu.

At that time, the crazy ‘mixed’ chaos demon ape, a fatal attack, even caused Pangu a lot of trouble.

As soon as this move was made, the gold ‘color’ gas became gray and ‘color’ light and shadow. With a long roar, the lightning converged on the golden hoop 'stick', condensed into substance, and a 'stick' waved off.

Space Zi La La was split into a long crack.

For even a moment, the chaos around the fissures turned into 'mixed' chaos, and the fire, wind, and wind tumbled.

Although it is just a touch, it is chaotic.

You should know that this is the world of the westward journey, a world of flood and waste level, although it is not comparable to the heyday, but it is also above the world of thousands, not immortal, a world like Shushan can be compared.

I am afraid that it is possible to break the barriers of top worlds such as the Journey to the West and evolve the ‘mixed’ chaos.

狰狞 As the devil opened his mouth, He swept away towards the black cloud fairy.

"it is good!"

Seeing Sun Monkey ’s trick, Zhu Bajie suddenly lighted his eyes.

"Today, the old pig also gave up his life with the gentleman."

"'Great' hiccups!"

With a smile on his face, Zhu Bajie also performed a trick of taboos that he still cannot control.

This is not a secret trick taught by man, but a trick of epiphany by chance.

His movements are not as big as those of Sun Monkey, but he can see that the nine-tooth rake in the hands of Zhu Bajie is not like fighting.

But the power is not necessarily small.

Along with the trajectory of the rake, it seemed that the figure of Yaochi Jinmu was seen, but she could see that she unplugged the Jinye above her head and made a light stroke in front of her.

Heaven and earth two points, Yin Han 迢迢.

Yes, the trick of the pig Bajie was actually when she was stationed in Tianhe, and she witnessed that the queen mother ‘stick’ to fight cowboys and weavers ‘women’ and get out of the galaxy.

I don't know if he is a coincidence or an extraordinary talent. He actually realized such a trick from the mother's hands.

Don't look at the Queen Mother, it seems that there is no sense of existence except for the Tao Tao Festival.

But among the flood goddesses, there is no simple one.

‘Girl’ 娲, Hou Tu, Xuan Ming, 羲 He, Mother Xi ... All of them are embarrassed generations.

Based on the practice of Yaochi Golden Mother, although it is not obvious that the mountains are not exposed, it is definitely not under Zhenyuanzi and others.

After all, her talents are not bad, and she once followed Dao Hongjun, and she is now a mother of heaven.

To say that the first master of heaven, I don't look at the 'Jade' Emperor, but the Queen Mother.

After all, the 'Jade' emperor also set up 1,750 calamities, one yuan for each calamity, 129,000 years, and the 'wave' spent so much time.

The most important thing is that although he was the Lord of the Three Realms, he was suppressed by six saints.

Not to mention the decentralized Liu Yu.

Just from the beginning of Fengshen Dajie, it was caused by his inability to mobilize the "Religions" of the Three Religions. When traveling to the west, he even went to Xitian to invite such a visit.

"Okay !!!!"

If it was said that Wu Yunxian was just admiring that the seniors appreciated the younger generations, then at this moment, I am a little amazed, and I ca n’t help but sound three times.

"Well, a Buddha's door guards the law, and a man teaches it, and it turns out that the talented people are born on behalf of Jiangshan, and the new generation replaces the old!"

"It seems that if I don't show my skills today, I really let you down."

Wuyunxian noodles ‘color’ Yizheng,

"Buddha is the way!"

After a while, golden lotus blooms, the Buddha's light shines, slowly the Buddha's light grows more and more, and the golden lotus grows more and more. For a time, it seems like the number of sands in the Ganges River.

Then, with the speed visible to the flesh, the thick Buddha light became lighter, and the gold 'color' lotus 'flower' turned towards the blue 'color' lotus 'flower'.

After a while, the clouds are raining, and all lotus ‘flowers’ are gathered together in the middle to form a banner.

Facing the wind, the sky ’s flowers are falling!

Although it is said that Xianxian Sword Formation is the most powerful interception.

Wanxianzhen is a treasure of jealousy. After all, as much as Buddha ’s ‘gate’, Jeju has no treasure to suppress luck.

Therefore, the leader of Tongtian Church ingeniously, the above-mentioned ancient East Prince Wanxian array evolved this 'gate' formation method to suppress the great teaching luck ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Therefore, he has received many disciples with different characteristics, in addition to emulating Hongjun In addition to classes, there are also disciples who practice matrix formations to suppress luck.

Qingping Sword is the symbol of the Master of Heaven.

Then the ‘flower’ flag is a totem for all disciples.

That year, the banner was displayed and Wanxian came to the North.

Wu Yunxian is not in vain in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

Of course, there is no way.

Stay in it, even if you don't want to understand the Dharma.

Those who are near Zhu and those who are close to Mo are black.

Fortunately, instead of being assimilated by the Buddha's door, he has a strong Taoist heart. Instead, he has confirmed the Taoism with the Dharma.

As soon as the flag of the ‘flower’ shook, the green lotus fell, and the ‘wave’ turned, Jin Zhenzhenhai, Wanxian came.

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