Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 834: Counterattack

The sword battle was golden and airy, and the flag was flying in the clouds.

This body set the sword of Gancheng sword, weeping ghosts and gods throughout the day.

Looking at Duo Bao Kong Xuan and others, each of the eight immortals showed their magical powers across the sea.

Lei Di could not help but show a little excitement and excitement.

I think, from the beginning of Honghuang to the sky, to this day, in addition to himself, only Mozu Luodi had enjoyed such treatment in that year.

Besieged by Dao Zu Hongjun, Yin Yang, Five Elements, Upside Down, Qian Kun, etc.

Only such an adversarial opponent, and only this shocking supernatural power and spiritual treasure, can excite Lei Di's desire to fight.

The wave of attacks just now was just the first test.

If even this wave of attacks can't be resisted, Fang Qingshan must think carefully if he encounters counterfeit goods or if they have any conspiracy.


Come without indecent ass!

Duobao and others were not just those who were beaten but not beaten. They accepted Fang Qingshan's meeting ceremony, and they naturally wanted to double their repayment.

Duobao opened his mouth to make a lion roar, made a thunderous sound, and revealed his murderous spirit. There is still no sacrifice of spiritual treasure. For the strong body of the refiner, the physical body and fist are their best weapons.

I do n’t see him. The twelve ancestors of that year, except Dijiang had a close-up staff and a broken jade hook. The other ancestors were basically bare-handed?

The reason for this is that once it is used, the fist is very happy to the flesh, and even if it is a top-level congenital spirit treasure, it may not be better than them with their fists. In addition, the ancestral witch has no primal spirit and can only use weapons They cannot sacrifice spiritual treasures, but can carry their strength, even weapons that have blessings on combat effectiveness, at least Yuan Tu Abi first-class. Such treasures are countless in this flood. You can't find it.

So basically they all use their fists to solve the problem. Also forced to helpless.

Duobao also has such a problem.

Although he does not lack treasure, there are no weapons that can increase his combat effectiveness.

Other treasures are not easy to use, some are better than none.

However, this time, although he was empty-handed, he did not attack at will, but performed magical powers.

But I can see that there are five fingers in one treasure, and the roots are like the pillars of the sky and the peaks of the gods.

If Sun Monkey was here, he would immediately recognize that this was the year when Rulai suppressed the Buddha in his palm.

Fang Qingshan's mixed-element mastery of five elements borrowed a little of the subtlety.

Duobao strode forward, stepping on his feet like a cymbal drum, except for the lotus step at his feet, the chaos surrounding it was blown up, the void shattered, and it became chaotic. Anything in front of it was He was directly torn apart.

Rumble! !!

Along with the killing sound, one palm covered the sky, and the big hand turned, as if the heavens and the earth were overturned, whistling and attacking towards the other side.

However, with the giant palm falling, it is the Sanskrit sounds, and the Zen chants again and again.

However, in addition to the five fingers like Tianzhu, a blissful world has evolved in the palm. There are mountains, rivers, sun, moon, stars, bodhi forest, quiet bamboo sea, puppet trees, and eight treasure ponds. There are eight Tianlongs, Yasha Shura, Heavenly King Kong Kong, Fa Luo Han, King of the Blue Sky, Bodhisattva Buddha, the light of the Buddha, the Sanskrit chanting, and the bright and compassionate Buddha number, just like a small world.

I don't know, I thought I came to the Lingshan Daleiyin Temple.

In fact, this is not fantasy, not fantasy, but a real world.

The so-called sleeves are big, and the pot is long.

The demon clan has a pot of refining demon, the Taoist school has its own sleeve, and the Buddhist gate also has the Buddha country in its palm.

Duobao's magical power is no worse than the heavenly world opened by the burning lamp. You can even chase the map of Shanheshe.

Of course, in order to reach this step, he needs to cultivate further.

However, even now, the power is still extraordinary.

Kong Xuan still displayed his five-colored light.

Really a trick, eat all over the sky.

This time, he is using the five-colored magical light.

There was a vacuum across Shenguang, everything was swept away, and even the eternal sky was shaking for a while, and it seemed to be swept away by Shenguang.

Looking at this posture, I am afraid that even if it is a congenital treasure, it may not be able to brush away.

"Lingling lamp, get up!"

This time, the burning lamp sacrificed the full-body spirit lamp.

As soon as this ancient lamp came out, I immediately saw a glow in the gray flame, which was obscure, the afterglow of the setting sun, the ghost fire of the grave, originally, the lamp brought the Light brings warmth.

However, the lingering lamp brings death, ruin, and decay.

Although it feels quite different, the effect is surprisingly consistent.

Like the real fire in the sun, the red lotus industry fire, and the Nanming fire, the lingering lights also have terrible destructive power.

But unlike other flame bursts, the lingering lights are more sinister, as if they are epidemic gangrene.

All I saw was that wherever Denghui went, the entire void, and even the chaos, seemed to be dying at the speed of the naked eye.

The chaotic air illuminated by the light has begun to transform into a peaceful chaotic aura, congenital aura, acquired aura, ordinary gas that has lost its spirituality, with a filthy turbid gas ... The light falls, and there is no burning The taste is that it can make people feel green, white and snowy. For a thousand years, it will take away vitality and dry glory for a moment.

Under the light, there is no life, no hope, no hope, numbness, death.

"Please baby turn!"

This time, Lu Ya directly sacrificed the flying sword.

Although the map of the Shanhe Society is high-end in the high-end atmosphere, unless it is a map of people, otherwise, it may not be stronger than the cutting sword.

After all, the map of Shanheshe is not a killing treasure, but the sword of cutting fairy.

In addition, Shanheshe's figure is the son-in-law's baby ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lu pressure is only borrowed. Compared with the smooth cutting of the flying sword, it must not be so instructive.

But when I saw the land pressure, I took off the yellow-skin gourd hanging from the waist and lifted the gourd cover. There was a white light like a line rising from the air; a seven-inch five-point villain appeared on the top of the white light with eyes and wings. Eyebrows and eyes.

Lu Yiyao worshiped for a long time, and in a short time, the villain's eyes shot two white lights and fell towards the eternal sky boat. It seemed to fix it in place, and then the treasure turned in the air for two or three turns, a sharp one. The blade of light shot out and fell straight towards the sky boat, and Fang Qingshan observed that it was no worse than the original death sickle.

"Bless the **** pestle !!"

Maitreya casts his magical power, holding the blessing of the god, and knocks it with a stick.

The Wu tribe has Pan Guzhen's body-decision, the demon tribe has the demon immortal body, the Taoist school has nine Zhuanyuangong, and the Buddhist gate also has the mysterious gong.

Although Maitreya ’s refining realm is not as good as Duobao, he still has a certain ambition.

Cooperating with blessing of God's pestle is complementary. Reading Network

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