Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 835: response

The blessing of the **** pestle is worthy of the attack of the West second only to Qibao Miaoshu.

One plus holding the God's Pestle fell, and we could see a golden ‘卐’ character flashing with a thousand feet of Buddha light. In this 卐 character, a profound chanting sound continued to sound.

These bursts of Sanskrit sounds are quite different from those of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Duobao.

If it is said that the Buddha's voice in the Buddha's palm is to persuade people to do good, to save sentient beings, and to bless supernatural powers.

Then the blessing of the Buddha's voice on the **** pestle is the anger of the Ming king, the anger of King Kong, the thunderbolt.

One plus holding the God's Pestle fell, giving people an immortal, world-defining power.


The pharmacist Liu Liguang Wang Rulai manifested the world of the East Jingli Liuli. He should have used the name Liuli to display six clean bamboos.

However, that is to persuade people to do good and redeem them.

Here, it does the opposite.

Six clean bamboos seal the six senses, and the three poisons of greed, cricket, and idiot.

Although this attack was not as powerful as Duobao, Kong Xuan, etc., it was extremely weird, and almost even Lei Emperor was hit, and he stood by.

If this is the case, even if the Tianzhou defense is unparalleled, I am afraid it will be hit hard.

As for the other people, although they are not as powerful as the previous ones, Lingbao is unparalleled.

However, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes, and people are just not as powerful as Duobao and others, not that they are weak.

"Good job!"

Saw Fang Qingshan here.

We have implemented a policy of focused blows and absolute defenses.

Jump out of the most fierce ones to attack, and the others' attacks rely on the Taixu Jia and the Tianzhou body to resist.

"Not long ago I used the five-element bracelet to meet the Vajra ring. Now let me see if it is a great treasure or if your five colors are shining."

The words fell, and a golden bronze coin was seen flying out.

Inside and outside, with double wings.

With the falling treasure money into the eternal sky boat, with the circulation of supernatural money.

Lost money is not what it used to be.

Although the money that was lost before was the top congenital spirit treasure.

But it's just the bottom. Like the other side of the bridge, but just reached the passing line.

However, his ability to drop treasures is too powerful. The bridge on the other side is a space spiritual treasure, which can increase the speed of the sky boat. Fang Qingshan then integrated them into the sky boat.

But this time, this time.

Today's lost money, although not as good as the death scythe, is just as powerful.

The first is that the weapon cannot be dropped, and the disadvantages of only being able to drop three treasures daily are eliminated.

Followed by, is the grade, although the original is also the top congenital spirit treasure, the prohibition is three more.

On one side is supreme supernatural power, and on the other side is top spiritual treasure.

On the one hand, there is nothing to brush, Kong Xuan relies on the famous stunt, and on the other hand, nothing to fall is one of the eternal units of the eternal sky boat.

While mixing elements and evolving the five elements, wealth can pass through the gods and make the ghosts grind.

Chess meets opponents and will meet Liangcai.

Although Duobao did not display Lingbao, his physical body was not weak at all, and he also performed the supreme power of Buddha in the palm of his hand.

One plus one is much greater than two.

Fang Qingshan did not dare to take this lightly.

"Let my Infernal Hell meet your Bliss World for a while!"

Said, the death scythe was sacrificed, and the past was killed in the direction of Duobao.

On one side is the Bliss World, Lingshan Baocha, and the state of majesty, while on the other is the endless hell, the land of Yan Luo, and the deep ghosts.

One is correct, one is evil, one is gold, one is black, one is Buddha and one is evil.

It seems that the positive and negative poles of yin and yang are either the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River has thousands of miles of sand, and the waves are sweeping from the horizon. To my town!"

Facing land pressure, Fang Qingshan offered a map of the Jiuqu Yellow River and trapped him.

For a while, but seeing the world line up, the Yellow River. The cloudy wind invades the atmosphere, and the dark mist pervades the sun and the moon. Long and dangling. The sky was bleak, and the haze was clear.

Lu Ya apparently did not expect that Tianzhou had such a hand, especially the Jiuqu Huanghezhen, which had let him escape, and was caught in it as soon as he didn't notice. It was not a short time to get away. .

However, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array did not cooperate with the mixed golden fighters. It is not easy to want any land pressure, and the two sides have fallen into a stalemate.

"If the deceased is a husband, don't give up day and night!"

Followed by, Fang Qingshan again sacrificed the deceased lantern, collided with the lantern with the lamp.

Although the grade of the evanescent lamp is a little worse than that of the lingering lamp, it is even better because of the laws of time.

The two lights are also half a catty.

"Too sacred armor, protect me well!"

An armor-like shield emerged from the air, with fish scales and glittering, covering the entire sky with no dead angles at 360 degrees, and every inch was shining with mysterious, thick light.

Facing the counterattack of Duobao and others, Fang Qingshan had no reservations except the Thunder Banner, Zhoutian Star Map, and Chaos Magic Horn. Except for the eternal furnace unit, the deck attack unit has not stopped.

Although these conventional attacks can't do much to Duobao and others, they can at least cause some trouble to others.

Duobao's attack and Fang Qingshan's counterattack directly collided.

Good guy, that ’s a disaster. It was the collective detonation of hundreds or thousands of atomic hydrogen bombs. It was a galaxy rewinding. The law collapsed. It was the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

Powerful destructive power, even this chaotic space is beginning to distort.

Fortunately, this is chaotic space. Although their attacks are powerful, they have not reached the level of destruction. It just makes space ripple, but it's not easy.

The space barriers of the chaotic world are really strong. You must know that this can carry Pangu, a level that transcends heaven and is comparable to the avenue. It is a place that can withstand the chaos from time to time. Can give birth to chaos such as open axe treasure.

If Fang Qingshan and others were placed before Kaitian and ranked with the three thousand deities, it would be a question of whether they could rank at the top of the rank ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So, even if they worked hard, the chaos was still that chaos.

This would be different if it was placed in a flooded world.

Don't say that the current journey to the west is the ancient floods. I am afraid that the world will collapse like the Lich War.

Although the eternal sky boat is powerful, the people present are also without a fuel-saving lamp.

Taking the weakest one out is the existence of the Shanli faction.

When attacking, it is either the top-level innate spiritual treasure used, or the supreme supernatural power.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands!

Although they barely blocked the most powerful attacks, there were still many attacks that rained on bananas and landed in the sky boat, falling on the Taixu **** armor.

Although it did not break the defense, it was too fierce, and the wind and swells of the armor, even the entire eternal sky boat shook the mountain. Reading Network

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