Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 838: Exposed


The two people who were talking about Lao Tzu's quasi-citizen suddenly drew a stun in their hearts, and could no longer exchange their thoughts wholeheartedly.

Originally, they pulled Lao Tzu so that he could not be distracted by him, and Duobao and others quickly suppressed Fang Qingshan.

This created the established facts and only suppressed Fang Qingshan.

Even if Lao Tzu returned to my heart and knew that the wood had become a boat, he could only eat the Coptis dumb with dumbness.

But where did they know that Fang Qingshan was so fierce that it greatly surprised them.

In the case of Duobao, Kong Xuan, Lan Deng, Ji Zang, etc., almost all came out of the nest, they even played well and even suddenly came, and almost made Lan Deng fall.

So much so that the two people were both short-lived and stunned, but they were the first to have problems.

The reason for this, naturally, is that the burning lamp almost fell.

The Buddhist gate has Heng III Buddha and Hitu III Buddha.

Heng III Buddha refers to the Shakyamuni Buddha in the middle, who is in charge of the central grandmother world, the Yakushi Buddha on the right, the glass world in the east, and the Amitabha on the left, the western bliss world.

Standing Buddha III refers to the present Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha; the left is the past Buddha, which is the burning lamp Buddha, and the right is the future Buddha, which is the Maitreya Buddha.

"Three Upright III" and "Heng III" together constitute the core system of Buddhism, making it a complete sect.

Although the core is Shakyamuni Buddha, which is now the Lord of the Buddha, Duobao Rulai.

But a flower is not spring, a lone tree cannot be a forest.

In addition to saints, several other people also have a pivotal and irreplaceable position among the Buddhist monks.

Once the burning lamp falls, the teachings of Buddhism will not be complete, and the loss will be great.

No wonder they were frightened.

Masters like Lantern want to cultivate one, it also needs to be in harmony with the people, not just time and resources.

After all, like Sun Monkey, since the floods were opened up, they have been very small.

And from when he became a supplementary stone, to metamorphosis, I do not know how many years.

Fortunately, the burning lamp was decisive, and the broken arm survived. Although the twelve heavens were destroyed, it was too much value compared to the burning lamp deity. The twelve heavens were destroyed. They can also think of another way. Dead, looking for someone to replace, it's really a haystack.

Coupled with the timely action of Duobao and others, Zhuan mentioning the two could not help but relieved.

But before this breath was spit out, they saw Lao Tzu's indifferent eyes, and the two of them suddenly froze in their hearts.

The three argued that if Lao Tzu was to be careless, they would naturally go all out.

Now that Lao Tzu has not found the problem, they shake themselves first.

Now that I was distracted and connected by the air and the machine, I immediately stunned Lao Tzu and followed the cause and effect to investigate. I still don't know what happened.

"The two Taoists are really good!"

I said coldly.

He was always the one who calculated the person, but did not expect that this time he was actually allowed to mention the two, and the anger in Lao Tzu's heart was about to burst out.

Although Lao Tzu does nothing, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about everything, doing nothing, and doing everything.

Just like Tianxin, ordinary people, usually do not feel it, but he is everywhere.

However, Lao Tzu was too embarrassed, the more angry, the calmer, but the indifferent look made Zhun Ti both anxious.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

By this time there was no retreat.

After paying so much, the Buddhist gate almost came out of the nest, and even the burning lamp almost fell. If it couldn't be done, it would be too bad.

The two secretly prepared, this time to say nothing to stop Lao Tzu, let Duo Bao and others suppress Fang Qingshan.

too terrifying.

Although they knew the prestige of the eternal sky boat before, they were better off seeing each other.

However, it is the unparalleled level of the heavenly boat. It was so good that Daboo and Kong Xuan waited for a top-level quasi-sage.

If this is not suppressed, let him continue to develop, not to mention the promotion to the supreme level, it is to go one step further and break through the supreme level. I am afraid that even if the sage takes the shot and does not use the power of heaven, it is hard to do nothing about him.

In this way, even if Buddhism is booming, I am afraid that it will be contained by this life.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

I sneered.

When I do n’t know, the exquisite pagodas in the heavens and the earth, the tai chi maps and the flat shoulders have already appeared.

"Tianzun is highly advanced and sits on the treasure. My brother and I sigh for themselves, but we can do it simply by holding back Tianzun."

Taking a deep breath, Shen said.

During the talk, the linden tree, the seven treasure tree, and the golden tower were all taken out.

Laozi heard the words and was silent.

The quotes made him speechless.

Just as Yuan Shitianzun faced the son-in-law is a truth.

They are sitting on the treasure, because Pan Gu Yi Ze, compared to others, the enlightenment is also deeper, and the cultivation is more powerful.

But being a saint, you ca n’t get farther apart.

As long as you are really determined to hold on to each other, it will not be possible to get rid of it in a short time.

This is especially true when there is no attack weapon in your own hands.

For a while, Lao Tzu couldn't help but sigh for a long time.

I knew it shouldn't have listened to Yuanshi Tianzun at the beginning.

Without uniting the Western duo, there will be no cause and effect, nor will the Xianxian Sword Formation be broken, the censorship will not be destroyed, and the censorship will not be destroyed.

Although the ecclesiastical Wanxianlai Dynasty was so overwhelming that people's teachings and interpretations could not stand up, the meat was rotten in the pot. In the end, it was the Xuanmen family, the red flowers, white lotus roots and green lotus leaves.

Unlike now, Xiao Wall is in trouble, and the fisherman gains.

Of course, this feeling is fleeting in Lao Tzu's mind.

Man cannot live in the past. Since it is an established fact, there is nothing to regret.

Besides, there is no censorship, is it still taught by oneself?

It turned out that people taught alone to support themselves. Although the Master Xuandu is good, it is also a unique seed.

Now, Fang Qingshan has risen.

Good guy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I really gave Lao Tzu a big surprise.

Actually got the opportunity like the eternal sky boat, but also gave birth to the peerless level.

Relying on Tianzhou, even Duobao and others could not win him for a short time.

Really is one enemy ten.

With him, even if Buddhism is flourishing and people teach, Xuanmen can sit back and relax.

However, such a talent came out under his own door, and it was actually letting people calculate under his eyelids.

Thinking of this, the anger in Lao Tzu's heart could not help but increase another three points.

Fortunately, according to the current situation, Fang Qingshan is not in great danger. Instead, Duobao and others were hit by him and almost overturned in the gutter.

However, he was also always ready. Once Fang Qingshan was in danger, he was risking being punished by Daozu, and he had to take the risk of exposing his hole cards. He would directly perform one gasification of Sanqing and rescue Fang Qingshan. Reading Network

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