Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 837: Survival with broken arm

One is the ontology, and the other is the spiritual treasure of double life.

If these two things are destroyed, even if they are not dead, they will cause irreparable harm. Even sages can't bear it. If they want to repair it, it will be difficult to succeed even if they use the son-in-law's good fortune.

The only way is the heavenly path, the road of creation, the eternal blessing.

It is just that such a situation is impossible.

Especially in floods, there is almost no such thing.

Even if it is placed in the heavens and the world, billions of souls can't say it, even if they see such a creation, it is very small.

You must have the right time and place to make peace and harmony, great fortune, great fortune, great opportunity, and you can't get it.

Once the foundation is shaken, it can basically be said to be an absolute avenue.

Therefore, Ran Deng did not dare to take risks at all.

There are only the twelve heavens, although they are also the foundation, but the damage is far less than that of the body and the magic lamp.

One is the skull and the heart, and there must be no problems. The other is the limbs and the five senses. Although they are half-disabled, they can survive and even have the opportunity to rebuild.

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and it can still be developed in the future.

It is impossible to stand still without breaking and standing.

And Lantern knew that there were another twelve Ding Haizhu in Fang Qingshan's hands.

As long as you take the green hill below, you can make up for all your losses.


The sky boat smashed against the twelve heavens.

Countless light flashes.

The suppression of the Zhongqian World on one side really couldn't be underestimated.

Actually contained the speed of Tianzhou.

Although only for a few seconds. But it is already rare.

One by one Dinghaizhu hit the chaotic magic horns.

The sky boat is only slightly slower, and the chaos magic horn is only slightly dim.

Under repeated collisions, Ding Haizhu seemed to hit the stone with pebbles, and the general crack seemed to collapse and break at any time.

Among the twelve heavens, it seems like the end of the day, billions of souls shed blood, and the sky wept.

Compared with the repression of the twelve heavens, the resentment of the billions of souls falling, although the attack power is not so strong, it is more difficult to entangle, but the damage to the chaos magic horns is greater.

Feeling the sky crying in the midst of the twelve heavens, he sealed himself up to this day, and the place of enlightenment managed by the painstaking effort was destroyed once, and the burning heart was dripping blood.

However, obviously this is not enough.

Seeing that the twelve heavens would not hold up.

Ran Deng is also a ruthless person, ruthless to others, and ruthless to himself.


Dude, anyway, if the twelve heavens pass through the sky boat, even if it is not destroyed, it is basically half disabled.

In this case, he directly detonated the twelve heavens.

As soon as possible, hold the sky boat as much as possible to give Duobao and others a helping hand in order to save their lives. Once the twelve heavens blew themselves up, it is equivalent to at least one top quality congenital spirit treasure blew itself. Can't cause harm.


It looks like the black hole exploded and the universe took shape.

Numerous Mars burst out, like the most brilliant fireworks, but the terrorist forces vented it, causing the void in the surroundings to twist wildly, and even a crack like a hairline appeared. Although fleeting, it also made people tremble from the soul. .

Although the twelve heavens are not as good as coffins and coffins, they are also extremely important for burning lamps.

The twelve heavens blew themselves up. Under his implication, he was also hit hard.

Especially Yuan Shen.

He opened up the twelve heavens and transformed them into heaven with his own will.

The heavens were destroyed, the heavens fell, and his Yuanshen naturally suffered unprecedented damage.

The twelve days of self-detonation only delayed the progress of Tianzhou slightly.

After a while, he still slammed into the lamp.

Although he was furious, and then fell into disappointment, three exhausted.

But just like the burning lamp now, let alone the sky boat, the chaos magic horns collided, even ordinary deck attacks may have killed him.

The yuan **** burst, making him unable to sacrifice the magic treasure defense.

Fortunately, after such a delay, Duobao, Kong Xuan and others finally rushed over.

"go with!"

Duobao directly sacrificed the Xianxian array map and wrapped the lamp. Be the first to protect it.

Kong Xuan's five-colored magical light came out and swept towards Tianzhou.

Then, the zen stick, Maitreya ’s blessing of the **** pestle, the six clean bamboos of the pharmacist, and the celestial flying sword of the land pressure ... all hit the sky boat. This is really all we can do, no Retained, so that the Taixu God Armor was extinguished for a while, and the eternal sky boat was smashed out flying away, deviating from the original track.

Tianzhou flew past the Xianxian array map.

Although it was not a head-on collision and the guarding of the Xianxian array, the turbulence of the array still overwhelmed the burning lamp, which worsened the situation and completely lost its combat effectiveness.

"Damn, everyone shots together, with all their strength."

Seeing the end of Lantern, Duobao was furious.

Such a plan, such a siege by himself and others, almost let the burning lamp fall, and Fang Qingshan was unscathed. This was a naked face. He knew that Tianzhou was cruel, and he did not know how incompetent he was.

If this vote can not be done beautifully today, spread it out, it will almost laugh.

Not just Duobao, Kong Xuan felt the same way.

What a proud man he is, not even the saints, who dare to challenge.

Now, promised to join hands with others, it is already a bargain, and actually let the enemy fight back under their own eyes.

This is definitely a contempt for myself.

The others are sad and sorrowful, and hurt others.

Even the burning lamp was almost fallen by Fang Qingshan's calculations. Except for Duo Bao Kong Xuan, who would dare to say that he has cultivated himself, Lingbao is stronger than burning lamp? Who dares to guarantee that he will retire?

Even Lu Ya's hand holding Shanheshe's map was a little scary and shocked, and it seemed that he was not so safe.

At this time, the others were not as relaxed and assured as when they first arrived.

Therefore, when I heard Duobao's call, it was natural to look back, because this is also good for myself, otherwise, if I face the situation of the lamp, I don't know if I can stick to it.

And although Lantern survived ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the price paid was astonishingly large, even the twelve enlightenment days of the enlightenment were destroyed, and Yuanshen was almost silent.

Quickly and quickly, Fang Qingshan must not be given another chance to fight back.


Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh when he saw that the burning lamp was protected by Duobao and was absorbed into the space.

Almost, almost, you will succeed.

But fortunately, if you really kill the lantern, things will get worse.

It will be out of hand by then.

Although this time is my own reasoning, if someone really falls, the situation will be very different. After all, the status of the burning lamp in the Buddhist gate is not simple.

However, in the face of the crazy counterattack of Duobao and others, I am afraid I can only sacrifice Zhou Tianxing.

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