Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 818: Qi Xian Jian Qi


Seeing this scene, Wu Yunxian's eyes suddenly rounded. -79 小说 网-

Dude, what magic weapon is this heavenly boat, the body is already very powerful, almost all have the innate sense of sight, those arrows, crossbows, towers, cannons, including the bell just now, even the original bridge, now The lights are actually top-level innate lingbaos, and they are not weak at all.

This exactly confirms his previous thought.

This is not a treasure, but a living being.

The main body of the Tianzhou is the deity, arrows, crossbows, towers, and cannons are ordinary magical spells. The bridge on the other side and the passing water lamp are more powerful spiritual treasures controlled by the soul.

Although many thoughts passed through her mind, Wu Yunxian didn't pause at all.


The sword ‘flower’ trembled, and Jin Ye turned the wind into everything.

Cut off, cut off, cut off first, teach later.

If it is said that explaining education is the way of observing the sky, and demonstrating the mission of the sky, intercepting the teaching is to take it as one and intercept the vitality.

Yishunyiyini, this is why the Sanqing family separated, cut off the teachings, and explained why the trouble was out of control.

The road is different, the roads are different.

Don't look at the sword in Wu Yunxian's hands without any name. Compared with the ‘mixed’ Yuan Hammer that he hit Guang Chengzi and red ‘Sperm’ in the past, it seems to have no comparable ‘sex’.

This is not the case.

Although the sword in Wuyunxian's hand is not a top congenital spirit treasure.

But it is also his painstaking efforts to collect the unknown treasures, and asked Duobao to make a top-level acquired treasure.

In the flood, if you talk about refining treasures, you should first consider Yuan Shi Tianzun, followed by Moral Tianzun and 'woman'.

The moral deity is very easy to explain, why is there a 'woman' son? This is the blessing of Qian Kunding in her hands.

This is the old master of Lianbao,

The words of the younger generation are completely inseparable from the two mountains of Yunzhong Neu and Duobao, which is a censorship.

However, they did not follow the same route.

Cloud neutron is another way, a copycat madman, from the Three Great Opening Heavenly Treasures, to Honghuang's famous Lingbao, he copied it all.

It is a pity that Lingbao is the only one. The cottage is the cottage, which is not only less powerful than the original, but also has a limited life span.

The magic weapon he refined was like the rune treasure in the world of Xiuxian.

Even so, no one dared to belittle him.

Even Fu Bao, even the cottage, even if it can't keep up with the original.

But as long as there is a little power, it is already insufferable, because he imitates the treasure of the sky, it is a treasure that shines in the flood.

However, it is also because of the unusual path of Yun Neutron. Although he is a fairy of Ford, although he inherited the power of Yuanshi Tianzun's refining treasure, at the beginning, he did not like Yuanshi Tianzun to like it None of them are listed among the Twelve Golden Immortals.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is the most orderly and orderly person, but Yun Zhongzi's behavior is a bit apostate.

And what about Duobao? It is ordinary and orthodox.

Duobao, Duobao, not only because he is the shape of a multi-tower, but because he has refined Lingbao and the level of madness is no less than Cloud Neutron.

However, although Duobao has the ability to refine the treasure, few people see him perform any spiritual treasure.

The reason is very simple.

Because it is his own formidable, ordinary opponents do not need Lingbao at all, ordinary opponents are not useful at all.

On the other hand, it is because most of the spiritual treasures he refined are integrated into the multi-tower pagoda.

Duobao, Duobao, the more babies are integrated, the greater the power of this Lingbao.

Although the two of them have the ability to make treasures, although they are not better than blue out of blue, they are not necessarily weak in some respects.

The sword in Wuyunxian's hands was made by Duobao's "fine" heart, and finally even incorporated a Qixian sword in it.

In terms of power, although it is not as good as the top-level congenital lingbao, it is not much worse than the general top-grade congenital lingbao.

Coupled with the support of Shangqing swordsmanship and his realm.

Black Cloud's attack can be imagined.

A sword fell, like a hole in the sky, a hole in the sky, a hole in the sky, and a hole in it.

Accompanied by the sword 'yin', the sword howls, like an aurora, the 'hole' penetrates a vacuum, pulling out a long silver and white sword mark.

Actually, after the eighteenth turn of Jiuqu, avoiding the light ‘yin’ area of ​​the passing lantern, he stabbed towards the eternal sky boat.

"It's a cut-off teaching, it's lively, even the time field can be explored."

Fang Qingshan couldn't help but admire when he saw this.

"However, the passing lamp can do more than that."

"Back in time!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that the "hole" had penetrated the light and "yin" field for a while, and the sword air poking towards the eternal sky suddenly seemed to have a force pulling him backwards and back.

After a while, Jian Qi returned to the original starting point and returned to the sword, and even the power of time continued to trace back. It seems that Jian Qi and the sword will be decomposed into the original material.


At this moment, the sword seemed to sense the threat. Without being urged by the dark clouds, a sharp sword light burst into the sky, and the gods were destroyed.

Not only did Jianguang break back in time, he actually used the power of time to tear open the 'yin' realm of light and cut directly to the passing lantern.

"Space is still!"

Seeing Jianguang fall, as if the passing water lamp was divided into corpses, and the lights flashed again, an absolutely static field was formed. At the moment of the epoch, Jianguang's fall was stopped and kept under control.

Qi Xian Jian Qi!

This is the origin of the Qixian Sword that the Wuyunxian Sword was refining.

One is to temper the sword with sword gas, to strengthen the power of the sword, and the other is to allow Wuyunxian to watch the sword fairy's qi day and night, and polish the sword skills. Finally, it is naturally used as a life-saving hole card.

In ancient times, the floods were not saints. The Lich dominated the world. Walking the floods was dangerous.

With this 诛仙 剑气 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is equivalent to 诛仙 剑 's blow, even if the ordinary quasi-san can pay attention without paying attention.

With this sword qi, it is equivalent to having an ace.

Before Fengshen, as long as it is not too bad luck, not to mention killing the enemy, at least you can fight for the opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that in times of death, in the Wanxian array, Wu Yunxian met the sage Junti to take his own shot, otherwise, he might not be able to escape like an immortal mother.

Now with the improvement of Wuyunxian Xiu, although this Qixian sword Qi has been eliminated from the hole card, this does not mean that the power is low, just because Wuyunxian's method is more powerful.

If you don't see him, this sword will tear the attack of the passing lamp, and it will almost kill the passing lamp.

Even if he was imprisoned in time and space at the last moment, it also made the passing lantern unable to attack again.

"It's a dark cloud, it's really powerful, and the means are endless."

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan on the deck could not help but sigh.

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