Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 836: Break one finger


"Chaos magic horn, target, burning lamp, hit me."

Fang Qingshan felt that the situation was developing in a bad direction towards himself, and immediately sneered at the corner of his mouth, and issued an impertinent order.

Faced with so many siege masters, it is easy to lose sight of each other, not everything.

Even if it is focused on, comprehensive defense.

But it will not be long, it will not be soft, and it will be lost.

Therefore, the best way is to break them one by one.

Injury his ten fingers, it is better to break one finger.

Start fast, accurate, and cruel.

The reason why I chose to burn the lamp.

One is that Duobao and Kong Xuan are not easy to deal with.

Fang Qingshan estimates that without using the Thunder Banner, even chaos magic horns seem to be infallible.

Once a blow is missed and people are on alert, it's troublesome.

The burning lamp is almost one of the most powerful fighting forces under Duo Bao Kong Xuan.

In addition, the burning lamp has no defense.

So, who are you not looking for?

"Chaos Horn is ready. The target is locked."

Leidi replied quickly.


Fang Qingshan spit out a cold voice.

An extremely slender, flashing chaotic light, like immortal bronze, an eternal diamond-like impact angle appeared in front of the sky boat, flashing sharp, mysterious runes, outlined as a chain of laws, and the practice is usually wrapped around the impact On top of that, an emancipated will will be emitted.

In Xiao Leiyin Temple, Kui Timber Wolf drilled through the head of the monkey Monkey Jin who was trapped, which is undoubtedly the gap between Firefly and Haoyue.

Rumble! !!

As soon as the magic horn came out, who was fighting.

Cluster Tower, Eternal Thunder Pool, Qiqi Riot.

The whole Tianzhou exploded as if it had been beaten by chicken blood.

Hang the sails straight and ride the waves.

Push sideways and hit the burning lamp like a ferocious barrage.

Especially the bow, the one that looked trembling, such as the chaos magic horns on the back, the flashing cold mangs, compared with the death sickle, and the Sancai sword, it was absolutely better.

In the flood, under the congenital treasure, don't say that his attack is better than that, it's comparable, I'm afraid that he can only say it with a sharp gun.

This collision really hit the ground. I am afraid that even the ancestral witch will be directly pierced.

The edge of chaos and magic horns is really going to run into it, it is definitely not a joke, it is terrible.

Ran Deng also felt a horrible threat for the first time. Looking at the collision angle, an unprecedented crisis felt like an atomic bomb burst and burst in his heart.

This degree, even in the face of the three great battles in the flood that year, I have never felt it.

Of course, the main thing is that during the Lich War, the light was just watching.

During the Xianxian Sword Formation, although he personally participated, he was not the main combat force.

"not good,"

"Be careful,"

"Quick flash,"


Duobao and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

Although the collision was not directed at himself, Duobao and others could still feel the horror in it.

Good guys, they thought they knew enough about Fang Qingshan and the eternal sky boat.

The fighting power of the eternal sky boat has been overestimated as much as possible, otherwise, it will not be Duobao, Kong Xuan went out on his own, and even led his siege together. However, he did not expect to underestimate his ability.

After watching the Battle of Tongtianhe, although it was known that Fang Qingshan might not have done his best.

But he did not expect that he still concealed this kind of murder.

Compared to the bridge on the other side, compared to falling treasure money, compared to the passing water lamp, and even compared to the death sickle.

The collision of this chaotic magic horn is too overbearing.

The martial arts in the world is invincible, but it is not broken.

This sentence also applies here.

First of all, the chaos magic horn is the treasure of the chaos destiny, which is as hard as it is, and is still above the death sickle. It is also indestructible.

Secondly, it is the strength and speed of Tianzhou blessing.

Cooperating with each other, added the power of at least three layers of Chaos Magic Horn.

This collision caused the stone to shatter, as if the birth of the Great God, this collision, the mountains and rivers were broken, as if the ancient Taoism and the Devil had destroyed the Western ancestral veins.

Others were also okay, although it was known that the attack was no small feat.

But without personal experience, you cannot fully understand the horrors in it.

There is also only a burning lamp. At the moment when Tianzhou locked, a shadow of death and ice cold spread from the toes to the Tianling cover.

He didn't hide, because it was too late, and it was useless. He had been locked by Tianzhou, and his speed was better than Tianzhou.

Let go and still have a hint of vitality. Turn around and run away, absolutely giving up.


Ran Deng gave a cold drink, shook his hands and scattered twelve Dinghaishenzhu. Jiuxing Lianzhu generally smashed towards the sky boat.

Although he used the same technique as Zhao Gongming.

But the power is quite different.

Because first of all their cultivation is different.

Secondly, Zhao Gongming used Ding Haizhu to smash people, just because Ding Haizhu's material can be used as a brick, and colorful can be confusing.

This is not the same for burning lamps.

Because he has developed the twelve Dinghaizhu into the twelve heavens.

When the twelve beads smashed down, it was the twelve-party world.

Although a single small world has reached the small thousand world at most, it may not even have reached it, and it cannot be compared with the large thousand world in the picture of Shanhe Society.

But with twelve pieces connected together, the power is completely different.

This is like the twelve ancestors alone, although they are also masters and giants, but they are connected with the twelve people, and they cast out a great array of gods and summon Pangu true body, which is completely different.

Of course, the twelve heavens are not so exaggerated, but they are also equivalent to one thousand worlds.

If it is twenty-four heavens, it can even be comparable to the world of thousands.

If it is a complete set of thirty-six heavens, it is not necessarily the same as the small Honghuang in the picture of the mountains and rivers. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although it is, but compared to the chaos magic angle and the sharp edge of the sky boat, twelve The heavens are still not enough. It may even be destroyed.

But even if you know this, there is nothing you can do about burning a lamp.

If the boat hits this place, there is a danger that it will fall if you are not careful.

If you don't want to fall, you only have to resist. You can only delay time and wait for help. If you want to resist, you have to pay the price.

The coffin is the body and cannot be used at all. The lingering lamp is the associated soul treasure. The life is double-repaired. Although the purple gold bowl is good, it is the same as the Qiankun ruler, but it is only a superior congenital spirit treasure.

Only the twelve heavens have enough power. Although it is the foundation of enlightenment, compared to the coffin and the coffin lamp, this cost is already the lightest.

If the coffin is destroyed, it may fall directly.

If the lingering lamp is broken, it will definitely cause irreparable road injuries. By that time, the road will really be lost. Reading Network

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