Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 819: Jade Emperor's emotions

The world is so big, so many people come out. . For more recent chapters visit: ШЩЩ.⑦⑨XS.сОМ. Maybe when an old monster ran out.

You should know that after Xiuwei reaches Jinxian, as long as there is no accident, it will not fall easily. After all, immortal Jinxian is not fun.

If even break through Da Luo, all time and space, eternal and comfortable. That's true immortality, life is in harmony with the sky.

From the ancient times to the present, although it has experienced several calamities, the old monsters that survived are definitely not a few.

Especially after the gods were sealed, the saints had been banned by Taoism.

Some old monsters will stupidly ‘want’ to move.

So can't belittle anyone.

If you do n’t see him, it ’s just a dark cloud fairy. You have already broken your own deck attack unit and the two units on the furnace of eternal **** without even using your true ability.

Although the deck attack is suspected of paddling, it is about to keep up with the rhythm, but the bridge on the other side and the passing water lamp are both realistic top-level congenital spirit treasures.

Especially the ephemeral lamp, but it is a fusion of the eternal world, the origin dynasty received the master of time and the sand of time warrior itself.

Although this thing is not comparable to the remnants of a time hourglass in the Liusha River, it is also the top treasure.

After all, everything related to time and space is not idle.

Although it took Wu Yunxian's sword qi.

But being able to break the time of the fading water lamp is extremely valuable.

Just when Fang Qingshan was feeling sorrowful, the eyes of the top people in the entire Westward Journey were cast in the Tongtian River.

This is the first 'fighting' above the level of quasi-sanctification after the Battle of Gods. This is rare.

As for Heifeng Mountain, Guanyin was not counted that time.

Because at that time, the eternal sky boat had not been successfully promoted, and Guanyin did not really ‘fight’ with the eternal sky boat.

Before he died, he died first. Don't say that he was short of success, just like Zhuge Liang scolded Wang Lang.

In addition, as long as the eyesight of Tongtianhe is at war, one can see what is going on.

This is after the Black Wind Mountain. Fang Qingshan and the Buddha 'gate', or people's teaching and the Buddha 'gate' are yet another confrontation.

Heifeng Mountain, people's teaching won, Tongtianhe is the revenge of the Buddha's gate.

If Fang Qingshan wins this time, the Buddha's 'gate' will be completely defeated. At least until the end of the westward journey, there will be no more moths.

If Fang Qingshan loses, his former achievements will be abandoned.

Although it is not a mountain, it is a shortfall. But the next thing will not be so smooth, and it will even affect the luck of the last heavenly award.

People, whether ants or giant crickets, have a gossip heart.

Of course, apart from Rulai, who really cares about the success or failure, it is Guanyin. Everyone else is just playing soy sauce, watching the lively existence, it has nothing to do with it.

The Mahayana Buddhism headed by Duobao, the original western people headed by Maitreya, the ‘medicine’ master Buddha, the four bodhisattva headed by the King of the Tibetan King, the seven ancient buddha headed by the lantern ...

Even within the Buddha's 'door', it is not a monolith.

Duobao is because of face, Guanyin is purely hateful.

"Hey, it ’s true that the dismissal is a dismissal. Wanxian came to the DPRK. Even if the disciples have more filial piety, the true‘ fine ’English is still enviable.”

Yao Chi, Jin Mu and Emperor Yu were sitting together. In front of Haotian Mirror, the situation of Tongtian River was broadcast live as it was.

Haotian is also a poor and wise wife.

Although the battle of Fengshen was started because of his complaint, the position of the heavenly courts was also filled to seven or eight.

But his situation has not changed much, and the resources he can mobilize have not changed, but fewer.

The explanation is based on the Antarctic Longevity Emperor, and the censorship is mainly based on Kham Dom. There is still a Taishang Laojun in the 33rd Middle School.

On the contrary, he also offended the mysterious "door" saint.

The most important thing is that in the end, the Buddha 'door' was freely picked.

Really hate the golden thread every year, making marriage clothes for others,

Therefore, when seeing Wu Yunxian, Emperor Jade couldn't help touching the scene.

Think of how good it would be if I had these helpers.

Take a look at the Buddha's door. The reason why it has developed so fast is that most of the three thousand red dusters who turned over in the past year have basically turned to the Buddha's door.

This is not a pretentious gesture, but a real feeling.

Duobao and others of the Buddha's Gate did not say that, it was only the Plague Department, Fire Department, Thunder Department and so on in the court of heaven. These combat departments 'gates' were all disciples who had disciples from outside the 'gates'. Three generations of disciples can now stand on their own.

How can this not make the Jade Emperor envious?

Unfortunately, although the talents are good, they are not their own.

"If the censorship is still going on, after all these years of development, I am afraid the whole flood and famine will be disturbed because of this."

The Queen Mother on the side said something very lightly.

Yeah, think about the first person under the saints today, Dobo, think of Viljana Buddha, one of the seven ancient Buddhas, think of the twenty-four Dinghai **** beads, and they ca n’t be found. Zhao Gongming in the north relied on the Yellow River of the Nine Songs to cut the sky of the three 'flowers' and 'breasts' on the top of the twelve golden immortals. Think of the dark clouds of today ...

If these people are gathered in the censorship, coupled with Xianxian Sword Formation, Wanxian Formation, and Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, these can be challenged beyond the ranks, with less victory over more, and weak over strength. Just thinking about it will make people shudder.

I am afraid that the entire famine will live under their shadow.

At that time, there is no need to sue, no reason to seduce, I am afraid that the interception will be attacked by the group. You do n’t need to ask for the original, you can be mentioned, and even the ‘woman’ is shooting together.

Not to mention, the chat between the mother of the mother and the 'Jade' emperor, the others were either interested or watching with 'color'.

Fang Qingshan's and Wu Yunxian's attacks were more 'aggressive'.

"Come again!"

As soon as the voice fell, the passing water lamp shook, and instantly turned into mottled fluorescent dots floating in the air.

After Xu Xun, a black handle, bound to the ‘yin’ soul and evil spirit, with a scream of screaming, exuding boundless death and killing, revealing the sickle with a stubborn breath turned from nothing to reality in mid-air.

This is the embodiment of death ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ synonymous with despair, harvesting all beings.

Death sickle!

After the passing lamp was broken, Fang Qingshan directly released the third-ranked attack weapon.

The first is the Thunder Banner, and the second is the ‘mixed’ chaos.

It can also be said to be the first attack weapon.

Because neither the bridge on the other side nor the passing lantern is not a pure attack on Lingbao.

Compared with the past, the death sickle is stronger in nature, more powerful, and has a stronger breath of death.

Don't break and stand, break and stand.

Last time, in the eyes of the West China Sea, the death sickle attacked and attacked Tenjin Thunder.

Although the final result was a bit horrible, not only was the blade of a knife cut, and even the knife body was covered with cracks. It almost broke into pieces directly, not to mention scrapping, but it was also severely damaged.

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