Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 815: Ask for help

The treasure of the "Flower" Wonderful Falling Flag, although it was only used by the Lord to gather disciples before the preaching of the Heavenly Preaching, was the same as the golden bell of hermeneutics. difference. . For more recent chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ.

Today, Wuyunxian uses the twelve-pin golden lotus to evolve the ‘flower’ magical falling flag, uses Buddhism to prove Taoism, and shows that the Buddha is a Taoist magical power.

Convergence and transformation, although it has not yet achieved the level of the three religions as Duobao, can not be underestimated.

At least it is enough to deal with the two monkeys.

Although ‘stick’ hit Pangu and ‘stick’ snooze are taboo tricks for both Sun Monkey, both of them have lowered their cultivation, which is a big gap with Wuyunxian.

Therefore, the sky ‘flower’ fell, cleared.

It seems as if there are a pair of big hands that have smoothed out all the twists and turns.

Whether it's Sun Monkey ’s ‘stick’ that breaks the ‘mix’ chaos, or a rake that divides Tianhe by Zhu Bajie, they all stay together, and even Yu’bo is being kept under control.

The wind stopped, the clouds scattered, and the sky was suddenly bright.

The ‘mixed’ chaos of the demon ape ’s law on the top of Sun Monkey ’s head and the golden mother of Yaochi on the head of Zhu Bajie immediately collapsed like a dream bubble.

Then, a huge force shook the two of them back, as if they were slammed on the ground like a fly, and the blade in their hands came out.

A pale 'color' appeared on the cheeks of their two, and their sweat and blood 'mixed' together, flowing like a stream.

The whole body is soft, and the muscles and bones all emit painful moans and groans, so that they can't exert any strength.

Don't talk about black clouds at this moment, even a little demon can abuse them.

And Wu Yunxian does not seem to be a little different from before the ‘fight’. Except for the slightly thicker breath, the clothes are still neat and tidy, and even the hair is not ‘messy’.

Looking at the opposite eyes, Sun Monkey felt cold in their hearts.

At this moment, Monkey Monkey seemed to remember the scene of being suppressed by Rulai again, it was so helpless and hopeless.

Zhu Bajie also seemed to have the feeling of facing his master Xuandu Master.

"how can that be?"

"who are you?"

Seeing this scene, Sun Monkey and Zhu Bajie are both unbelievable.

The taboo tricks of the two of them, even if they are new to the quasi-sage, they may be in trouble.

But this monster still took it lightly, how could this be.

"Our dark fairy!"

Wu Yunxian said his name lightly, and then took away Sun Monkey and Pig Bajie with a shake of his hands.

"Black Cloud?"

Of course, this monkey-like name doesn't leave much impression on Monkey Monkey. He hadn't even heard of Yuan Zi, let alone a person like Wu Yunxian.

Even the beginning of the pig Bajie did not respond.

It is true that in addition to Wanxian's brilliant performance, Wuyunxian was covered by the four Duobao and Yunxiao sisters on weekdays.

But in the end he had heard the name and remembered it a little.

The reason for this is also thanks to that year, when he followed Xuandu Master's art, he heard Xuandu Master's appraisal of the world's masters, this dark cloud is one of them.

Those peer masters will not talk about it, and the peers of Xuandu Teacher.

In addition to Jing Xuan ’s ‘Yan’ and ‘Yan’ Kong Xuan, the Jedi rebirth Duobao, the old and strong burning lamp ...

Wu Yunxian is also a person mentioned by Xuan Du Shi.

He once said that as long as Wu Yunxian was directly invested in the Buddha's 'door' like Duobao and others, or if he could maintain his heart, his achievements would never be weaker than others.

"No wonder!"

Pig Bajie could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In terms of his generation, this person who should be his own uncle, when playing the Battle of Gods, was able to fight red ‘sperm’ and Guangchengzi to scramble.

Not to mention now.

Although defeated and captured, he became a mascot.

But Xiuwei is not going backwards.

Because the place where he stayed was transported to the Babaobao Merit Pool by the western town.


The little white dragon who had been hiding in the dark for fear of being stung by the pond fish, saw Wu Yunxian finally go, and could not help but take a deep breath.

It was just that the bad breath was too late to spit out, and Wu Yunxian's voice sounded in the ear of Little Bailong.

"Go and report to Fang Qingshan."

Xiao Bailong heard that he didn't suffocate in a single breath, and he was totally stunned. He didn't think about it, so he rose up and flew towards the mountains of the two circles.

Liang Jieshan, at this moment, although Fang Qingshan's repairs have not improved much.

But the realm has slowly grown. Although it is not comparable to eternal blessing, compared with his daily enlightenment, the speed is almost heaven and earth, and he is steadily moving towards the middle and late stages of Da Luo. Task.

And he is responsible for using the power of preaching to temper the power of magic.

Five Elements Bracelet, Five Elements Cone, ‘Mixed’ Yuan Yiqi Catching Hands, Five Elements Chess, Five Elements Halo, Big Five Elements Extinction Needle ...

Various supernatural powers have made great progress.

Fang Qingshan couldn't stop feeling tempted for a while.

For a monk, what could be more refreshing than being able to feel your progress with the naked eye?

It wasn't until Xiao Bailong came to Liangjie Mountain that he interrupted his enjoyment.

"Too life-saving!"

"Why are you here? Sun Wukong, what about Pig Bajie?"

Looking at the frightened little white dragon, Fang Qingshan frowned slightly and couldn't help but frown.

Difficult times in the past, either Sun Monkey or Zhu Bajie came to please yourself, how can I change to a little white dragon today?

Don't say now, even the original little white dragon in the original track has only played two soy sauces.

"Big Brother and Second Brother were taken by the monster."

Xiao Bailong said out of breath.

"The monster asked me to report to you."

"Caught by the monster? Did the monster ask you to report to me?"

Fang Qingshan's face was suspicious for a while, and some husband-in-law's monk ‘feeled’ unconscious.

"What the **** is going on? Don't worry, say slowly."


I don't know if it feels safe, or Fang Qingshan's words played a role. Xiao Bailong calmed down and told Fang Qingshan about the previous events.

It's not that he was timid ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It really was that he was too shocked by everything that happened before.

The outbreak of Sun Monkey and Pig Bajie has made him unbelievable, and the monster is even more alarming.

"Tongtianhe? Dark clouds?"

Fang Qingshan was a stunner first, wasn't Tongtianhe an inspiration king? How did it become a dark cloud?

After I figured it out, I knew what was going on, but it turned out that it was the Buddha's door that finally found his account.

"Interesting, interesting."

For the arrival of this day, Fang Qingshan was not surprised at all.

Although he aimed at Guanyin, he also hit the Buddha's door indirectly.

So, why didn't they come back with revenge?

The reason why I did n’t do it before was just to wait for the right time.

Don't you come now?

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