Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 848: condition

"I dare you!"

This sudden change clearly caught everyone off guard.

In particular, Laozi's face was sinking like water and dark like ink.

Previously, Fang Qingshan was counted by people, especially the saints, and he was besieged by others. That's all.

After all, he was counted unconsciously and unguarded.

But now, dare to deal with Fang Qingshan like this in front of his own face. If he does not seek justice, wouldn't this happen often in the future?

Today is Fang Qingshan. Tomorrow may not be the Master Xuandu. It is unknown whether he will be himself in the future.

Seeing that Zhou Tianxing array will fall into the hands of the son-in-law. Once in her hands, wanting to flee for food is simply delusional.

Just when Lao Tzu was about to make a move, Fang Qingshan took the lead.


Just listen to a slightly weak tap.

Zhou Tianxing's map, which had been swept away by the map of Shanheshe, suddenly detonated without warning.

How good is the Zhou Tianxing's map. The newly condensed Arcana has the power to reach the level of Mixed Yuan, and chases down the congenital killing Arcana.


A loud explosion sounded louder than the previous three collisions between Fang Qingshan.

The pictures of Shanheshe were torn apart.

Although the son-in-law is a saint, he wants to **** things from himself, but the old cat sniffs the salty fish, thinking nothing about it.

As for saying that Zhou Tianxing burst in a big burst, it wasn't a real one.

After being integrated into the sky boat, the sky boat is not destroyed, and the eternal unit can be repaired no matter how much damage it has suffered.

Therefore, after the son-in-law acted, before Lao Tzu and others had not responded, Fang Qingshan directly died.

Of course, the reason why he dared to do so, in addition to not really losing the map, is also the most critical reason, that is, Lao Tzu is in front of himself.

Otherwise, don't say that the current state is the heyday, when Fang Qingshan did not dare to challenge the majesty of the saint.

After all, today's son-in-law is not new to the holy realm.

Although you can explode the power of the Yuanyuan Realm, in the eyes of others, it is just a bigger ant.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. It seemed that the son-in-law who was holding the ticket had a flushed face, and there was even a hint of blood on the corners of her mouth.

Apparently, the star array of Zhou Tian self-destructed, causing damage to the map of the Shanhe Society, so much so that it implicated the deity.


For many years, this was the first time after becoming a saint, she was injured for the first time, and the girl was so angry that she didn't want to think about it.

"I see the **** man is you!"

I chuckled.

I used to rob Zhou Tianxing in front of me, but now I dare to kill him. Really, I ca n’t do it?

The figure of Taiji in his hand shook, and the Jinqiao swung in the air, and instantly set the red hydrangea in midair.

Followed by, holding a hand in hand, the heaven and earth Xuanhuangling pagoda flew out, facing the wind and growing up. Between the beards, they turned into the size of a Tianzhu, suppressing towards the son-in-law. The power is better than the previous Zhou Tianxing imprint.

Although Tiandi Xuanhuangling Pagoda is a well-known defensive treasure, its attack power is not necessarily weak.

Seeing this, the son-in-law's complexion suddenly changed, and even the red hydrangea and Fang Qingshan could not care about it, and quickly took out Qian Kunding and smashed it towards the Xuanhuang Tower.


There are grand percussion sounds, such as the chaos bell ringing, suppressing the geomantic fire, and the infinite light blooming.

The saints fought, and another treasure was dispatched.

The power is not at all comparable to that of Fang Qingshan.

Fortunately, either the saint was present or sheltered by the saint.

Although the aftermath is powerful, they can't hurt them.

"Why? My son-in-law sees my Xuanmen so he can't be bullied?"

First, I blocked my door and urged the map of Shanhe Society under my eyelids. Now that the overall situation is set, I am even more hands-on, robbing treasures, and winning treasures is not successful, but I dare to take the black hand. Put yourself and your big brother in your eyes.

After returning to Yuanshi Tianzun from God, Pan Guzhen and Sambo Ruyi in his hands were almost ready to move.


The woman sighed, and then thought that she was weak and weak, there was Sanqing in the Xuanmen, and there was a quasi mention in the West. There was only one saint among the saints. A sanctification, in the end, can only live in chaos. Otherwise, hey.

Although my thoughts turned, my face was filled with indignation,

"I just get back what belongs to my demon!"

"Oh, the demon thing?"

I sneered,

"It's like a glory to the world. Would you like Xuanyuan and Fuxi to return the sword and Luoshu River to you? Would you like Haotian to return the heaven to you?"


The son-in-law couldn't help but be speechless for a long time.

"It's a fight now, it's time to do a good job accounting."

Lao Tzu sneered and looked at the son-in-law, shamelessly. Now let him go first, and care about it in the future. Turning his head to look at the two mentioned, the eyes flashed.

"I don't know how the two are ready to end this cause and effect?"

A quasi-raising and a consonant glance saw the bitterness from the other's eyes.

This time, if they win, then no matter how to deal with the aftermath, they can calmly do it.

However, the problem now is that they break the rules first, and fail later, and it seems that no blood can be used.

This is not only about the face of the saint, but also because Jizo and others are still in the hands of Fang Qingshan.

"I wonder what Tianzun wants to do?"

Asked dryly.

"Buddhism is booming, and luck is unparalleled, so let's divide it into a layer of luck!" Lao Tzu said lightly.


Hearing that Laozi's Lion Dragon King opened his mouth wide, no matter hesitate to mention or lead, he almost decisively rejected it.

"Taoyou still have another condition!"

There was no room for negotiation in the tone.

It seems that Lao Tzu must really settle this condition ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ say that they will not turn their faces immediately.

They have lost too much luck. Speaking out, it is a history of blood and tears.

Because of the lack of luck, the western treasures of the heavens and the east of the arrogance of the heaven are not only few, but also of low quality.

Because of the lack of luck, they could not get the treasure, the treasure, and even the Lingshan blessing land was small and weak.

Because of the lack of luck, when the religion was sanctified, the sword had to go away, and in the grand ambition method, it first borrowed from Tiandao.

For a long time because of the lack of luck, the Buddhist gates were out of breath by Xuanmen.


Therefore, if you want to divide your luck, you are looking forward to the moon in the daytime-Imagine.

At that time, for the luck of the Buddha, Zhun Ti could even let down the dignity of the saint, three feet high, and fate everywhere, and they could even give up the position of the Lord of the Buddha. Not to mention now.

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