Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 839: Get up

Buddha is the Tao!

Ever since the Taigu Dao-Magic battle, the world has been the sole proprietor of the Xuanmen family.

Whether it is a Buddha, a demon, a Tao or something else, the world is full of magic.

However, as Daozu united, Tao retreated, and the saint replaced Tianmumu.

Western religion took the lead in self-reliance.

Since then, the Buddha has been separated.

However, at this time, the Buddhist gate seemed to Xuanmen to be a side door.

After all, the Xuanmen is enough to crush the Buddha's gate from all aspects of the saint, the treasure, the foundation, and the site.

Unfortunately, Xiao Wall broke through.

Xuanmen is not a piece of iron.

The so-called one-pass three friends, the two religions are divided, the Xuanmen are leaders, one gas Sanqing is this truth.

With the separation of Sanqing, Fengshen war.

With the passing of each other, the Buddhist gate is no longer big enough, and even in turn oppressed Xuanmen.

How could Lao Tzu as a master of Xuanmen ignore this situation?

So there was a Guanhua Buddha.

It is a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and magical powers are not worth the days.

The sectarianism was defeated, the Buddhist monarchs took advantage of the situation, and the general trend was that the saints could not act against the sky.

But seeing the rise of a person whom he once looked down on, and in turn suppressing Xuanmen, Lao Tzu's psychology was uncomfortable.

But it was helpless, especially after the saints were imprisoned.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan is very different.

That's why he secretly resolved to shoot no matter how much he paid.

As long as Fang Qingshan grows up. No, even now, Fang Qingshan has become the most powerful existence under the saints, even the whole world.

And all this is not the limit of Fang Qingshan.

Because with the eternal sky boat, there are infinite possibilities.

Although Fang Qingshan's eternal sky is unparalleled, the distance to the Supreme is still incomparable, and the resources required are unknown, even if it is devoted to teaching the whole person to help him, it is very difficult.

But in the end, the road to the mixed Yuan has passed, and it is sooner or later to break through the mixed Luoyuan Daxian Jinxian.

And what about the Master Xuandu? Although I have stood at the peak of quasi-sheng, I still don't know the year of the monkey if I want to make a breakthrough.

And in the floods, there is no Hongqi and no sanctification. It is more difficult than sanctification to break through the mixed Yuan.

If you do n’t see him, the whole flood is scared. Is there anyone who has a record of breaking through the Yuan Dynasty?

But before, they were chaos demons, or top-level space demons. They are not so much a breakthrough as a recovery, which is totally incomparable.

Correspondingly, once Fang Qingshan broke through the mixed Yuan, it would be too helpful to the whole person to teach him.

No wonder I value so much.

This is what I don't know yet. Fang Qingshan not only has the eternal sky boat, but also Hongmeng Ziqi.

There is also a mosquito-path who is just like the eternal sky boat. As long as the resources are sufficient, the road to the mixed Yuan is also unobstructed.

If you know, I don't know what to think.

Even the idea of ​​not being evil will come up.

After all, the human heart is a wonderful thing.

And what about Fang Qingshan at this moment? Although there is no danger, but under the outbreak of Duobao and others, they are somewhat stretched.

Even if the means of Tianzhou are exhausted, even if the defense is unparalleled, even if the body of Tianzhou is well defended.

However, in the case of Duobao and others, the entire Tianzhou was still beaten backwards.

Huge chaotic stones along the way were smashed into pieces, turned into countless small meteors, and quickly collapsed.

The force of terror hit the sky boat, although there were no terrible cracks. However, it also made Taixu Shenjia and Tianzhou's body dim for a while, Julei Tower was overloaded, and the eternal Thunderpool's savings situation was worrying.

"It doesn't seem to be too late, it's time to show the true technology."

Fang Qingshan's heart moved, and even Zhou Tianxing's picture was sacrificed.


The array is unfolded like a scroll, turning into a galaxy without borders. The countless stars flash in the galaxy, and the stars of the Ganges River are lit up one by one.

With the unfolding of the star map, Xinghe grows, expands, and expands at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and there seems to be no limit.

The entire space was completely dominated by the map and turned into an independent domain. Evolved directly into an independent world.

Stars move, change the day.

Suddenly ten thousandths of a second, Duobao and others were all encircled in the world of formations. For a moment, everyone seemed to have left the chaos and returned to the ancient starry sky.

Zhou Tian Xing Chen array, the killing power runs through Jiu Xiao, its evil spirit is stronger than that of Xianxian sword array, both Tian Shen evil array is not inferior.

Although Fang Qingshan arranged the array, it was not the ancient starry sky.

But what is a map? It can be arranged anytime, anywhere, and is not limited to the region.

Just because there are no blessings from Archaeological Stars, the power may be somewhat compromised.

However, because of the relationship between the eternal sky boat, the Julei tower, and the eternal thunder pool, it can directly pull the air of chaos, evolve the stars, and the power is not weak.

The map is self-contained, the eternal sky boat sits in the front of the town, the bridge across the shore, the fading water lamp, the sacred armor, and the sickle of death merges into it. The operating room has great potential and is infinite.

A dazzling ray of light rose from the sky, breaking through the heavens and the earth, the star pattern of Zhou Tian was the foundation, Ju Lei Tower, the eternal thunder pool transformed the chaos into the evolution of the stars, and directly suppressed the eyes with the eternal sky boat.

The starry sky changes, the cycle of life and death, and the birth of infinite mystery, all seem to be instantaneous.

The viscous starlight, infinite coercion, and the might of a large array of forces, crushed away toward Duobao and others.

"Zhou Tianxing array!"

Seeing this scene, Duobao and others could not help but exclaim in unison.

To know the three great battles of Honghuang, it can counterattack the existence of saints.

The power is obvious to all and has been confirmed.

Why can the two Lich clans dominate the flood and let the saints retreat? It's not because Zhou Tianxing and Du Tianshen have two big battles.

The reason why the Master of Heaven is able to pick and choose ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also because of Xianxian Sword Formation, although defeated.

Seeing Zhou Tianxing's big battle, everyone else was just fine. Duobao and Lu Ya were shocked in their hearts.

Duobao is because he once took charge of the famous Xianxian Sword Formation.

Lu Ya was because he had a complete map of Zhou Tianxing's mind in his mind. This was imprinted by his father Emperor Jun in the depths of his Yuanshen, and a seal was placed, which was revealed as he continued to grow.

It is only because there is no Zhou Tianxing Chen, and he cannot control Zhou Tianxing. He does not have hundreds of demon gods, no Luoshuhe map, no Donghuang bell, and he cannot arrange them even with a map.

However, I did not expect that as the township of the monsters, the Prince Prince himself was unsuccessfully arranged, and an outsider in Fang Qingshan could actually arrange it.

At this moment, not only Lu Ya and Duobao were shaking, but also Xun Peng and son-in-law.

Kun Peng was shocked that he thought that after Emperor Jun and Taiyi, I am afraid that only one person would be in Tiantian's battle in the flood, but Fang Qingshan would still. Reading Network

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